Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2332: Satisfied with eating

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The whole gambling house, the richest is the fourth demon banshee here.

So for a while, the number of wins by Mu Qian won was the sum before.

"Oh! The best dark spar in our gambling workshop has been lost! I don’t think you can see the dark spar below this level. What should I do? We can’t open the door to do business. Go!" The demon banshee is very distressed.

Her style of relief, so that everyone can not escape all the dark crystals in front of her.

However, the fourth guest was a big hand, and all the shots were the best dark spar. They couldn’t take it out at all, and they could only watch the beautiful woman’s headache.

Ms. Qian said: "I put all the best dark spar I won in this gambling house. You put it on your whole gambling house. Then gamble on the last game, how?"

"Why did the girl take a fancy to our little gambling house?"

"Make money! This lady is a bit poor, so I will look at your gambling house." Mu Qianxi seriously returned.

Everyone looked at Mu Qianxi, and his mouth madly pumped up, poor!

You have one or two thousand of the best dark spar, and even said poor in front of us, which makes us feel good.

"This thing, I can't do it! The girl also knows that it is a little background for us to be a gambler in this city. The girl is acting arrogantly. Isn't it not afraid to cause trouble for herself?" Road.

Mu Qianxi said to her: "First, you are so beautiful, you can be the master of this gambling house! Because this small gambling house, you are not worth your beauty, isn't it?"

Mu Qianxi looked at a woman in front of her, she has a powerful capital that is fascinating.

The demon month grinned and said: "The words that the little sister said are really fascinating. I am very happy! This is just a little, what else?"

"Second!" Mu Qian's mouth twitched slightly.

"I naturally dare to do it, then that means that I also have a backstage, so it is best for you to not slap the gambling house. When you kick the iron plate, don't blame me."

Her backstage is the biggest blood prison, the biggest backstage in the prison, who dares to press on her, so I don't know how to die.

After all, her fiancé is the nine-night monarch of the prison for blood, nine nights.

A demon moon, perhaps the girl in front of the eyes is unusually ordinary, but the demon moon has seen the dazzling light from this pair of eyes, it is absolute confidence.

The demon month smiled and said: "That's good! Bet, lose if you lose, in fact, the old lady has long avoided doing this gambling."

The demon moon knows that she is very likely to lose. After several rounds of discussions, she can feel the foul of a little girl's soul.

Sure enough, a simple game than the size, she lost without suspense.

The demon month smiled helplessly: "It seems that our gambling gambling is completely lost. This is the title deed of our gambling gambling, please accept it."

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Then I will be welcome."

After collecting the title deeds and taking away all the best dark spar, Mu Qian took the nine nights: "I made a big profit today. Where do you want to go? I pay for it, and I will definitely satisfy you."

The nine-night eyes flashed the meaning of dark light, looking at Mu Qian said: "Is it satisfying?"

The demon moon grinned, this little sister can not slap men like this! Too dangerous.

The demon month personally sent people out of the gambling gambling, and the other three surrounded the demon moon: "You...you gave the gambling to others, this...how can this be, if the master knows..."

"Why can't I, I didn't want to do it! Someone received it right, if he knew it, he would bite me!"

The three of them were helpless, and the resentment of the woman who was thrown into the cold palace was terrible.

Mu Qianqi and Nine Nights are actually stared at by many people. She is sure that these people are definitely not among the people in the gambling gambling, because she can see that the demon month is not the one who can't afford to lose.

These people who came to visit are obviously other people in the gambling house. It is naturally very heart-warming to see them win the pots and win the gambling gambling.

"Two people in front, give me a stop!" An angry drink can be heard from behind.

The other party brought a lot of people, they looked at the Millennium and Phoenix.

The breath of these two people is not even at the level of the lord. They dare to be so arrogant and simply look for death.

Even if he doesn't pack other people, he won't let them go! "I don't want your best dark spar, but the land lease of the gambling gambler, you hand it over to me. I have admired the demon moon beauty for a long time, just let the gambling house become mine, she is mine too, I can be her Do whatever you want." As soon as this is said, the expressions of some of these men have become rippling.


They really want to get that stunner, she is more attractive than the sacrifice of dark spar.

Mu Qiang said coldly: "Are you daydreaming?"

"I am already polite. If you don't give it, wouldn't you be afraid to die in this sacred city?"

Mu Qianxi whispered: "Don't talk nonsense, you have to do it yourself, I am still rushing to accompany my family for nine nights!"

"It's really toasting, not eating and drinking fine wine, hands-on! We have to pay for the title deed, we will have the best dark spar."

They started, and Mu Qian also started.

The spiritual level of Mu Qiang, the fifth-order Lingzong, is too weak in the eyes of some people.

Such weak strengths dare to be so rampant. Although their strength has not reached the level of the lord, it is much stronger than her.

Mu Qiang took out the Yanlong Sword, and the ruined flame rushed out, letting this group of people from the letter full of suffocation, cold sweat on their foreheads.


"Jiu Yan Haotian!"

"Booming!" The nine dragons smashed toward them. They did not have any resistance. They were burnt by the flames of the king, and they fell to the ground.

The soul of Mu Qianxi is scattered, and many people are hidden around.

"Everything is out! Let's grab something and hurry up. If you don't, just roll it!"

They are angry, here is the city of 弑 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


Mu Qiang cold channel: "Look for death!"

"burning the sky!"

"The water dragon is coming!"

"Wind, broken star!"

"Hey!" The power of the road rushed toward them, and it was difficult to resist.

The strength of this person is completely inconsistent with her fighting power, but people like Blood Prison are not without, but these three elements are too terrible! Some of these people looked at Ms. Millennium with horror. Mu Qian asked them: "Well! Do you know which restaurant in Yushen City is the most delicious?"

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