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The rise of Scarlet City is short, but its reputation is not small. Plus it has another twenty-seven affiliated cities. Generally, small towns dare not provoke.

Therefore, this dare to confront her Scarlet City is the four-member, the person who sent out to interrogate.

There is Kuncheng in the second largest city, Lucheng in the third largest city, and Lotus City in the fourth largest city.

The mouth of Mu Qian’s mouth sneered a sneer. “The three major cities in the far south are all in place.”

"Go! Let's go visit."

Mu Qianxi left the demon moon, with blood and blood to thirteen. They are three people, showing that they have killed the second largest city of Kuncheng.

As soon as they approached the Kuncheng Muqian, they let out the horror of the horror. In the blink of an eye, the face of the whole city of Kuncheng changed greatly. The sages, there are thirteen sages close to them in Kuncheng!

"Hurry up and report to the city master!"

"Come on!"


The owner of the city of Kuncheng is an old man who looks like a fairy tales. He has the strength of the upper lord and is about to break through the next sage.

His eyes swept through the volley of fourteen people, one of whom was guarded by them.

The sound of the old voice sounded, "In the lower Kunshan City, the main Kunsha, I do not know that this girl with so many Supreme adults to Kuncheng, what is the matter?"

Ms. Qian said: "I am the lord of the **** thorny city, Mu Qian."

Everyone was stunned. This young girl who seems to be less than 20 years old is still the city owner of the **** thorny city in the famous southern restricted area.

That is, she dealt with some ferocious **** thorns and won the **** thorny city!

"I think, you should know the purpose of my coming here!"

"This..." Kunsha's old face was slightly stiff.

I thought that some of his hands and feet, even if she knew it would be helpless, choose to swallow.

However, he never thought that the other party was so arrogant, and brought so many people to come to Kuncheng to find a place.

Thirteen honors! When the sages of the far south restricted area were as common as Chinese cabbage, the city owner of a **** thorny city entered the thirteen sages.

"Muchengzhu, this must be a misunderstanding!"

Mu Qiang cold channel: "Don't tell us misunderstanding! Don't tell me that there is no evidence, as long as I think it is, then it is! To come to your troubles in Kuncheng, how can you?"

"Muchengzhu, you are too crazy!"

Mu Qiang was super arrogant, causing dissatisfaction with a lord around their city owner. However, the masters of Kuncheng automatically picked up the people and shut up!

The other party brought thirteen lords, but it is not something that his men can deal with. Even if they want to kill the city, it is not too difficult. Kunsha did not dare to touch hard. He said: "I didn't manage the team and let them do whatever they want. I know that the **** thorny city is strong, but the meditation master is too high-profile, really put me in the second major city of the southern restricted area. If you take possession of yourself, I am afraid that it will cause dissatisfaction among some adults who are in the city of Yushen.

. ”

"I know that Mucheng Lord just wants to come up with a statement, but if it is too much, it will make people feel that the city is ambitious and has a greater conspiracy."

The so-called bigger conspiracy, that is rebellion!

I want to be an enemy of the old masters of the sacred city, or to imply that he is the spies of other prisons.

Ginger is still old and spicy. The city owner of Kuncheng is a master of the city in Kuncheng for a hundred years, but it is not the people who dominate the city of self-styled city.

The owner of Kuncheng City, the second largest city in the extreme southern restricted area, is also behind.

Ms. Qian said: "The massacre, I am too lazy to make a big move. But my **** thorny city, the ghost medical building, the Kuncheng Lord also don't stretch too long. Next time, don't tell me who is covered. You, I am not wrong."


"How about the loss that you caused to Kuncheng this time?"

"The whole city is told by the city!"

"I need you to build a ghost medical building in Kuncheng, and all your subordinate towns. The specifications cannot be smaller than the ghost medical building in the cold city. My ghost medical building is operating in your city. Your city government needs help. Exempt all fees." Mu Qianyi opened the way.

This... this is a big lion!

Although the specifications of the Ghost Medical Building in the Cold City are not comparable to those of the Scarlet City, the cost is extremely high, and the materials are very expensive. The design is exquisite and requires high skill.

There is also the exemption from all expenses. He is very clear about the popularity of the business of Ghost Medical Buildings in other places. This is definitely a huge sum of money, and then this huge sum of money has just flown away in front of her eyes.

He just sent people to kill some people and snatched some ordinary medicinal herbs and elixir. The other party was so embarrassed.

The Queen of Kuncheng was mad at this time, but he knew that he had no right to refuse.

The strength of the enemy and me is very different. Once the grandmother is unhappy, he will be wiped out by the saints around her.

He said: "No problem, no problem, just some small things, we must do it well, please also be assured of the city!"

Mu Qianxi said to him: "This is the architectural drawings of the ghost medical building. There can be no mistakes. The speed must be fast and must be completed within three months! If there is any scorn, I will bring people to visit Kuncheng again. ""

"I am doing things, please also give the city a hundred hearts!" Kunsha Road.

"Since the confession is over, then I will not waste time with you. I have to go to Lucheng to find the city owner of Lucheng to calculate the account?" After that, Mu Qianxi waved his hand and took the person away.

It’s really like coming and going, even the agreement has not been signed.

Is this scheduled for him not to defy? One of Kunsha’s men said: “The master of the city, is it that the yellow-haired little girl is so arrogant! I don’t believe that the thirteen people are the Lord, how come the Lord? I see she is a lie. Deliberately scare people! If she can order so many masters, it is definitely not only

It is the city owner of the **** thorny city, and she can pick whatever she wants in the blood city center. ”

Kunsha Road: "You suspect that they are not Lords, why don't you do it? What are you talking about now?"

He can clearly feel the horrible power of the Lord's level, and it is not just as simple as the next one.

They also carried a **** cold biting killing, and they could not let her fear.

He has some regrets now. If the nature is smooth and the development of the ghost medical building, even if they are in their Kuncheng city, they can make a big profit by relying on various taxes. Nowadays, the bamboo baskets are still empty. Offended.

"There is no such strength in the **** thorny city. After the **** hunting, it will naturally be known. If there are not many masters under her hand, then a little girl will die. The **** thorny city will be destroyed."

The man listened to his face and changed his face. "What? Hunting is coming again?"

"Don't you want to run?"

"No, no! Don't swear to follow the master of the city, and be willing to be a master of the city, go through the fire!" The man hurriedly loyal to the table. But **** hunting is a very dangerous thing. Every time there is a huge number of cities in the far south, there are countless people being killed. Countless people are killed in this hunting.

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