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However, there are still a lot of people with courage in the city, and the location of the deputy city owner is quite attractive. Many people have gone to the Scarlet City.

Sure enough, no one came back in the end.

The fierce name of this **** thorny city is getting louder and louder, and no one in the city is rushing to death.

The wolf said: "I know that no one will come back alive. No one knows the city better than me. This city owner let me be!"

He feels that no one is a deputy city owner, so he is very useful for Mu Qianxi and will not be killed.

Mu Qiang’s indifferent road: "Blood one, this goods will be handed over to you."

"Yes, the city owner!"

When Mu Qiang left them, the blood was even evil and turned into a body in front of the wolf.

The wolf is afraid of the road: "Blood... **** thorns... you..."

Blood: "I want you to see my body, I want to tell you, I don't dare to have any interest in your dirty blood! The children of Scarlet City don't **** blood now, as long as those people dare to pass the test, There will be a suitable deputy city owner in this city, and you...and you can get on the road."


Blood spilled, and the blood was really not attractive to them.

The blood is like drinking water and drinking a bottle of medicine. He said to Mu Qian: "The city owner, what city do we go to next?"

Mu Qian said: "The coming of the seat, the next one we go to the moon."

The group of people walked into the city of Yuelu, and when they walked into the city, the Lord of the Moon came to meet.

He has a smile on his face and is very enthusiastic.

"Everyone comes from afar. If you don't mind, go to the main house of our city to rest."

Mu Qianhui replied: "I just want to go to the city government to talk to you about something."

"Let's say something!" he replied.

Soon everyone in Yuecheng City knows that they have come to the city to be three great people.

The city owner personally went to meet, and the head was not small.

When he arrived at the city's main government, Mu Qianxi opened the door to the mountain: "I must know that the ownership of this city has been returned to others not long ago, and that person is me."

Mu Qiang took out the ownership document and said to him: "This city is not yours. You can choose to pack things away now, or you can choose to be against me."

He said: "In Xia Daiyan, I have been managing Yueyue City for a long time. When the girl came to let me abdicate, it is too much to say! And can you guarantee that you can manage the Yueyue City?"

"There is nothing to say, all the blood prisons belong to the blood prison monarch, not to mention the city without the Lord. He has already given me the moonlight city, then this city is mine." Channel. "Which characters are our blood prisoners, I will take care of this little remote city. Little girl, don't take the monarch to press me, be smart! You should give this one to me, then leave the moonlight city! I thought you could clean up the waste of the city, you can call me."

The bottom of the rock has flashed a cold light.

The city is not far from the city of Yuelu. He has heard about it, so after he learned that the group came, he picked them up and tried to test their strength.

The strength of the five people is not strong, especially this woman, the level of the lord has not arrived, the number of beasts is too much, even dare to be so arrogant.

Mu Qiang’s indifferent road: "In my eyes, you are no different from the waste of the city, and you are looking for the same way."

"I see that I am looking for a dead end, you are right!" Mu Qianqi said so rudely, Dai Yan was angry.

In an instant, the spiritual power of horror rushed to Mu Qian.

Mu Qiang’s figure shunned away, saying: “Invincible, Xiaohong, Xiao Mo Mo...”

Her soul spread out and found that most of the troops had been laid around the capital of the city of Yuelu, apparently ready.

Dai Yan was surrounded by invincible Xiaohong in the air. He whispered: "You are called Mu Qianxi! Yes, I should thank you for handing me the instrument of ownership of Yuelucheng. Otherwise, I really don't know the fee. How hard is it to let those high-ranking sages give me the moonlight city."

"I thought I was a coward in the city of Luna, and I never dared to take over, but when I learned that the city was taken down, I knew that my chance came."

"The position of the city owner of Yueyue City belongs to my Dai Yan. If you want, then leave your life in my moonlight city!"


Two figures appeared, blocking in front of invincible and Xiaohong.

The strength of these two people is also the upper lord, a little bit worse than Dai Yan's strength.

After learning about the strength of Mu Qianxi, Dai Yan was very prepared and spent a lot of money to invite two upper lords to help, and to ensure that everyone was defeated.

Nearly 10,000 elite soldiers under his hand were dispatched to deal with the remaining four people, which should be more than enough.

The reason why the wolf was killed is because he is stupid, he will never repeat the same mistakes.

However, in the face of such a lineup, the face of this purple girl is still indifferent.

Mu Qianqi slowly said: "In the face of powerful power, you will prepare more and still be easily crushed."

"Ha ha ha! Powerful power, little girl, wait until you reach the Lord's main stage and say this sentence again! You haven't arrived in the Lord's order. It is really funny to say this." Dai Yan laughed. .

"You two, slaughter the beast, I am going to deal with this woman."

"no problem!"

"Boom!" Invincible and Xiaohong had a fierce collision with the two superior lords.

A thousand teleports approached Dai Yan, and a force of destruction was approaching in an instant.

Dai Yan’s body was slightly stunned and said: “The spiritual skill of cultivation is quite strong!”

"Unfortunately, your grade is weak and poor!"


When Dai Yan counterattacks, the darkness does not die, and Fengyan swept over. The small ink ink that advanced to the second-order beast and the perfect match with Mu Qianyi dealt with him.

As for the tens of thousands of soldiers, these are not some of the shrimps and crabs in the city.

The demon moon gently swayed the skirt, and the slender thighs were looming, and some of them couldn’t help but nosebleed.

This woman is so charming!

The blood is gentle and gentle: "Don't worry! I... can we wait for the next fight? The master has not ordered that killing will not kill you? If the little woman kills you all, it is not good."

A charm, a gentle, but give them a creepy feeling.

Mu Qianxi and Dai Yan first played against each other. She did not have a slight advantage, but she did not suffer. Dai Yan saw that his people had not yet started, and said: "Two women will let you not move your legs, a group of waste! First take people down, reluctant to kill and leave alive, I am rewarded for you."

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