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Little sister!

Nine nights brows slightly.

Obviously this dissatisfaction with this person is very dissatisfied.

Mu Qiang smashed into the crowd and looked at the original stone that was devastated by the space storm. The pieces all grew almost the same, and they all felt very powerful dark elements.

Nothing stronger than the soul can help her cheating, only to make her feel the dark elements more clearly.

"This is the power of this and some of the original stones! They appear in the void between hell, whether there is a strong dark element with or without spar, the soul can not be detected, the eyes can not see through, can only gamble with luck "The man once again got together."

Only by pure luck, Mu Qianyi wants to make a profit here.

Nine nights went to Mu Qian’s ear and said: "I want to play!"

"Come on, come naturally, I want to play! But gambling to give money to the boss of this gambling house is not what I want to do." Mu Qian said.

To know that she came to this gambling house is to rob the rich and help the poor, open the ghost medical building cost!

Nine nights: "I will help you."

Mu Qianyi gave a slight glimpse. " have a way for nine nights."

"Oh, I forgot, what strength did I cultivate? Is there a dark spar in it? I know it at first glance, but many are too inferior! Useless."

Mu Qianxi knew that the power of the nine nights was strong and special, and she did not think that this special use could be used in this respect.

Others can't see through him but can see through it. It is estimated that his strength is too constant!

Mu Qian said: "Then you talk about it, what are we worth to start?"

"That, there is that..." Nine nights whispered in the face of Mu Qian.

If the people of the Imperial Palace knew that their monarchs had used that powerful force to take them to a small gambler to earn a foreign block, they really wanted to cry.

But what can be done? The master, Wang Hao, is happy, this is fun!

With the help of Mu Qianxi, Mu Qianxi went out to talk about this gambling stone: "Boss, that...and there, there is this..."

Mu Qianxi randomly ordered more than 30 pieces of black crystal original stone. It is obvious that this woman has a plain appearance and the strength is at the lowest level of blood prison. The shot is generous and makes people feel incredible.

Although many of the black crystal raw stones can not be cut out of the dark spar, but the price is not cheap, like Mu Qianxi bought such a lot of breath, even if their gambling is in the main city of the blood prison, the most Only one or two rich people do this!

Which of the big men is not the famous rich man of this sacred city! There have never been such ordinary people.

The gambling stone manages: "Girl, are you sure that this is all right? Once you buy it, the money and goods are clear, even if nothing is cut out, we will not be responsible for any gambling."

"I am sure!" Mu Qianyi nodded.

"But the price is very high, girl, are you sure you have this purchasing power?"

Mu Qianhui replied: "I have no money!"

Everyone is stunned, you have no money to come to a gambling house? If you don't have money, you don't think so much. Let's mess around!

When I heard that Mu Qianxi said this, the gambling of the management was a little angry and wanted to catch people. As a result, Mu Qianzhi pointed to the nine nights: "He has!"

A superb black crystal flew out, nine nights: "Is it enough?"

"The best... the best dark spar!"

"God! So the power of darkness, the pure color, is definitely the best dark spar!"


The best dark spar, everyone who sees it is very excited, so the treasure of the best dark spar is very difficult to see, not to mention in this small gambling.

The things used in the nine nights were all prepared for the purple secluded. Before that, some of the relatively ordinary top grade dark spar was spent all the money like the water.

After all, what the nine-night monarch wants, it is also a matter of order, where do I need to buy it myself?

Ziyou also felt that these low-grade nine nights were also used, but just a little bit by the way.

The best dark spar can be used for cultivation for nine nights, so his space is completely a pile of mountains.

That is a happy thing to hold the best dark spar: "Enough, enough is enough. The original stones chosen by this girl are all yours. I have calculated it and I will find some zeros for you."

The girl has no money, but she has a thigh, and luck is not too good! The envy of everyone is hateful.

Ms. Qian said: "You don't need to change the zero, please deal soon!"

Too local tyrants! Although she bought a lot of things, but the price of a piece of the best dark spar is not low, even if the change to find a lot of top grade dark spar, she even waved a hand, no!

It’s too big!

After the transaction was completed, Mu Qian’s eyes flashed a dark light. She was still very reassured about the choice of the nine nights. It was definitely a baby.

Ms. Qian said: "Open it! Open it right away. I want to see how many dark spar I can cut out from the dark rough stone I selected!"

Everyone's mouth is slightly pumped. From the time you enter the gambling stone to the more than 30 pieces of dark rough stone, it takes less than a quarter of an hour to add up. It is simply so many choices.

Unless the luck is overwhelming, you should be able to cut out four or five of the darkest spar.

Luck is almost a bit, and it is estimated that there is nothing in this.

Mu Qiang, but today's big patrons, this incident has attracted dozens of physically strong people to come over: "Take some dark elements all open, speed a little bit, don't let the guests wait too long."

These people are the people who are specially sent to open the stone in the gambling workshop. They run the power of darkness and crush the dark stone. They are perfect because of their skill.

They can crush the shell, but once it has dark spar it can't be crushed.

Soon more than 30 stones completely disappeared. In the dust, suddenly the black light became more and more dazzling, and everyone had to give the eyes out.

He...what did they see? Dark spar!

A total of more than 30 dark spar suspended in the air, shining with light, this light is very dazzling, the dark power is very pure.

Someone said with amazement: "This...this...this is the best dark spar!"

"God! All are the best!"

These people have brushed their eyes to look at Mu Qianxi and Phoenix for nine nights. How did these two people do it?

Mu Qian’s mouth is also slightly pumped, and the feelings that make the nine-night shot are at least the best dark spar. Other high-grade dark spar he did not bother to shoot, which led to these people being frightened!

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