Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2429: Believe in the city

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The disappearance of Mu Qianxi, alarmed the silver purple in the lotus city.

His face sank and he heard the words of the blood. He knew that there was no end to it.

A prestigious preacher can't go through with him.

He admits that Mu Qian’s talent is very powerful, and he is the master of the eternal eternal artifact. His identity is extraordinary, but it is not worthy of being like the boundless adults!

Silver Purple Road: "I can't save it, but I can let him die, freeze!"

"Fake death medicine, I have it here!" Blood four.

"The owner said that someone was seriously injured and used it at a very irreparable point."

"That's the use! Her fake remedy should be better than mine."

Blood four does not like the wolf, but after all, is the master of the master, can not let him die to let the master disappointed.

"Blood purgatory!" Silver-purple's face is very bad.

It is Mu Qiang who has given him a new life. He naturally does not want her to have anything.

Silver Purple looked at them one by one, silver purple said: "She won't have anything! Just when she went out to practice, I am a foreigner in the Scarlet City who believes she can come out of the blood purgatory?" You didn't even believe in your original city?"

How horrible the **** purgatory is, the blood prisoners are very clear, but they are more aware that their city owners have created miracles, doing things that others can't do.

Their city owners are so powerful, they always believe that even if it is **** purgatory, there is no way to trap their city owners.

Silver Purple Road: "What did you order before she went out to practice? What do you do? I will take her place in the **** thorny city before she comes. If there is any power to find you trouble, I will deal with it."

Silver Purple is now restored, and no one under the monarch is his opponent.

He is sitting in the **** thorny city, even if some forces are eager to deal with the **** thorny city, they are not afraid.

When did the relationship between the Lord of the Lotus City and the Scarlet City of Thorough City become like this?

The forces under the abundance of Mu Qianxi did not mess up because of her disappearance, and as usual, Ziyou controlled the blood prison.

I learned that after three days, I lost the nine-night monarch and I don’t know where to go. The only purple lord is in charge of the entire blood prison.

The prisoners and the ghost prisoners are eager to move. The two monarchs are almost the same, and they still remember the little branch.

Although not a complete Aion, they still have some of the power of the Aion, and they are strong, and they naturally want it.

So the two prisoners sent out a lot of people to sneak into the sacred city, want to find the one who was hidden by the nine-night monarch.

But this Wang Hao disappeared like a void. People didn't find it. They were also caught by the purple people. "What are you looking for?"

"Purple... Purple..."

Some of these people’s faces have changed dramatically. “Right!”

They did not say what they were trying to do to find the **** prisoner who had the tower of the Eternal Tower. This guy mentioned the thousand miles, and the purple face was very gloomy.

"You can go to die!"

The treatment of blood prison is purple and I feel irritated to die. There are many ways of the Protoss. The Protossian's means of the Protoss makes him unpredictable and has no way! Can't help the night and the little beauty.

At this time, the prison and the ghost prison directly hit the muzzle, so Ziyou went straight to the prison and the ghost prison to give the two monarchs a meal.

Although his strength is a bit difficult to kill a monarch, it is easy to make them feel ashamed.

Everyone in the prison knows that the Purple Respected Lord is the most trusted confidant of the nine-night monarch. He thought it was a powerful superior, and he did not expect that he would have the power to compete with the monarch. In the past, some people who were guilty of purple sorrow felt cold in their necks. After the purple screams warned them, "The deity will come to you to make a move. If you don't want the deity to be too embarrassed, then you will pour. Give your strength to inquire about me, how can I get into the blood

Prison, did you hear it? ”

"If I find it, I am too lazy to deal with you!"

Yu Ji and Bai Guijun are a bit puzzled. What do you want to do with the **** purgatory?

In such a place, even if the monarch can't get in, even if he can go in, no one wants to enter such a place?

"Reassured, we will definitely inquire about it." They didn't want to be troubled by the horrible beasts. They had to promise to help Zihuang to do this.

Mu Qianxi did not think that someone came to see her the next day, "Mu girl, do we have Zhang Daren?"

Mu Qianxi faintly said: "Who are you Zhang Daren? I don't know."

"We Zhang Daren is the strongest person in this town. I want to invite the girl to talk, and please please cooperate with the girl."

"The strongest person in a town, I don't have such a big face to let me see him personally. If he wants to come to see me, let him come." Mu Qian said.

"Great voice! Little girl, you think you are still outside, do you think that you are still some of the big ladies who are back and forth? You are a **** purgatory, but you don't see what family you were before, what is your identity! Only the strength of strength, you better know each other."

Mu Qian’s eyes flashed through a cold light. "It’s you who know each other!"

They didn't see the movements of Mu Qiang at all, and people had already flew out in the air.


One by one, they fell from the sky, and they did not think that this beautiful, disproportionate little girl was so powerful without spiritual power.

People who have just fallen into the **** purgatory can't adapt to the illusion that they can't use the spiritual power. They are all abused by some of their old residents.

And now they are being abused!

"This little girl is a bit powerful, let's go and inform Zhang Daren!"

When Zhang Daren arrived, Mu Qiang was drinking tea indifferently.

He stared at Mu Qian’s face: "The little girl really looks very beautiful, and the little boys are not lying! Follow me! I don't want to be so beautiful to you."

Mu Qiang looked at her and said: "With you, which green onion are you?"

She picked up the cup and threw it at him.

Zhang Daren said: "It seems that you are a reluctant master, then I will conquer you with strength!"

His hands were turned into claws and he attacked the past toward Mu Qian.

This is just a slap in the face of his strength, no skill, and the movement is very slow, and Mu Qian is completely out of his eyes.

Mu Qian’s hand was cut into a hand knife and cut directly toward the deadly acupoints on his body. These people do not have the spiritual defense, hurt the fatal, can make them hurt?

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