Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2339: Wind and rain

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"The next seal is him. He can't possibly know the day when this person wakes up. I don't want to let you know!" Wan Wan Daquan told Mu Qianxi.

The dawn of Mu Qiang’s dawn is heavy. In the whole blood prison, there is a superiority over all people in the **** prison. The blood prisoners fear and respect the nine nights.

She first came to the blood prison, and she was guarded by nine nights. Naturally, she did not encounter any martyrdom and confrontation. Everything went smoothly.

In the blood prison, I thought that there was no obstacle. Now I am afraid that I think it is too good. I have a special position in the blood prison. I don’t seem to want her to stay in this blood prison.

He concealed the time of nine nights to wake up. What is the purpose?

Mu Qianxi has a feeling of wind and rain, come up with a medicinal scorpion, the soldiers will block, the water will cover the earth!

Sure enough, something happened.

The news that the nine-night monarch is not in the blood prison is not known to be sent out. The other big prisons seem to be unable to see the **** prison and start to make trouble.

Purple secluded to grasp the overall situation, this situation is also often seen, a group of jumping clowns only.

However, there have been some changes now, and some people are dissatisfied with him.

"Purple Respected Lord, we have always been a ghost in our Lord, but this blood prison is not the place where you cover the sky?" An old man stood up.

He has the strength of the superior, and his status in the blood prison is not low.

The purple scorpion flashed a dangerous color, and he whispered: "Oh! Are you dissatisfied with the deity?"

"I naturally don't dare. Although the Lord is not there, no one is sitting in the town, but we have heard that our nine-night monarch is coming back with Wang Hao. So why can't you turn to the Purple Respected Lord?"

"Yes! Since Wang Hao is in blood, why can't Wang Hao come out to preside over the overall situation."

One person said this, but there are many people who are attached.

Purple brooding brows, let Xiaomei people come to sit down? Damn it!

The little beauty first came to see that she was completely ignorant of the blood prison, and the blood prison was a place of great strength.

With the strength of today's little beauty, it is difficult to convince the public!

He will never give these guys the opportunity to bully the little beauty.

"That is impossible. Today, the deity has the final say, you have not said the right." Purple reminded.

"Purple Respected Lord, when the Lord returns, he must heal you with a great disrespect. The blood prison is definitely not your own words."

"We have sent people to ask Wang Hao. The things of Wang Hao are naturally decided by Wang Hao personally. You can't be the owner of the purple singer!"

"Damn! Give me the people who stop them, don't let them disturb the little beauty!" Purple was angry.

At this time, some of the old foxes have already arrived at the partial hall where Mu Qianxi lives. Mu Qian is recovering from interest. At this time, someone is coming to pass the message.

"Wang Hao, the Lord is not in the blood prison now, the blood prison is no one to preside over the overall situation! Purple singer Lord arrogant is not suitable to control the overall situation, but also ask Wang Hao to sit in the night hall." A respectful voice came.

In the end, there is a bit of respect, and it is not known.

Mu Qianxi listened to a slight glimpse and asked her to have a person who had just come to the blood prison for many days to sit down. These people’s practices really led her to ponder!

Nine nights gave her the status of blood in the prison equal to his monarch, but she has not really married with the nine nights.

They ran against the purple secluded purple moon in nine nights, but chose to come to her.

From the nine-night curse outbreak, to her bloodletting, and now to the changes in the blood prison situation.

Mu Qiang found himself in a trap that was carefully arranged.

Retire? Still continue to move forward?

"The woman we see on the Lord, I think it is definitely not the canary that is raised by the Lord in the golden cage. If it is, then I am afraid that everyone in our blood prison will be disappointed. We believe in the Lord. Look, please..."

Mu Qianqi opened the door and walked out to look at the human being under the steps: "The nine-night vision is naturally the best, and no one can question it."

"Come on! Where did he come from, he will throw him back! In the Blood Prison Palace, I dare to question the nine-night monarch. I think the elders know how to deal with it?"

The man looked up at the woman who was cold and decisive. The other party’s actions were beyond my expectations.

He said: "I am just a trivial person. Even if Wang Hao kills me, there is no way to solve it. Unless you go to the Temple of the Night to discuss important matters with the adults, make a decision."

"Hey!" This man was taken away directly by the guards in the temple.

"Hey!" The Temple of the Night was thrown in by a man, and the elders of the blood prison in the temple had different faces.

The guards retelled the words of Mu Qianxi, and the one who was in the darkness said: "Come on! Destroy this person and throw it into the Black Heaven!"


The people were thrown back, the words passed, and the people they wanted to see were not seen.

Purple secluded to see that such a resolute and prevailing style of admiration is not good, he will come!

At this time in the palace, Mu Qian said: "Come on! The elders are very curious about me, then I will dress them out and meet them."

"Yes, Wang Hao!"

Nine nights, he ordered people to prepare the clothes that Muqin needed in the palace, which is complex and solemn, gorgeous and elegant, and simple and elegant.

To see some of the veterans, Mu Qianzhen chose a set of dresses similar to the robes that appeared in front of everyone in the nine nights.

The dark purple robes wrap up her slender body, and the noble ones look up.

Mu Qianxi was going to see the nine nights, and Mu Qian said: "Nine nights, I will go to the old things of blood prison, rest assured! Will not let them bully me."

"Go! Go to the Temple of the Night!"

The people at the Temple of the Night did not give up, so they kept waiting.

After they have learned the news, Mu Qian will come, but they are a little unhappy in their hearts.

A little girl, not married to the Lord, just a formal marriage contract, really regarded himself as the half master of the blood prison, and let them some of these veterans wait here for so long.

The Temple of the Night is the place where the **** monarchs deal with major events. At least the strength of the superiors can be entered here.

The palace was very magnificent. When the noble purple figure came over, all the guards guarded by the main hall were kneeling and shouted: "See Wang Hao!"

"See Wang Hao!"

The sound of uniformity and loudness broke into the temple of the night, and they saw a peerless woman at the door.

They have never seen the true content of the Lord. I thought that the boundless adult is already the most beautiful person, and the appearance of this woman can be no worse than the infinite.

The appearance of the wheel, this person becomes the woman on the Lord, they have nothing to say. Because the whole prison can not find a second. Purple secluded to look at Mu Qianxi, today's little beauty deliberately dressed up more beautiful and touching, but really should not come here!

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