Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2381: Powerful sacred

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Because their appearance is too special, Mu Qiang has always let them pretend, so no one can see through the blood of their body.

However, this person just looked at him and saw through the blood of their body.

The blood is four: "Master, he... he is not human."

"I did not expect that in addition to our former owner, this blood prison has other forms of transformation." Bloody face also showed a dignified color.

The other side is a metamorphosis, which means that they are as strong as their former owners.

That kind of strength, I am afraid that their 13 hands together is not his opponent.

"The thing of the **** thorny city is that my subordinates are too impulsive. I can apologize, but you can't move the grass and trees of my lotus city." The pressure of the gods is so different that they make their faces more and more Unsightly.

Only blood four is better, because if it is not a prison limit, he should have broken through the gods.

"Master!" They carefully guarded this man.

Ms. Qian said: "It’s just an understatement, you are not sincere."

"You are a refining pharmacist, you come to my lotus city. I am not killing you. It is already the greatest sincerity." His indifferent way, his eyes were disgusted with the refining pharmacist.

"You are sure that under their protection, I will kill my life! Believe it or not, it is not me who died, but your lotus city is going to destruction." Mu Qian's faint road.

"Is it a few timid little guys?"


Blood, they stunned, so they lived for tens of thousands of years, how to become a little guy in this guy's mouth? How many years has this guy lived?

Mu Qianxi looked at him and said: "If you really have the power of the peak period, then you can smother us at will, but now you have been seriously injured, nine turns silver and purple lotus."

"Hey!" The strings in his hands were broken.

That pair of silver-purple scorpions is extremely cold. "You, a refining pharmacist, really came for me."

The purple figure floated out and the cold murder broke out.

The blood sternly said: "I don't care what you are, dare to hurt my master, then I have to pass this level."

"Hey!" Blood, they rushed up.

"Boom!" A loud noise, the power of terror broke out.

Thirteen to one, the other party did not fall behind, but his face became paler and paler.

Mu Qian said: "You are determined to run out of your own source, and you are not afraid that you will die and die?"

"If you die with dying, I don't want to fall into the hands of any pharmacist!"

Mu Qian said: "In fact, before I came, I just came to the scene as the city owner of the Scarlet City. I don't know your identity? You don't have to be so overcrowded!"

"You lied, if you are not coming for me, why do you know my identity?"

He is acknowledging his identity.

Blood one, they are very surprised, nine turns silver and purple lotus, belonging to the holy plant.

He is a transcendental existence between heaven and earth. All the worlds are estimated to have no more than three, and they are much more advanced than their **** thorns.

And such a kind of sacred plant will appear in the prison, as the owner of a city, this is simply incredible.

"I guess your identity is not okay?"


"In fact, I guess very well. The lotus flower here is very good. Plus you are also different, then you must be in the lotus category. And your breath is full of the healing sacred, so I Just say it casually, blow you out, there is a saying that the soldiers are not deceptive!"

The reason why Mu Qianxi dared to speculate, it is because the record of the nine-turn silver-silver lotus in the memory of life is very detailed, the flowers are very consistent, and the character!

A lifetime of life, nine turns of silver purple Shenglian has a pair of silver-purple scorpions, Xijing, good at playing the piano, looks beautiful...

Ok! From the inheritance memory of a lifetime, the nine-turn silver purple lotus is a beautiful woman, but not necessarily without a male. Blood II and Blood III are not all twins and sisters.

"I am a refining pharmacist. It is appropriate to know your legendary sacred plant. You are very hurt now. I think it is better to talk about it." Mu Qian said.

"The rhetoric of your refining pharmacist, I don't believe a word!"

For a long time, the refining pharmacists were able to refine all kinds of medicinal herbs, which were respected and worshipped.

"Hey!" The city owner of Liancheng directly vomited blood, and Mu Qian can feel that people have very chaotic power.

"Even if you don't believe me, you are not willing to die like this! You are not suitable to live in the prison, but you have been in Lotus for so long, you are absolutely not willing to die like this."

The lotus city master bit his teeth and fell from the sky.

He looked at Mu Qian’s words: "What do you want? If you hit my mind, I will be arrogant and will not let you succeed."

Mu Qian said: "I am asking for compensation?"

"As for some of your broken elixir and remedy, just take a lotus flower out of my pool and it will be enough to compensate you. Take the compensation and roll it immediately."

"I am not lacking in medicine. I just want you to do something for me!"

"The human pharmacist, before I am angry, is just right!" he warned.

"I want to build a ghost medical building in your lotus city, as well as other affiliated city pools in your lotus city. The cost of building a ghost medical building is coming out of your lotus city. This is the compensation for your lotus city!"

"I don't want to see any refining pharmacists in Liancheng, the affiliated city can!"

Mu Qianxi looked at him and said: "Why should you hate the refining pharmacist! Your wounds need a refining pharmacist to rule."

"I am a nine-turn silver purple lotus, even the injury that I can't fix myself. Do you think that some waste refiners can cure me? And once some refining pharmacists sense my identity, I don't think that I will cure me. "He is indifferent."

Also, the rare form of the world's sacred sacred, the level has been at the peak of all spiritual planting.

Once a refining pharmacist can get it, you can refine the remedy that is very bad.

This guy must have been chased by many refining pharmacists, so it would be so disgusting to the refining pharmacist.

Mu Qianxi took out a bottle of pharmacy: "If I prove that a refining pharmacist can cure your wounds, can you promise me to build a ghost medical building in your lotus city?"


"You don't believe it, then make a bet with me? If I lose, I will not come to Liancheng again in the future, not to disturb your clean, and will not build a ghost medical building in your lotus city and the attached city." Mu Qiandao said.

"Good! I will gamble with you! If you lose, please keep your promise." Liancheng City Lord looked at Mu Qian.

He promised, and there was a faint smile on Mu Qian’s face, and the fish was hooked! For a time, the city of Liancheng was a bit strange. "The power of life, there are actually refining pharmacists in this world who can refine the medicine that has the power of life."

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