Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2330: Impure purpose

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Invincible snorted and said: "You guys robbed me and said first, hateful!"

"Oh!" After three strokes, the nightmare wolf, which has been possessed for a long time, was bitten by Xiao Tianhu.

It made a very screaming scream and then crashed to the ground.

The blood of Xiao Tianhu's mouth is standing on the wolf's wolf with the victor's gesture.

It all happened too quickly, and those who were optimistic about the nightmare wolf bet that it won were dumbfounded.

Lost! Lost! They began to drop blood in their hearts.

Of course, the most **** is nothing more than the gambling of the beast!

Xiao Tianhu lost, to know that the two guests but pressed ten pieces of the best dark spar!

He couldn't breathe if he felt heartache.

Suddenly, the management of the gambling stone suddenly felt a lot smoother in his heart. He sighed with joy: "I told you not to lead the wolf into the room, you just don't listen, this is a vomiting blood!"

"They... they must be luck! It must be!" He comforted himself.

"I don't want to stop this beast and send away the two big Buddhas. I am afraid that you guys will lose the door!"

"I don't believe this evil!"

After the second game of Warcraft, Mu Qiang believes in the judgment of two beasts, and then put ten pieces of the best dark spar.

Undoubtedly, Mu Qianyi won again!

Then the third game...

The eyes of the two beasts are very good. Whether it is the seventh or eighth-order Warcraft, they can clearly see the strength of these guys. Which one will win in the end?

She didn't know that after she won three games in a row, the gambling and beasts had to suffocate.

"Timely stop loss, stop loss in time!" his old friend said.

"I don't believe in this evil, come here! How many of the best dark spar in our gambling beast?"

"There are a hundred in total!"

"So, it’s enough for them to bet seven games, I don’t believe it." The loss was too bad, his ambition was strong, and he naturally wanted to win back at all costs.

He didn't believe that the other party didn't look at it once.

If it is a person, then there may be a look at the eyes, this management has never thought that there will be two very mysterious helpers.

Her contractual beast is completely accurate.

The gambling beasts lost all their best dark spar, and the benevolent gambler who wants to jump off the building can only announce the end of today's beast.

Invincible looking forward to Mu Qiandao said: "Master, this time I made a great contribution, can you buy me some magical crystals of Warcraft! Eight-order nine-order can be."

The eight-level nine-order is already the highest, and it’s good to take a look at it.

Xiao Hongdao: "Why! It is obvious that the hero is the master, you are good to buy anything, just don't buy this Warcraft magic crystal that only knows the stupid cat to eat."

"You are a great hero, let's face it! You stupid pig!"

These two are so arrogant that they will fight for three hundred rounds. At this time, someone knocks at the door.

Mu Qian said: "The money is coming, you should go back to the contract space! It is enough."

Mu Qianyi waved his hand to make the invincible little red ink back to the contract space, the door was opened, and the management between the gambling beast appeared.

To say that the gambling of the beast was like a hot sun before the incident, then now he has completely turned into a frosted eggplant.

The loss was too bad and the blow was not small.

"Guest, this is the best dark spar you won!" His hands were shaking and his heart was cut.

Mu Qian said: "Thank you! You are very rich in gambling."

He just wants to cry, and if you have money, you can't forgive your aunt's horrible mopping action!

He sent the singer and the phoenix to the gambling beast, and then he saw Muqian said: "Go, next!"

So I saw that they went to the gambling arena, and for a time he couldn't help but mourn for his good brother.

"They... they won't want to sweep our entire gambling house! It's terrible." The horoscope's management couldn't help but shudder.

The management of the gambling stone: "The visitors are guests, and we can't drive people out because they are too ferocious! Anyway, you are closing today, let's go to the next door to watch the show!"

"What is called closing the door, I am temporarily reorganizing!"

The management of the gambling court came to meet them personally. The two people who had lost the next door had already heard of it. They looked at the two men.

Looks like ordinary temperament is absolutely good, he smiled and said: "Can the two raise their hands?"

Mu Qian’s mouth twitched slightly. “No! Because I think you like my gambling house!”

"If the girl likes it, give it to the next way."

Mu Qianxi chuckled and said: "If I like it, then I can't help but let you lose the miserable, and then until you lose the entire gambling house to me, I can take it for myself."

The woman in front of her face was smiling, but the management of the gambling field knew that she was definitely not joking, but serious.

It turns out that their purpose in entering the gambling house is not simple. They are not only as simple as winning hundreds of the best dark crystals, but their ambitions are even greater.

The management between the gambling converges on the smile on his face. "This is a lot of the idea of ​​playing our gambling house, but it has not been successful. Since the girl has written a war on us, then I am not daring." The little one, the next one is."

"Two, please!"

I have to say that the quality of the management of these gambling houses is not bad, and the strength is also very good.

Even if the murderous rumors of madness, they are eager to move their gambling, this little thing is not too slow to admire the thousand, and arranged the best box for them.

The gambling field is where some of the prisoners compare.

One-on-one comparison, bet on who wins, the highest limit is also the ten best dark spar.

Mu Qian said: "In addition to the nine nights and the purple you, I have not seen the strength of other people in the prison, just to see."

Within ten strokes, you must bet!

After seeing three tricks, Mu Qiang discovered that everyone in the prison world has a very strong sense of fighting, and the accumulation of combat experience is very rich.

If in the Xuantian world, she can use a variety of cards to leap a big level of fighting, but here is the prison, everyone here has experienced countless battles of life and death, are people from the blood sea and the corpse.

The more people who fight against a large scale, Mu Qian is very clear, it is not easy.

After reading ten strokes, Mu Qianxi has not yet bet, this game, she abstained!

"Hey! She didn't even bet and gave up." The two major gambling and gambling besieged. "The way we gamble gambling is not one or two. Maybe the first two are good at them. It seems that the combat strength between people is not accurate! It seems that the little girl said that she was too full before, no It’s impossible to get through our gambling, and it’s impossible!” The manager of the gambling.

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