Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2323: Return of the monarch

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The secluded lord re-engraved the black crystal ball many times, and spread it in the darkness of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty and the North Palace dynasty. For a time, this matter became more and more troublesome.

This did not quickly go to the East Emperor, the East Emperor saw, angry and screaming, said: "Feng Changyu, Feng Changyu, you give me out!"

"This... is this true?"

Feng Changyu said: "It's true! When I went, she was already her sister..."

"All destroyed, must be completely destroyed, must not let Linda see." He roared.

Suzaku, who is in charge of the intelligence of Xuantian, also learned about this interesting thing. He smiled fascinatingly: "The one who was in the North Palace dynasty still left this hand, not bad!"

"Donghuang Dynasty does not want Mu Lin to see this? I want her to see it."

With the help of the lord of the county, the black box operation of Suzaku, an intelligence head, was sent to Mu Linyi.

"Ah!" Mu Lin screamed in the palace.

"Not me, this is definitely not me!"

"Impossible, North Palace, absolutely impossible..."

Mu Linyi was greatly stimulated and almost went crazy again. She is the Princess of the Eastern Emperor, and how can she? How could it be that dirty woman!

After the East Emperor heard the news, he quickly felt that he felt bad when he saw the black crystal ball.

"Scratch!" Instantly crushed the black crystal ball.

It’s useless to crush it. The Mourin, who saw it, also saw it. She was abused by the madman in the North Palace.

Such nightmares are lingering.

Donghuangdao: "Feng Changyu, do you still have a way to seal her memory?"

"The seal memory is made by the people of the curse family, but after that time, we didn't see anyone in the cursing family. I don't know how to find them. I am afraid there is no way to seal the memory of Princess Lin."

"Lin, you calm down!" The East Emperor wanted to comfort Mu Lin, but Mu Lin slammed me into a madness, and the whole East Emperor Palace was in a low pressure.

Not only did Mu Lin see it, but the county owner also sent it to her sweetheart to see it, even the Emperor of the North Palace knew this.

The emperor of the North Palace said: "Auntie is too inconspicuous, and any woman dares to want it! But the Princess Lin, this voice, it is no wonder that it will not hold it! But I am afraid I will not fall on this woman."

The North Palace has been retreating for a while, and it’s hard to come out. It’s a great one!

Mulin, this woman, he did not look at it at all, and did not like it, but they had a marriage contract but they wore such a green hat.

Many people in the entire Xuan Tianjie who are now in trouble know that the North Palace can't stand this tone.

In addition, his good emperor once almost killed Mu Lin, and their relationship with the Eastern Emperor Dynasty could not be eased. This marriage is not necessary. The North Palace always went to the North Palace Emperor with a cold chill. He said: "I also asked the Father to give a book to the Eastern Emperor Dynasty. Mu Lin is now not a pure innocence, and is not suitable for becoming a Prince of the North Palace. Dismissal of the marriage contract! But if the Eastern Emperor’s dynasty is sincerely to be repaired with my North Palace dynasty, then

Can you give Princess Lin to the North Palace? ”

Who is the king? If Mu Lin married him, it is estimated that he could not live for three days.

However, the Emperor of the Northern Palace felt that the North Palace had been retired and it was reasonable and reasonable. He agreed to write it, wrote it, and sent it to the Eastern Emperor Dynasty.

"Remarriage! The North Palace dynasty dare to quit the marriage! It is not a good thing for the North Palace of the North Palace dynasty. It is so deceiving." The East Emperor was angry.

The last time Mu Lin was secretly scolded by the two five-star forces, the relationship between the two five-star forces has become very stiff. Nowadays, the two dynasties are afraid to completely tear off this hypocritical peace illusion and become an enemy!

Mu Linyi also learned that she was retired by the North Palace, and her eyes were red and more collapsed.

"My Mu Lin is the most distinguished princess of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty. She also has the blood of the Holy Land. The North Palace is absolutely good. He is a bold courage in the Northern Palace. He dares to retreat! I will not die with you!"

As for the North Palace, what does the North Palace say about how to deal with them? As long as they can handle the East Dynasty.

The Eastern Emperor Dynasty sent many people to kill the North Palace to avenge the Princess Lin, but the North Palace was well-hidden, and escaped the pursuit of the masters of the Eastern Emperor, and did not let them succeed.

In the past, Mu Lin was very honorable in the eyes of the entire Xuantian world. She was the best genius in the whole world. However, the reputation of Mu Lin’s nowadays is not too stinking.

On the talent, she can't compare with the admiration.

Honorable! With the uncle of his fiancee, he was remarried by his fiancee, and there is still no name for the noble name.

I am afraid that there is only one beautiful face left now!

Mu Fengyun received the portrait of Mulin, who was sent by Suzaku, and Mu Fengyun saw that the portrait of the portrait became cold and cold.

Suzaku asked: "What happened to the righteous father?"

He never knew that Mu Lin also appealed to the father and hate. After all, the righteous father never looked at Mu Lin’s eyes.

"This is Mulin?" Mu Fengling also saw some horror, this...

This is too much like a nephew!

Some of these close people can naturally see the difference, but ordinary people may feel that the people above this portrait look exactly the same as the nephew.

Suzaku replied: "Yes! This is Mourning! I think it's best to see it, Mu Lin is better than nothing!"

After seeing his big brother, Mu Fengling saw how bad his body might be, so he was always with his big brother.

Mu Fengyun did not say the identity of Mu Fengling, but said that Mu Fengling is his friend.

Being able to stay with the righteous parent like this, Suzaku really feels incredible. It seems that both the deaf and the dear relatives have made the righteous father very fond of it!

As a result, Suzaku, who said this, was cold-eyed by the two brothers.

"This is not Mu Lin, Mu Lin is definitely not like this, I have seen it before!" Mu Fengyun said.

Suzaku mourns: "Father, you question my ability, I am very heartbroken! Do not believe that you have asked other people who have seen Mu Lin, see if she is like this."

There are some doubts in the heart of Mu Fengyun, but Suzaku said that it is correct. In the past, Mu Lin did not look like this. Doesn’t it mean that it is not now?

However, why did she become like this? What is the purpose?

Mu Fengyun directly tore this painting, if he had the strength of the past, he rushed to the palace of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty to tear the face of this woman.

It is really unsightly to become a face similar to his wife and daughter.

Mu Fengyun said coldly: "The order is passed down, the dark part moves, and I try my best to sneak into the East Emperor's Palace. Even if I can't kill this woman, I must ruin her face! I don't want to see her with such a face. Live in this world."

"Yes!" Suzaku didn't know why Mu Lin's face was so irritating to the father and hate, and the commander of the scorpion went to work.

However, Mu Fengyun did not find an opportunity, because Mu Lin, who was to be mad, was sent to the Holy Land by the Eastern Emperor, hoping she could be free from that nightmare.

Prison, blood prison!

Above the dark red grand palace, their powerful and beautiful monarchs came, and the horrible momentum made their hearts surrender to the ground, and a thick voice was heard. "Welcome to the Lord!"

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