Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2364: Particularly ferocious

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Mu Qianxi took out the Yanlong Sword, "Death, or hand over the city? You choose one!"

"Ha ha ha! I don't choose, I chose to give these three beautiful people who came to the door." The wolf smiled wildly.

This guy also summoned a World of Warcraft, the strength is equal to invincible, "The number of the contracted beasts of this city is not as good as you, but it is much stronger than your little ones, beauty! If you don't want to be injured, you will still be awkward." Let's go!"

Invincible and completely angry, "Little guy, your whole family is a little guy! Even taking me to such a waste, I am impatient."

"Invincible, I am the only one!"

An angry drink, the invincible little white cat has completely turned into a giant big cat.

The war is on the verge of a hit, invincible against the covenant of the wolf.

Mu Qiang and the third-order beast's little red have to break through into the second-order beast's little ink and ink together to deal with this one who dominates the city.

Some people dare to start in the city government, and some of the followers of the city have come one after another. The wolves have a lot of men, but they only have five people. The wolves want to take them easily.

"City Lord!"

"City Lord!"

"Booming!" The loud noise in the city's main house, so that the entire city of the people are stunned.

"What happened? For a long time no one dared to challenge the wolf!"

"Is it because the wolf is going to be strong against the three beautiful people, and the people will not, so they fight."

"Go! Go see!"

Many curious people rushed to the city government, and some of the men of the wolf also started their blood.

The blood is weak and weak: "You are so fierce! I am so scared!"

"Beauty, don't be afraid! Brothers won't hurt you. As long as you cooperate, we will be very gentle." Seeing such a pitiful beauty, the guys who were originally evil and screaming became softly whispered. .

They don’t know at all that this delicate beauty in front of us is a ferocious **** thorn, the one that eats people without spitting bones.

When they approached, countless thorns suddenly appeared in the moment, shooting them into a sieve.

"Hey!" Some of the people who were surrounded by the blood two fell into a pool of blood.

"Oh!" The hand of Blood III, when approaching the human heart, instantly transforms into the branches of his body and directly penetrates the opponent's heart.

"Hey!" He was very fast. He hadn't waited for some of the people who started to do it. They were all pierced by the heart and died.

Compared with the ferocity of the blood three, the blood one is not so **** and violent.

He just waved his hand and pinched their necks one by one.

Compared to these three big killers, the demon month still sits on her chair and does not move.

The legs are superimposed, and the pair of eyes are stunned. In a flash, these people are lost.

"Whoever dares to move beauty, step on my body first!"

"Just rely on you, dare to grab people with me!"

"go to hell!"


Some of these people actually killed themselves, and the demon month did not move a finger.

She just looked at some of these people and confused them.

The demon month touched the chin: "There is no challenge, but it is still very powerful. No matter how I use my charm, I can't really confuse him and let him die for me!"

"The fire is burning!" Xiaohong and Xiaomo ink burst into a strong flame and entangled the wolf.

And Mu Qianxi broke out three elements of spiritual power in an instant!

"The water dragon is coming!"

"burning the sky!"

"Wind, broken star!"

"Three elements of the spirit of the division." Mu Qian showed the strength, so that the wolf is somewhat surprised.

"The little girl who hasn’t reached the lord level really thought I would be afraid of you?" He waved out with a powerful force.

"Hey!" The purple figure shook, and Mu Qianji swept through the air, avoiding the attack of the wolf.

"Hey!" Once again, the attack was defeated. He also faced the siege of two beasts. The wolf's face sank.

That some waste! Why don't you come to help?

What makes the wolf unbelievable is that all of his wastes have become corpses lying on the ground.

Throughout the city, he has no people available, and all are killed.

When were they killed? He did not even find out.

The wolf's face changed greatly, and the cleanliness of his own man had too much influence on him.

"Shu Luoyin!" In the midst of his chaos, Mu Qianyi slammed down.

The devastating blow was like the fall of Shura, and he flew out the whole man.

"Hey!" The wolf's body flew directly out of the city's government.

He was shot by a woman who did not reach the level of the lord. The wolf was unbelievable.

The onlookers are also very surprised. "The wolf... The wolf does not take advantage of it. It was bombarded from the city government."

"It seems that the three beautiful people are not simple! Or the two men who are with their three people are very strong!"

Originally, they speculated that they were so embarrassed that the five of them joined forces to kill the wolf, but when they saw the purple figure plucked out, they found that things were not what they imagined.

That girl in purple, her eyes are cold, holding a flame sword in her hand that seems to destroy the world.

A sword swung out, and the flame turned into a strip of flaming dragons rushing toward the wolf.

"Nine inflamed days."

"On this way, I want to deal with me, impossible!" The wolf, the wolf, once again rushed to Mu Qianxi.

A red light and a black light entangled the wolf, "Booming!" A burst of loud noise came out.

"One person... that woman has contracted two holy beasts, and the strength has not yet reached the lord's level, so that the wolf has suffered such a big loss."

"Three elements of the spirit of the teacher, the blood prison has appeared in the three elements of the spiritual master, it is incredible."


The crowd saw the battle in the air and talked about it. "The woman's fighting power, the lower lord is estimated to be able to recognize the plant, but the wolf is a top lord who has fought in battle. Even if there are two beasts, I am afraid it will not necessarily win! I feel like a wolf. It’s better to leave before you run away, otherwise a big beauty like this can be

It’s going to be fragrant. ”

Someone said: "Don't you find out? It's all like this, the men of the wolf! How have you not done it?"

"This is not normal! Is it necessary for the wolf to fight like this?"

They still don't know, the men of the wolf have already been killed without leaving.

The black flame condenses more and more dark power in the air, and the small ink is to be promoted at this time.

The little ink is young and grows too fast. When it became dark phoenix, it was already a first-order beast.

Afterwards, Mu Qian did not want her to advance too fast, but to make it firmly rooted. Now the dark elements of the prison world are very strong, and the small ink and ink can absorb this power freely, and let it go naturally!

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