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I don't know if they are safe in the Quartet. It has been almost a year since they were gone. I don't know which level they are hitting now? I don't know... Dark seems to know what Mu Qianxi thinks. He said: "It's not under the genus. Let Wang Hao think of friends in the Quartet! When I went to the Quartet for many times, I also saw it. Through the emperor brothers, they are all very good. Now the Quartet is also very stable, the ghost medical building is now more

It’s amazing. ”

Nine nights let the dark appear, not only to protect her, but also to let the dark tell her, she is concerned about some things in the Quartet.

The release of the curse is imminent, and the whereabouts of the old man also have clues. If they are all finished, they have not come to Xuantian, she will go back to the Quartet to see the friends who care about her.

Concealed back: "I don't think how long it will take. After they have gone through the customs, they will reach the peak of the 9th-level Lingdi, and they will be able to go to Xuantian."

Whether they are waiting for them to come or go looking for them, they are worried about each other at this time.

This kind of embarrassment makes Mu Qiang even more determined.

In this world of **** prisons, she has upgraded her strength and has come out of her own world to achieve her goals.

Mu Qianxi is about to go to the **** thorny city. The nine-night reluctance to let Mu Qiang the next day is the carriage he took to the Scarlet City.

Unique to the blood prison, the special seat of the monarch rushed into the air, and it opened eight pairs of light bone wings, soaring in the air.

On the Lord, is this going to go to the **** thorny city with Wang Hao?

If the Lord went to the **** thorny city with Wang Hao, the **** thorny city was not so terrible.

“Hey!” When Mu Qiang woke up in confusion, he found himself on the top of the sky.

The white clouds drifted by the window, and there was a feeling of returning to the modern plane, which was like a dream.

Of course, this speed is much faster than the plane, and at this time she is tightly held in her arms and lying comfortably.

Ms. Qian said: "Nine nights, am I on the road?"

"Yeah!" The low-pitched voice was uploaded from the top of Mu Qian.

"This king allows you to go to the Scarlet City, but it does not mean that this Lord will not send you." He is close to humanity.

"Sleepy! Good, let you send, white pillow and cushion, no need to white!" Mu Qianxi slouched and continued to close his eyes.

"Well! I like it all the time."

Close to the extreme south restricted area of ​​the blood prison, the sky will not be able to fly, and the Millennium is enough to rest, at this time the carriage has been on the land.

Sending thousands of miles always requires a temporary difference.

When Mu Qianxi was about to get off the carriage, she was pulled into her arms, and a passionate kiss fell, and the carriage stopped.

A enchanting woman following the carriage said: "The monarch is not a monarch, it is very intense! I don't know if Wang Hao has any strength to continue on the road."

"Nonsense, the monarch is so cold, not the purple lord." Someone retorted.

It seems that the kiss is going to last for a long time, and the two are holding tightly.

Mu Qianxi's hoarse voice: "It's just the first major city in the southern part of the restricted area. My fiancé is the master of the entire blood prison. Can I still make a city? You just wait for the lady of the city!"

"Madam!" The ice blue scorpion flashed a dangerous color.

"The city master! You are finally satisfied!" Mu Qianxiao smiled.

Nine nights biting the emperor's earlobe, the heat dyed the delicate earlobe, and the magnetic and enchanting voice was introduced into the ear of Mu Qianxi: "Hey, say it again."

He thinks these four words are very beautiful, especially the latter two words.

"It is the husband of the city, I will definitely build a very powerful pool of blood prisons, so that you will not be wronged by the husband of the city."

"Well! Say it again."

Nine nights holding Mu Qianxi did not let go, finally satisfied with the words of the ‘fujun’.

But soon, when he got his hand, he had the opportunity to listen to her.

Mu Qianqi and nine nights came out of the carriage. The road carriages in front of them were no longer suitable for the trip. They needed to ride on the mounts.

Ms. Qian said: "I sent it here!"

"it is good!"

"Then go back first!"

"Let's go first!"


There is always someone who chooses to watch another person leave, and Mu Qian can't convince him for nine nights. After all, let him promise that she has come here to abolish the strength of the boss.

Mu Qianxi waved: "Demon Moon, let's go!"

Not only brought some people who built the city, Mu Qianxi also brought the high-level of the first ghost medical building in the city of Yushen.

In addition to the one thing in the gambling stone to control the overall situation, the other three are all brought.

The management of the gambling is called Adou, and the management between the gambling beasts is called the beast tree.

Although they are the management of a gambling house, but after all, they are purple and secluded, they have the strength of the superior lord.

The strength of the demon month is more abnormal, she has the strength of the next Lord.

This kind of strength in blood prison should not only be a small gambling house, but the charm of purple is too big, even the next lord is also convinced by his charm, to do things for him.

When Mu Qianxi disappeared into the **** red jungle and could no longer see it, the nine nights shone and wanted to catch up, once again appeared in front of her, holding her into her arms and not letting go.

This impulse is suppressed by his own reason for nine nights. He needs to grow and become stronger. His protection cannot be a hindrance to her becoming stronger.

The black figure disappeared into the same place for a streamer.

When Mu Qianxi entered the extreme south restricted area, above the tower of the gods, there was no end to look at the dazzling stars, and the eyes were as dead as ever.

"The owner of the self-confident soul, here is the prison, even the heavens are forgotten. It can't enjoy a few points, so..."

The pair of scorpions flashed through the cold light and said: "The wolf!"

"Follow, no limit!"

Mu Qianxi is far away from the extreme south of the blood prison, but she is not so easy to let her go.

After entering the extreme south restricted area, Mu Qianxi saw a lot of dangerous blood prison creatures.

These people were sent to follow Mu Qianxi to the Scarlet City, and naturally have the ability to protect themselves.

At first, they habitually wanted to protect Mu Qian’s death and death, so that Mu Qianxi was not hurt by these bloodthirsty creatures. As a result, Mu Qianxi took her three contracted beasts and directly The creatures that blocked the road made a major cleanup.

"Booming!" They were stunned one by one. They had long heard that Wang Hao had the strength to defeat the next lord, but did not expect it to be so powerful. Plus her two contracted beasts, the upper lord is not her opponent!

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