Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2383: Bloody hunting

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Mu Qianqi asked: "What bad news?"

Demon Moon Road: "It is **** hunting to begin!"

"Blood hunting?" She, a man who had just come to the blood prison, did not know what the **** hunting was. He did not tell him about it in nine nights. Demon Moon said: "The entire prison is actually a prison for all walks of life, but the prisoners who have been exiled from all walks of life are not directly placed in the prison, but are being held in prisons scattered around the world. Once the prisoners are in prison Exceeding the limit, those prisoners who are not so important will

Was released. The large restricted areas of the blood prison are the places closest to those prisons. They are very dangerous areas, and we will become the targets of those prisoners. ”

"In order not to passively attack, all the major cities have taken the initiative to attack and started hunting for them. And every time the bloodsucker has won the first city in the four restricted areas, there are rewards, and it is allowed to take a thousand people to go to the gods to bathe in the lake. Get the gift of God and improve your strength."

Mu Qianxi roughly understood how the **** hunting was going on, and the prisoners could not be installed in the cell, so let them go to the prisoners to clean up.

Those who have been exiled to the prisons by all walks of life are not good candidates.

Mu Qianqi asked: "How are the strengths of some people?" "At least above the lord, the strength of the lord-level is probably thrown into the prison and shattered by the space storm. People above the lord level are generally not Let go of the Lord, but focus on the prison, but there are also people who can buy and guard the water to fish out, this group is

The most dangerous. They can survive in the hunt and gain freedom. It is ok to be king in the prison. So they will live at all costs. ”

There is no problem with the power defense of their **** thorny city. Those prisoners who have been released cannot attack their **** thorny city, but they must actively hunt and have insufficient manpower.

But that God-given spring that can enhance her strength, in fact, she is very interested!

The demon month continued: "There has always been a rule that several major city owners can't avoid the war. The **** thorny city did not have the owner of the city before. But now the city owner is the master, as the first city pool, they must do it, they will not let the master You are idle."

Ms. Qian said: "There is no fear of hands-on, but most of the lords, the lower part of the sage can not help me." The face of the demon moon with a sorrow, she said: "The master, those prisoners, not the most It’s worrying! The purple singer sent people to the news. No matter which jail is open, the nine-night monarch will not settle. When some people in the blood prison want to target the master, the nine-night monarch

I am afraid that he will not be able to open the body to protect the master. ”

"The prisoners who ran out are too courageous, dare to go to the trouble of nine nights? Go to die?" Mu Qianyi.

"Being able to have the courage and the nine-night monarch as an enemy, their strength is natural, I am afraid that their identity is not as simple as a prisoner."

Mu Qianxi thought of the cursing people, and the mastermind who ordered the curse to give the strongest dark curse under nine nights!

Is it that they are making a ghost?

There were fierce prisoners who ran out of prison prison, and later there were blood prisoners who saw her unkind people licking their knives. The situation was very serious.

"The meaning of the purple singer is that he has found a safe place. I want to..."

If the words of the demon month have not been finished, they will be interrupted by Mu Qian.

Mu Qian said: "This proposal, I refuse! Scarlet City is the first major city to enter the south, the **** thorn city must participate in the war, as the city owner must also participate in the war. Otherwise, we will not be able to enter the foot in the south, before All of our deployments will be hit hard."

"And I have to practice myself when I come to the blood prison. If I am hiding, I don't know when I can get stronger. So I refuse the purple proposal!"

The demon month is helpless: "The purple singer has long guessed that the master will reject his proposal. He asks the master to protect himself. Otherwise, the nine-night monarch is angry, but it will be terrible!"

Mu Qian said: "Do not worry! I can also see the **** hunting of the blood prison, want to see the strength of the beasts that are released from the prison."

The **** hunting announcement has been released to various cities, and all the cities are preparing for war. Even the city of Liancheng, who does not want to participate in these things, has to prepare for it.

Because if there is a city in the southern part of the restricted area that is not prepared for war, then the person on the top will have the name to kill the city owner.

Time is getting more and more urgent, and Mu Qiang seizes the time to train the soldiers, and gives her soldiers the strength to improve their survival rate in this hunting war.

This time, in addition to the biggest prison of the Prison in the South, the other prisons were opened, and each city was assigned several prisons.

In other cities, the **** thorny city is the largest city, and the strongest of the nobles is the reason, and the most difficult bones are handed over to the Scarlet City.

Seeing that she had thirteen honors, she actually divided 13 prisons and let her **** thorny city guard.

Mu Qian said: "Our strength can not be dispersed in this way. There must be two honors in each team, so that there is a master in the prison who escapes from the water."

Mu Qianxi divided her people into seven squads. Each squad sits on two sages, Mu Qian and blood four and a group of demon.

The medicinal herbs of the medicinal herbs are all prepared for them. Mu Qianxi said to them: "Do your best and return to the Scarlet City safely. This is our only request for you."

"Yes, the city owner!"

The war is coming soon, the supply of medicinal herbs is in short supply, and the recent business of Ghost Medical Building is extremely hot.

The major cities must not be killed or injured in this hunting, or the forces in the far south will be reshuffled.

No matter how beautiful they are in the past, it is easy to be eliminated.

Every hunting will inevitably face such a situation, this is the prison world, this is the blood prison, all kinds of dangers will be faced all the time, the survival rules here are cruel!

Hunting is about to begin, all major cities are preparing for war, and the far south restricted area is the first line of defense.

The city outside the restricted area has laid a second line of defense. They do not need to take the initiative to hunt, but to avoid the escape of prisoners who have escaped.

On the day before the start of the hunt, the lights of the Tower of God were not extinguished overnight. He hoarsely said: "My Highness, you will usher in some new enemies! And you will marry her... Maybe you will die in this chaos. Greedy, you have been lurking for so long, don't let me down. !"

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