Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2353: Differentiation

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If they all go in, the gates of the city will be closed, and when the **** thorns in the city come to a slap in the face, it will be troublesome.

"Master...I...how can I let you go in alone, what if there is danger?" The face of the demon moon is white.

Mu Qian said: "You can rest assured! I have a way to retreat, your mission is to hold the gate!"

The demon moon bites the lip and says: "Good!"

Her master is too persistent, she can't stop it, and she can only live with her gentleman.

Mu Qianyi calmly stepped into the **** thorny city and walked on the street.

Her human being suddenly broke into this city. The strange thing is that they did not launch the attack in the first place.

The demon moon stood at the door and looked at the purple figure that was getting deeper and deeper into the **** thorny city.

All the **** thorns that blocked Muqian Road were all cleaned up by Mu Qian.

Mu Qianxi looked at the city, although it was covered with **** thorns everywhere, but the damage was not great, and it did not suffer the destruction of a large war like other cities.

As long as these **** thorns are not there, the city pool can be used after a certain repair.


Even if he is observing the **** thorny city, Mu Qianxi never relaxes his vigilance.

When the danger appeared, Mu Qianxi used the teleport to dodge, but a **** thorn caught the foot of Mu Qian’s ankle and dragged her whole person into the air.

"Master!" The face of the demon moon changed greatly. She wanted to rush in, and the door closed in an instant.

"Hey!" The door was very strong, and the demon moon did not have the means to push the door open.

A few black shadows appeared, "Boom!" A loud noise, they secretly started.

However, the door did not move, and the dark face sank. "Damn!"

"Do your best to open this door, Wang Hao can't go wrong!"


Everyone's power is very horrible, and the demon moon is very clear. These people are the nine-night monarch who arranges to protect the master.

Mu Qian’s body was suspended in the air, head down, watching a person slowly come out.

He has a red-hot scorpion with red eyes. His appearance is very handsome, and he is a beautiful man among human beings.

Mu Qianxi can see that he is not a human being.

His strength is so strong that she found that his attacks could not be avoided by teleportation.

But also because he did not reveal a trace of killing, whether she or the dark night to protect him, did not find, let him succeed.

A small thorn with his family crossed the face of Mu Qian’s face, and the thorns with the thorns were only gently stroked, which made Mu Qian’s tears feel like tears.

The man’s indifference said: “I didn’t think that this time, the person who brought people to the Scarlet City will be a human beauty?”

Mu Qian said: "I did not expect this **** thorny city to have a seven-star plant that can be shaped."

The seven-star alien plant itself cannot be transformed into an adult shape, but this guy did it.

"You have fallen like this, you can still be so quiet, obviously so weak."

"You have a chance to kill me with a single shot, but you haven't done it. As a stranger, you left my life. It is definitely a request." Mu Qianxi looked at her.

Seven stars are different, and its strength is comparable to that of the superior. It is no wonder that no one has won the **** thorn city for so long.

It is rumored that the last **** monarch was an adult-like avatar, and this person should have something to do with him!

The woman in front of her is so small that it can be torn into pieces at will. The man said: "In your ranks, there is a refining pharmacist in refining, I need him! As long as you hand him over, I can not kill you."

"Oh! As a different plant, I want a refining pharmacist. I want a refining pharmacist. You can be a little polite to me, let me down." The taste that is hung in the air can be uncomfortable.

He waved his hand and the guy put her down.

"Booming!" There was a loud noise at the gate of the city. At this time, they rushed in.

"Wang Hao!" They were relieved to see that Mu Qian was all right. They breathed a sigh of relief.

In an instant, their horrible murderous outbreak broke out and attacked this seven-star plant.

"This time, the human beings, the strength is good!" Seven stars were attacked and they were dark.

It is not afraid that this human woman will run away, because once she escapes, whether it is the same plant in the city or the plant outside the city will block her and arrest her.

The demon moon fell to the side of Mu Qianxi, saying: "Wang Hao, we will evacuate immediately!"

Mu Qianxi shook his head and said: "Slow! Let me see the darkness of their fighting power!"

"Boom!" Dark nine of them confronted the seven stars, and wanted to let some of the brothers evacuate to a safe place with Mu Qian, but they did not do so because of her orders.

When I met a strong enemy, it was time to show strength. I proved to Wang Hao that they have the strength to protect her.

If they can't, they will take the initiative to go back and let the master change.

The siege of the dark night group of nine people, they cooperate very well.

Even if he is a seven-star plant, it will be very tricky, and the other **** thorns around him will start to move.

Mu Qian said: "Dark, you can stop."

Even if it is a very dangerous person who can take the lives of the people who protect them in an instant, he secretly stops when he hears the orders of Mu Qiang, and keeps others around Mu Qianxi.

This is the quality of the nine-night hand, the fighting power is amazing, and absolutely obey the order.

Mu Qianyi stopped, and there was no action on the seven-star plant.

He knew that if he really died with this group of people, he would have to pay a heavy price.

This is the team he has encountered, the leader is the weakest, but the overall fighting force is the strongest.

"I said, if you give me a refining pharmacist. I can let you go, fight such a non-elegant thing, our **** thorns never squander." The man is still indifferent.

Mu Qian’s mouth is slightly pumped, and this planting is still elegant?

Have you ever slaughtered people who want to come to this city, and sucking up the blood, is it really an elegant thing?

Mu Qian said: "If I handed the refining pharmacist to you? How are you?"

"That depends on whether the refining pharmacist is useful! If it is useless, kill it and become the fertilizer of these children. If you have it, then I can treat him as a guest."

“How is it useful?” asked Mu Qianxi. "Fill our stomach! Since the owner left, we have been hungry. The usual **** thorns are blood, but we are the **** thorns of the master, completely different from those of the thorns. We are very elegant. As long as we absorb the strength of the owner and eat the medicinal herbs produced by the owner, we can fill our stomachs and grow up quickly.” As soon as he mentioned his master, this cold, snowy guy’s eyes were brighter.

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