Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2321: make a choice

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Knowing the identity of his nephew, he thought of how much effort the nephew had done to find him an irresponsible dad.

This is what he knows, and there are certainly more things that I don’t know.

And he has always been hiding his identity, knowing that she was looking for him, obviously he was sitting opposite him, and there were countless opportunities to say his identity, but he chose to hide.

He now wants to go to the prison, go to see the nephew, tell her, he is here.

He will give all the treasures of this world, as long as she wants, to her.

But no, no!

"Why then? Big Brother. Is it difficult for our family to get together?" Mu Fengling asked.

Big Brother has always thought more and farther than he! With his big brother's love for his nephew, he must really want to recognize his nephew.

Mu Fengyun said: "Xuantianjie has just experienced a disaster, the emergence of the death tree, you know who prevented this disaster? It is the nine-night monarch, Phoenix nine nights." "He has more than me." The more horrible curse on the body, it is also the master of the curse. Once it is very dangerous to get close to the Death Tree, but he defeated the Dead Tree. Although he and his nephew are safe, I can feel very embarrassed. Worried about him, he is more than my situation

Danger. ”

Speaking of this, his face showed a dignified color.

"When I go to the prison, I am going to help Phoenix to get a material to lift his curse. I know that my body is not good. If I tell her my identity, I will know." To make a tough choice, I don't want to distract my nephew."

On the side is the man he loves, and the one who is his closest father, which side should he stay on? Both sides are dangerous?

Such a choice, he can not bear to choose a daughter.

Even if the mind of the thoughts is to be split, but the choice of Mu Fengyun rationally bears all this, so that the deaf children know nothing.

Mu Fengyun said: "My son likes him very much. I don't want to delay her to release the curse to Phoenix Nine. If something happens to Phoenix nine nights, I don't know what will happen to you?"

His daughter is too similar to him, and that kind of dedication is for the loved one.

Mu Fengyun said: "Is it a good idea to send someone a message?"

"No! Let the children concentrate on helping the phoenix nine nights to unravel the curse! My son found me the five elements of life, I am not a problem now, can wait!" Mu Fengyun replied.

Mu Fengling knows the pain of his eldest brother, but he can't help but feel bad.

I have already seen my nephew, and I know where my nephew is? But can't recognize each other and meet each other.

Mu Fengyun said: "Second brother, also talk about your business!"

"I didn't listen to my older brother's words. I didn't stay at the Mujia. After you left, I left the unparalleled. I scorned them and left, but the luck was very bad..."

It is definitely a shameful black history. If it is not a nephew, if it is not the nephew who discovered his identity, then perhaps he is still the elder of the Northern Cold Hall elders, and there is no memory of his own.

"The second brother has a unicorn blood vein that can make the deaf child feel, and my blood has been cut off. It is no wonder that my nephew is so smart, I have not guessed my identity." Mu Fengyun smiled bitterly.

Mu Fengling talked a lot. When Mu Fengling was bullied, when he was chased by a curse, the dawn of Mu Fengling would be very cold.

But with regard to the nephew, the eyes of Mu Fengyun will become very gentle.

There are also a variety of Mu Fengling and nephew's get along, Mu Fengyun listened to envy.

After Mu Fengling finished his own affairs, he said: "My son said that the unparalleled went to the ghost world, scorning the stinky boy and running away from his sister. If you find him, you must give me a good lesson!"

Mu Fengyun said: "The unparalleled eventually went to the ghost world, that is the place that belongs to him. I hope she is all well, as contemptuous..."

"I know that he left the Quartet, he is now in the Holy Land!"

Mu Fengling glimpsed a little, "Sacred, is he caught back?"

As the son of the Virgin and the Prince of Fengyun, the power of the frivolous talent is self-evident, and the sacred nature will not let such a genius.

Mu Fengyun said: "It should be that he has invested in the net."

Before, he felt that he worked hard alone, and that one was desperate.

Revenge, recapture everything, and his loved ones are waiting for him in a safe place.

However, some of these guys are not an obedient master.

He also knows that he has never been alone in his efforts, and he has more powerful power in his heart.

Mu Fengling said: "There is still a little thing... The child said that the **** and the mother are still alive, because the curse of the family did not show up, but the mother's curse has been lifted by the nephew."

"Father and mother!" Mu Fengling gave a slight glimpse.

"Hey children have grown to such a degree, really surprised me. They are both okay, still alive, I am really very happy." Mu Fengling is very dissatisfied with his father, but Mu Fengyun also expressed understanding.

He also left his nephew and contempt, and I am afraid that he is half a catty compared to his father.

"Big brother, how to completely have a complete unicorn blood. If I can become a complete unicorn, don't you have to worry about defeating the infernal unicorn to get the unicorns." He is a unicorn, but he It is a mixed blood.

Mu Fengyun said: "There is a way! But my nephew will never agree. In the future, you should not mention it."

Mufeng zero helplessly said: "Well!"

After that, they talked a lot, and they haven't seen it for more than ten years. There are really many things to talk about.

The courtyard is very quiet. Qinglong, they dare not approach this side. They can only wait anxiously outside. I don’t know what is going on inside.

At this time, Qinglong received the news.

"Qinglong Gongzi, the Eastern Emperor Dynasty once again started to work on the Ghost Medical Building. They sent masters to attack the ghost medical buildings everywhere. Although the Ghost Medical Building has a defense against the law, the masters guarded the town, but the East Emperor Dynasty came to the fore. Everyone has already acted, and must inform the girl."

Mu Qianxi has gone to the blood prison. Only the Qinglong who stayed here knows that Qinglong knows this news, he finally has an excuse to find his righteous father.

Qinglong came in and he was ready to punish him.

Mu Fengyun said: "It’s been a long time to talk about it, let them all come back!"

"Yifu, I have something to report!" Qinglong Road.

"what's up?"

"The East Emperor Dynasty began to attack the Ghost Medical Building. Mu is not here now. I don't know what the righteous father is?"

The righteous father likes Muchen, and will never let the Ghost Medical Building be attacked by the Eastern Emperor and not help. There was a glimmer of cold in the eyes of Mu Fengyun. "Great courage! Even dare to move the ghost medical building, immediately dispatch all the masters outside, slam the people of the East Emperor Dynasty. Whoever dares to move the ghost building one brick one Tile, one does not stay!"

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