Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2440: Small blood special

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Mu Qiang’s strength is strong, but it is strange to them.

They often know each other!

"It’s the tenth in the million blood list!"

"The first ten are left and he is still alive. All the other people are killed by these two madmen.

"Even if you fly like this, we can only believe it. I don't want to die."

In addition to the body or the body, they don’t want to be one of them. They nod their heads: "Good!"

Mu Qianxi got a lot of blood-colored chalcedony, and when the demon vine has not fully grown up, Mu Qiang began to refine the medicine.

"She is crazy, what is she doing?"

I saw that Mu Qianxi used so many **** spirits at once. If it was wasted, it was really very distressing and they felt unbelievable.

The strength of this **** spirit is indeed not comparable to **** jade, and Mu Qian’s movements are very fast. They can’t see the movements of Mu Qian’s, and Mu Qiang still refines the medicine.

The little blood wants to rush over, and it feels that the power contained in this medicine can help him advance.

Mu Qianxi took it and said: "Small blood, now the situation is very urgent, but you have to think about it, I can't guarantee that there is no side effect, are you sure you want to advance to it?"

Little blood: "There is no way. You can't let me lose my little class to escape. It's too shameful. I won't make such a thing. I want to be stronger and defeat the guy."

"That's good! Go!" Mu Qianyi let go.

She is not willing to be counted by the endless, dead here, must fight.

The little blood madly absorbed some of the potions, but this power is just enough for it to advance to six-star, but not enough!

Mu Qianxi directly put the remaining **** marrow, and then refined the pharmaceutical agent.

Everyone is unbelievable, in the blink of an eye, this woman turned out to be a five-star eucalyptus.

In other words, she will let the six-star alien plant advance to a seven-star plant.

is it possible?

When is the advancement of heterogeneous so easy? They are like dreaming.

"Boom!" When Xiaoxue successfully promoted the six-star alien planting, Ziwei was also injured by various kinds of different planting attacks. At this time, the seven-star-like planting demon vine burst out of tyrannical power, deterring some of it. I don’t dare to attack Ziwei again.

Ziwei's face was heavy. "I didn't expect that you would have thought that this **** thorn would be promoted to a seven-star. I won't let you succeed."

The demon vine will soon launch an attack. He does not want to give Mu Qian any vitality, so he will stop the remedy.

Chang Feidao: "Block him! Only when the boss succeeds can we survive, or we will die!"

"Block him!"

Ziwei has killed too many people just now. These people are indeed afraid of him, but now they are all forced into desperation. For the hope of the line, they are also prepared to defend.

"Get out!"

These prisoners will not be afraid of death to block him, making Ziwei's face look ugly.

Mu Qianxi consumed all the **** spirits, refining the medicine, and treating the small blood: "small blood, fast..."

She feels that the demon vine is getting more and more dangerous!


It absorbed all the potions and the body was wrapped directly by a red mask.

Mu Qiang plucked the past and said: "Now I have time to play against you, Ziwei."

"You all retreat, stay away from here, run!" Mu Qianxi said to them.

Ziweidao: "Mu Qianxi, you can't live for a long time. Your **** thorns, it is estimated that there is no way to advance to save you! So short time, you have a five-star alien plant forced to promote to seven stars, completely impossible of."

Ziwei was injured, and he and Mu Qianxi played against the wind.

This feeling makes Ziwei very unhappy. Before the blood prison, Mu Qianxi was not his opponent at all.

Nowadays, spiritual power cannot be used, and Mu Qian’s fighting power exceeds her.

But what about that? If you are destined to die, you will definitely die.

"Oh!" Suddenly, the horrible cold wind whizzed.

Mu Qian’s pupil slammed and the attack of the Demon Vine came.

Mu Qianxi seems to have not found the general, continue to chase after the purple micro poor!

"Hey!" Ziwei's arm was marked with a blood mark with a deep visible bone.


When the vines that were killed by the demon vines rushed toward Mu Qian, the light blue power blocked it.

Mu Qiandao said: "Crystal Ying, you wake up!"

"My task is to protect my nephew. I am dangerous, and I will naturally wake up. But my strength has not recovered much..."

"Hey!" The vine that was attacked was turned into nothingness.

But ruining some of these vines did not cause much damage to the demon vine.

The Demon vine once again launched an attack on Mu Qian, and this attack was even more fierce.

"Hey!" Its attack is stronger, and it can't break the defense of the eternal guardian.

This time it was destroyed more seriously, Ziwei’s face was smiling, “Twice!”

the last time!

Soon, Ziwei’s smile disappeared. When the demon vine was attacking, it was entangled by a bright red **** thorn.

Ziwei is incredible. It is a **** thorn, and the **** thorns have really become a seven-star plant.

Not only has it become a seven-star, but its explosive power is comparable to that of the Devil.

Mu Qian’s face flashed a touch of joy, she said: “Zi Wei, if you only have this seven-star plant, this time, your mission has failed, and your end is death!”

She found that the little blood was very different from the **** thorns she had seen before. The color was more dazzling, the branches were like rubies, and the strength was very strong.

I am afraid that even if the blood is at its peak, it cannot be compared with the blood that has just been promoted.

The little blood fruit is really not a **** thorn!

Ziweidao: "Break the army, stop this woman at all costs. If we are all dead, this task will fail, and the boundless adults will be disappointed."

Knowing that he is escaping, Ziwei still does not give up, only sacrifice to break the army.

The broken army is like a puppet without feelings. It is completely fearless of death. "Good! But you have to promise me, you have to complete the task, otherwise... otherwise I can't seem to be like you?"

The broken army is like a wild beast rushing to Mu Qianxi, even if the poison has penetrated into the bone marrow, he still took a shot that is not afraid of death.


There is a broken army entangled in the Millennium, Ziwei left at the fastest speed. "Mu Qianxi, the next time I meet, even if you have seven stars, I will kill you! Complete the task that the great people have given us!"

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