Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2424: First-line life

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"Boom!" Ziwei has the strongest killing trick, the endless adults said, to deal with this girl with an eternal artifact, one shot will have to make the strongest force.

Can't give her a chance, or she will be caught by her.

After all, it is the soul of the destiny!

"Rumble!" This deadly attack, Crystal Ying once again blocked the Mu Qian.

A blue light appeared, and a gentle, blue-haired, blue-faced woman appeared in front of Ziwei.

In an instant, everything in the entire space was split, and this piece of ground was also.

"Hey!" Ziwei was obviously injured.

Even if it is an incomplete eternal guardian, power cannot be underestimated.

Crystal Yingdao: "Hey, let's go first!"

"Rumble!" Crystal Ying ruined Ziwei's body again and again, but there is no way to know how many such dolls are prepared for him.

This kind of doll is equivalent to a life of Ziwei. Crystal Ying knows that only destroying his soul can make her disappear completely.

But this is a sly master!

"Ha ha ha! I found it."

How long did Mu Qianxi not leave the place where Ziwei and Crystal Ying played against each other, and a mad laugh suddenly came, this is the voice of a black boy.

As his laughter came, a figure of blood appeared, and he whispered: "Away from my master."

There are countless blood holes in the wolf, and one arm has been abolished. This kind of injury does not wrinkle his eyebrows and is in front of Mu Qian.

Mu Qian said: "I don't want you to bring some medicine with the wolf? Eat it and eat it all."

"Yes, the master!"

Eat so many pharmacies, so that the greedy wolf's injury is better.

The speed of recovery was so fast that the black man was stunned. "Is it interesting, is this woman for you? I killed her when she got some fun things on her, it was mine."

The greedy wolf chills: "I won't let you hurt the master."


Even with the treatment of medicinal herbs, it is difficult for the greedy wolf to turn things around. The black-haired boy is getting stronger and stronger, and now he has completely suppressed the greedy wolf.

The greedy wolf is now the end of the powerful!

Among the three people she has seen, the wolf is actually the weakest one.

The last time I didn’t send a greedy wolf, I’m afraid I’m going to ask for directions. I’m going to explore her depth and prepare for this shot.

He is just a sacrificed piece.

"Hey!" The greedy wolf was covered in blood by a black teenager.

The black boy was covered with blood and screamed: "The blood of the wolf is not good before, but now it is the same!"

"But I heard that you are a woman different, your blood with the power of life, it should be delicious! Waiting for me to end your life, you can enjoy it slowly."

The pair of blood-stained hands wanted to penetrate its heart. At this time, Crystal Ying came back. The power of the horrible space immediately cut off one of his hands.

"Hey!" For a time, blood spurted out, and the black boy stepped back dozens of steps.

"It hurts!" The black boy whispered in a low voice.

His mouth said pain, but his face did not show a little painful expression, but more and more excited.

A purple figure appeared in front of the black boy. He said: "Break the army, you are underestimating the enemy, and you have broken one arm, it is terrible!"

"One arm only, after I finished the task, the boundless adult can easily let me grow this arm." The broken army did not take this little injury and put it in the heart.

Ziwei looked at Mu Qianxi: "There are only three pieces of eternal guardian fragments on your body, so the eternal guard can only use three absolute defenses. Now three absolute defenses have been used up, you are dead. !"

Standing on the crystal Ying face in front of Mu Qianxi, there is a smile on his face. "With some of your ants, killing our family is completely dreaming! Maybe your master is not wrong, and you have a chance."

The light blue light wrapped up Mu Qianji, this time I can only stay away from this guy and send the nephew to that place.

Mu Qianxi disappeared in front of Ziwei and the broken army, and their faces became extremely ugly.

"Understanding adults don't mean that this place has been set up by him. The formation can block this space, so that it can't transfer space with Onofian's guardian. She... How does she take Mu Qian? I’m leaving it.” They don’t believe that the infinite guys will be wrong.

Breaking the military road: "I remember there is a jail here! Scarlet purgatory is at the end of the **** swamp, blood purgatory does not belong to this position in the southern restricted area, so it is not within the adult space forbidden, the eternal guardian is actually because of the **** purgatory Mu Qianxi escaped." Ziwei icy road: "Blood purgatory! Hahaha! Eternal guardian has consumed his own power but sent his master into the horrible prison, generally others are disgusting People, hateful people sent to the **** purgatory, Mu Qianyu was actually sent to her by the life of the seventh month artifact

The place is estimated to be the only one. ”

"The so-called first-line vitality, I am afraid it is even worse for her owner to die!"

Blood purgatory, one of the most dangerous prisons of blood prison, Mu Qianyi, a young girl who is only ten years old, the strength is so weak, I am afraid that it will not be long before it will be sucked up by the blood, and then there is no bone.

"Understanding adults look at her, I really think she can have a chance."

"Master!" At this time, the broken army climbed up.

Ziweidao: "It’s one of the seven of us. It’s not dead. I’m too lazy to deal with it. He’s useless. You broke him and killed him!”

The broken army smiled and said: "Okay!"

Just as the ruin of the army was the result of the greedy wolf, the sky suddenly saw a darkness, and a horrible force suppressed the magical objects here.

"You are so bold!"

A roar came and the huge beast above the sky enveloped the sky.

"It's a purple lord!"

When the nine nights pinned the endless time, I ordered the purple secluded to come over.

Because the curse is out of control, he dare not approach the hustle and bustle, but he will be assured that he will directly let the purple secluded as the body quickly rush to find her.


The horror of the horror came out, and the power of the purple solitude broke out completely, sweeping the broken army and Ziwei.

In the face of the strong attack of purple and quiet, the two of them chose to retreat, and it was definitely not a wise move to fight with the purple sorcerer who became the ontology. They ran very fast, and Ziyou did not find that there was a feeling of enthusiasm around him. He felt that the injury of the wolf did not make him suffocate. Ziyou asked: "Where is the little beauty going? Little beauty? Eternal Did the guard send her away?"

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