Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2437: Who is the deer?

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"Every prisoner has a recommended place. Although I don't mix well? But there is still a place. If the master wants to go, I will arrange it."

"Good! Go and arrange it!"

Wan Xuefeng is located on the edge of the 12th to the 13th floor of the blood purgatory. Under the Wanxue Peak, there is a large city named Wanfeng Peak.

The thirteen-tiered, powerful prisoners are now gathered here. There are arrogant powerhouses, prisoners of all kinds, and all kinds of people.

Wanxue City also has a million blood list, which announced the 10,000 people who are most likely to climb the Wanfeng Peak.

These people are all famous in the **** purgatory and killing the Quartet, so it is very famous.

As for Mu Qianxi, she was relatively low-key after she came to the **** purgatory, so the list of tens of thousands of people did not see her name at all.

Most of the people who come here are strong men. When they can't use the spiritual power, physical strength is very important in the battle. The strong man is very advantageous.

The prisoner who followed Mu Qianxi said: "Adults, the blood cabinet in front can inquire about the information of the candidates. We have inquired about it in the past. As long as you can afford blood, you can get any information."

When Mu Qiang went to the Blood Pavilion, I felt a dangerous look on the building.

That look is not directed at her, but is to look at everyone passing by.

This dangerous feeling is very familiar, because she was also the same when she was chased in the Scarlet Marsh. Mu Qiang looked up slightly and the pupil suddenly shrank.

There are two people sitting in the room on the third floor of the Blood Court, a purple youth, a black boy.

These two people are so familiar with each other. It seems that even if she is in the **** purgatory, there is still no one to send people to kill, and she is really relieved!

But here is the **** purgatory, she can't use spiritual power, neither of these two people.

Really want to do it, when the deer will die, maybe?

Breaking the military road: "Ziwei, do you say that one million will appear above the Wanfeng Peak?" Ziwei said: "She didn't come to Wanfeng Peak, there is only one reason, she has been killed. If she is so easy to be killed, it is not worthy of being treated with caution so much, so I am sure she will still be alive, not only alive but still trying to get stronger and want to leave.

Blood purgatory, so definitely not miss this opportunity. ”

"Adult, what's wrong? Don't you plan to pass?"

"You used to inquire about the news, I will go back first!" Mu Qianxi turned and left.

She is now easy to accommodate, and the two of them will not easily find her, but those who have not cultivated in the world are not good candidates.

They are here to find her, so naturally they will find it without any means.

She did not intend to conflict with them until there was no tens of thousands of blood peaks. After all, there are prisoners who can use spiritual power to deal with them badly, but they have to wait for Wan Xuefeng, and they are all prisoners who cannot use spiritual power.

In the end who is the prey, it depends on the ability.

The last time they were in danger, they were dark, she was in the Ming, and she was completely passive. This time it was the opposite.

Ziwei and the broken army did not find the traces of Mu Qianxi in Wanxuecheng, but their every move was mastered by Mu Qianxi.

It is not difficult to have money to make a ghost push, and it is not difficult for Mu Qian to want to buy people to help monitor them.

They are also preparing for the blood peak! And recommending them is not a general prison, but a **** confidant.

In general, prisoners can only recommend two people, but they are treated by some blood servants, but they have special treatment.

Wan Xuefeng is open, and all the people who want to enter Wanfeng Peak are gathered under the mountain.

A prisoner of the main cause said: "Climbing, I wish you good luck!"


His voice has just fallen, and countless figures rush out like the arrow of the string, and Mu Qian also follows the crowd.

In the crowd, her soul has always been locked in the purple and broken army.

Ziwei and the broken army are very strong, but they are still inferior to the millennium, so they did not find the existence of Mu Qian.

This tens of blood is dangerous to prisoners, and there are some dangerous aliens.

"Hey!" The alien attack, these prisoners also began to kill.

The **** spirit is limited. As long as you kill more people, the more they can grab, the stronger they will become.

Mu Qianyi did not intend to participate in this melee, and his body shape flashed, cleverly avoiding a melee.

When I was on the mountainside, a young man swept over and wanted to catch Mu Qian, but was avoided by Mu Qian.

"This girl, I am not malicious! Just watching you a woman alone, our boss wants you to talk to him in the past." The young man smiled with three points on his face.

Mu Qianxi faintly said: "On this mountain, everyone is a competitor, I think we have nothing to talk about! Let go."

"You are a woman who is crazy! I really can't see it." A green youth appeared.

His arrogant sighs to the abundance: "Woman, do you know who I am? Do you know how many times I rank in the blood list?"

"The tenth place is often flying!" Mu Qianqi's tone still shows his identity as usual.

She collected a lot of information on the competitors of the Wanxue list, and the top ten could pose some threat to her.

"Since I know my name, I dare to talk to me like this. I see that you are special, fast enough, I want you to join my team. Now I apologize to me and want to join my regular team. Seeing that you are a woman, I will let you go."

After going up the mountain, they noticed this woman. Her speed is very fast, and she has not been attacked since going up the mountain. Even the clothes are not messed up.

Mu Qian said: "With you, I am not qualified to let me join."

"you wanna die!"

Chang Fei was really angered by this woman who did not know how to be awkward. His attack was like a gust of wind and rain.

Let her speed be faster, and it is too late to avoid it.

What makes him unbelievable is that this woman has chosen to be hard-pressed with her, and she is really tired.

"Oh!" Unbelievably, being defeated, the injured is not this woman, but their boss often flies.

"Hey!" A mouthful of blood spewed out in the mouth of Changfei.

Some of these people are surprised: "Boss!"

The first round of the fight was actually defeated by a woman. Chang Fei was angry. "What are you shouting? Don't do it together, solve her problem early and we continue to climb. We can't waste too much time on this woman."

"Yes, boss!" "Hey!" Numerous figures swept over Mu Qian.

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