Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2421: Scarlet swamp

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Mu Qian said: "They don't need your shots. How hard is it to try the prisoner who can't use the spiritual power?"

So under the leadership of Mu Qianxi, everyone in the **** thorny city waved his fist and acted!


Accustomed to the use of spiritual power, the result of not being able to use the spiritual power they rely on at once is vulnerable.

Compared to some of the prisoners who are accustomed to killing them in this dark prison without their spiritual power, their fighting power is not worth mentioning.



"Do not kill me!"

The other side also did not use the power, but they crushed them, and some prisons caused one to collapse.

So what happened!

They were controlled. How did they deal with the prison guards they had captured? How did Mu Qian’s poisoning this new prisoner?

The result is very effective!

They are not very puzzled why their colleagues have betrayed the prison, why they betrayed the prisoner, and personally experienced the feeling of life is not as good as death, they finally know the reason.

The pain that is so desperate is not something that people can withstand.

A series of brushes were selected, and only one in ten reached the standard of Scarlet City.

However, the number of prisoners in prison is large, and the number is one tenth.

Mu Qianxi confessed to those people: "You will continue to manage this prison in the future. What happened before you did not happen, and don't tell anyone, otherwise the poison in your body will attack again."

People have been released from the crowd, and these prisons are helpless.

If they are really not afraid of death, they will also be executed because of their disadvantages.

There are so many prisons in the entire prison, and they are only holding a few insignificant people.

When they are released, they will be released. As long as they don’t say it, no one will know.

After solving this jail, Mu Qianyi continued to leave and went to another prison.

At the beginning, the progress was very smooth. Of course, some prudent prisoners were also encountered. However, even if the poison of Mu Qiang was not taken orally, the air could spread, so they were doomed to have no means.

Mu Qianxi searched out a lot of people from the prison, and there was no problem in growing the Scarlet City and the Ghost House.

These prisoners did not think that they not only had the opportunity to be free, but also became a legitimate city citizen of the Scarlet City, and had the opportunity to do something.

The prisons that were robbed by Mu Qian’s squad continued to return to the right track and did not let them find the same.

The prisoners who were left behind only hated that they had no bottom line in doing bad things before, and they were so wicked that such an opportunity to escape from birth would not be possible for them.

The Scarlet City is getting stronger and stronger, and after the manpower is enough, the Ghost Medical Building has opened several other restricted areas, and there is a bustling city in every blood prison.

The medicinal medicine of Ghost Medical Building is really easy to use. It is rumored that the ghost doctor is the lord of the **** thorny city that conquered the horror. The name of the ghost doctor is particularly loud in the blood prison.

While developing his own business, Mu Qianxi did not relax his cultivation.

The blood came to say that a very precious elixir was found in a swamp in the southern restricted area. There was a lot of dangerous medicine in the area, and with the extraordinary medicine, Mu Qiang was ready to go in person.

Anyway, the matter of Scarlet City is almost the same, and she should take some time to practice.

Demon Moon Road: "Master, you go to strength, do you want to go to see the nine-night monarch, and say hello to the nine-night monarch. Otherwise the nine-night monarch is angry, the master you..."

The nine-night monarch is a very fierce man. He is angry and will not hurt the master, but the master is not good!

Mu Qian said: "You should not spend much time, say hello or avoid it!"

There is a powerful space artifact in the crystal Ying, it is not difficult to go to the blood prison palace, but after I went there, I don’t know how long it will be to be detained by the nine nights to come back?

Mu Qianxi is going to experience, and Xue Si wants to go along with him. He can't follow the busy work of mastering the various parts of the Ghost Medical Building. Mu Qian also does not allow it.

"The owner must be careful! I will definitely work hard." Blood four smiled.

The greedy wolf will only mechanically execute the command of the master. When there is no order, he is the silent follower.

Mu Qian also feels that he is taking some insurance with the Wolf.

It’s been quiet for a long time, and quietness gives people the same feeling of giving up on her.

This is definitely an illusion that he deliberately gave her. The endless guy looks like a fairy, no desire, but Mu Qian can feel the guy's paranoia, which is so easy to give up.

One thing, since he started doing it, I am afraid it will not be easy to give up.

If you really give up, then there is no endlessness.

The horrible **** swamp, with every step of it, carries the crisis of death.

The soul of Mu Qianxi is pervasive in the road ahead, and the dangers are investigated. There are a lot of elixir here, and it is only a lot of happiness.

She also found a **** second-hand elixir, black crystal blue, born in the darkness of the land, a kind of elixir that can cause death, but can make people regenerate.

This kind of elixir exists only in the inheritance of a lifetime, she has never seen it.


Such a potion, there is nothing else to guard around.

When Blood II and Blood Three plucked out, the appearance of a **** dragon, it opened its own fangs and bite into the blood and blood.

"Hey!" The red blood of the thorns appeared out of nowhere, directly entangled the mouth of this **** dragon.

The scales on the blood dragon are very hard, and the **** thorns cannot be broken.


Blood and blood were entangled in such a horrible World of Warcraft. When Mu Qian was going to pick black crystal orchids, he was attacked by a black drug lord.

This little guy is not very strong, far worse than the **** dragon, but the speed is very fast, is a good sneak attack.

Thanks to Mu Qian's soul power is strong enough, the reaction is keen, when the poisonous attack, Mu Qianxi will use the teleport.

Few humans can avoid its attack so quickly, the drug lord is very dissatisfied, his hind legs squatting on the ground, turning into a black whirlwind toward the end of the Millennium.

The greedy wolf wants to cut off this little gadget, but it is stopped by Mu Qian.

"I play with it!" Mu Qianxiao smiled.

"Hey!" A small black dot and a purple figure staggered in the air between the lightning stones.

In the end, Mu Qiang took the black crystal blue successfully and provoked the poisonous voice: "I got it!"

"Hey!" The drug lord was mad. "Hey!" The **** dragon was also very angry. The dark flower that they guarded for so long was actually taken away by a human being.

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