Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2442: Are you jealous?

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Small blood: "It becomes a human form, it is a very simple thing, and it is too shameful for the small class to help you. I will change it to you now, my human form can be seen..."

Soon, the blood-red light wrapped up the little blood.

Mu Qianxi is also somewhat surprised. Before the blood four, they were incarnate in adult form. They need pharmacy assistance, otherwise they must at least go to God.

However, the seven-star different planting blood actually said that it can transform itself!

When the blood red glow faded, a lovely scream came in an instant. "Hurry up and close your eyes! Hurry up."

Mu Qiang closed his eyes and said: "So shy, isn't the little blood you incarnate in adult form and forget to shape clothes?"

It’s not that I don’t know how to shape clothes, but the shape of the clothes is too big, and it can’t be worn at all.

Standing in front of Mu Qianxi is a three-headed Xiaozhengtai, red hair with long hair, golden eyes, delicate face like a man coming out of a comic, with a drop of blood red tears at the end of his eyes. .

A beautiful little guy who couldn't help but hug into his arms, holding a **** red robe of an adult and looking confused.

How could this be? How could this be? I should have turned into an adult male! Why did it become a human cub, this... This makes me stand up in front of the small class!

Little blood wants to cry without tears, Mu Qian said: "Can I open my eyes?"


"I refuse, I have to open my eyes." Mu Qianxiao smiled.

The little blood had to make a child's clothes. When Mu Qianqi opened his eyes and saw such a good look, Meng Xiaotian was too small, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

"so cute!"

Reaching out to pick up the little **** hair, and the fleshy face.

"Small followers, you are too bold!"

"It’s cute when you are angry!"

"Stop your hands!"

The little blood in the heart! The image is all gone.

Obviously it is so powerful and domineering, and it turns out to be a human cub, with no majesty.

The formation of a small blood is mad at a little guy, and Mu Qian comforted: "Don't be angry, it seems that there are side effects in forcing the strength. Fortunately, this side effect is not very serious, it does not affect your health and does not affect you. power."

The little **** bulging said: "What is not very serious, especially serious or not, this form of pup is completely detrimental to my majesty, I am so domineering..."

The sly voice, the cute face, made Mu Qian could not help, said: "It is so cute."

The little blood was devastated, and when he saw his face collapse, Mu Qian also could not bear it.

She said: "I used to help the seven-star alien planting **** thorns, I will help you refine a pharmacy, then you drink the pharmacy and try again?"

The little **** rounded up the golden eyes: "What? You have other **** thorns."

"Yeah!" And it is still a **** thorn in a city. Anyway, small blood will be seen later, and Muqian has not concealed it, lest it know the rebound.

"You, a human being, don't care about you."

The small heart was already hit hard. As a result, it was even more boring to hear that there were other **** thorns outside the body, or seven stars.

Ignore her, absolutely ignore her!

In order to make a sulking guy feel better, Mu Qiang is going to refine the pharmaceutical agent to see if he can help the little blood grow up.


Once again, the small blood is still shaped like a young child.

The little blood is going to collapse, "still not!"

Mu Qianzhen tried a variety of pharmacies still have no effect, the small blood desperate to give up treatment.

He said: "If you forget it, will this adult think about it in the future?"

Mu Qianxi also knows that the problem is not in the medicine, but in the blood itself.

Mu Qian said: "When we leave the **** purgatory, I will ask a friend of mine! He is a holy plant, maybe there is a way."

The little blood is directly fried. "It's very good! There are more **** thorns outside, and there are other holy plants."

The suffocating little blood became the body, and Mu Qian said: "Small blood, you can't go shopping all the time, eat all kinds of things, can you become an adult now? Don't you want to go shopping?"

Sure enough, the little blood was moved, and once again, it became the little cute look.

Human food is very magical for small blood, so eat well and eat.

The little blood has eaten, and I forgot to entangle the other people's shape so that there is no such thing as majesty.

He followed the Millennium, all the way to the 12th floor of the blood purgatory, and the 18th floor of the blood purgatory.

The appearance of the little blood is so cute, it is easy to provoke a lot of metamorphosis, and the blood purgatory is definitely a place where there is no shortage of metamorphosis.

But those who dared to provoke a small blood, all were smashed, and there are even some prisoners.

The prisoners of the blood prison killed the prison and were wanted, but they were killed by the alien plants. They could not find a way to revenge, let alone a seven-star plant.

Mu Qianxi and Xiaoxue arrived at the 18th floor of the Scarlet Purgatory, and the blood palace was at the core of the 18th floor.

The unusual bustling here, everyone is addicted to enjoyment.

They found a window seat in a very luxuriously decorated restaurant.

She was feeding small blood with short arms and broken legs, and she heard a sizzle from the street outside.

"It’s a big life to go out shopping."

"Floating adults..."


The ears of the little blood are slightly moving, floating...

He squatted to the window and squatted. The little blood was attracted to the attention of the one, and Mu Qian also looked at it.

The red rose is dancing in the sky, the man is not playing, and this gorgeous array has attracted everyone's attention in a high-profile manner.

The team of hundreds of people carried a gorgeous soft couch and walked on the street. The man sitting on the giant soft couch had a very charming face.

Zhu Lip is like the most vivid blood, the eyebrows are like the usual paintings, the golden scorpion is shining, the **** red tears in the eyes, making him look glamorous and fascinating, just like the plague of the world.

At first glance, this man is so beautiful.

Look again, this is too familiar!

Mu Qianxi turned his head and looked at the little blood beside him. Is that a man, isn't it a growing version of Xiaoxue?

It looks exactly the same!

At this time, Xiaoxue looked angry and looked at the beautiful and demon man who was greeted by the former.

It’s like a man who is abandoning his wife and is surrounded by all sorts of scum.

The heterogeneous shape is shaped according to one's own mind. Of course, if it is the same, it is not surprising that the formation is exactly the same. Mu Qianqi asked: "Small blood, is this guy who is swaying through the city, is it yours? It is also a **** thorn!"

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