Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2457: He is the city owner

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This is Wang Wangwang! Everyone else held their breath and the atmosphere didn't dare to scream.

I am afraid that the two have not yet talked about it, they will fight directly.

After all, these two are arrogant masters, and they are very concerned about the **** thorny city, no one will let the **** thorny city hand over.

Floating life: "You two come out! Don't you always want to find her?"

After leaving the **** thorns, he followed the two small tails.

They usually do not appear, but ask him a few moments later, where is their master? Let him go to the master and disturb his interest in playing.

"Is it you?"

Lagerstroemia and the broken army appear, blood two they are like a big enemy.

These two faces can not know, that is, they suddenly ran out to assassinate the master, only to let the master into a dangerous situation, was forced into the blood purgatory.

The master will actually be with the person who assassinated the master. It seems that there will be a deadly battle next.

Blood, they are super nervous, they are going to die, they really do not die, what should they do?

Which side of the station will not work?

Everyone was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, but they didn't think that as a party, they were very calm and alive.

When they were going to start with Ziwei and the broken army, the two men actually squatted down: "See the master!"

They are in awe, this... What is going on here?

Before the two men did not fold, they could not wait to get rid of their urban masters!

Mu Qian said: "In the future, the two of them are not enemies, just like the coveted wolf."

They breathed a sigh of relief, the city master was too powerful, not only returned safely from the **** purgatory, but also conquered these two powerful adults.


its not right!

The master and master of the city...

Mu Qianxi spoke up. "I heard that you want to be a city owner."

"Yes!" Nodded and nodded.

Mu Qianxi said to the floating life: "That's good! Then you are the city owner!"

Everyone was stunned, which was different from what they thought!

The urban master is so easy to make the position of the city owner, blood four: "Master, no! God is not so powerful, the master does not need to taboo him."

Life is not right!

Originally, he felt that if he was cute, he would continue to make the little cute a city owner!

But Xiaoxiao actually threw the position of the city owner directly to him, which gave him a very bad feeling.

The idea of ​​life is uncertain: "Little cute, are you talking about it?"

"Yes! Really, this is a life, and the city owner of the **** thorny city is him. There is something in the city that you are looking for, I will not care." Mu Qianxi smiled and introduced to everyone.

Some people are willing to rush to be a coolie, she is naturally very happy to let go.

Of course, not everyone has the entire qualification, just happens to have this qualification, who makes her his contractor.

She will only be the landlord of the ghost medical building in the future!

Silver Purple Road: "Mu Qianxi, you just gave the **** thorny city to others. Are you so much painstaking?"

Silver Purple used to think that Mu Qiang was not afraid of this person, and today he would compromise on a god.

Mu Qian said: "Silver purple. You are wrong. I just said that I would give him the burden of the city owner, but I did not intend to give him the **** thorny city."

"Is this not the same?" Silver Purple Road.

After listening to the words of Mu Qianxi, the floating dark road is not good.

"Little cute, you are too treacherous! You... I am not a city owner, or you should be!"

Everyone is covered with black lines, adults, do you think that the owner of the **** thorny city is joking? Say when it is right, it is not appropriate to say it improperly.

Mu Qian said: "I have announced in front of everyone, it is absolutely not going to repent. You are good for it!"

Everyone still feels that there is a cloud in the fog. Anyway, the **** thorny city is easy to change. It seems that the owner has not changed anything else. It seems that it is only a verbal change.

It is estimated that the only change is that Mu Qian has become a lot of leisure, and there is no time for life to eat, drink and have fun.

The blood is also strange. Is it true that the owner and the owner of the city see each other as they see each other, so they will get along so well.

"Hey! I said that you don't have a city in this holy plant? What do you want to do in my **** thorny city?"

Too angry!

He was busy outside here, but this guy followed the little cute in the yard to play the piano and drink tea, and his heart was extremely unbalanced.

Silver Purple Road: "What is your relationship with him?"

He can find that Mu Qianxi’s trust in life is more than that of him, so that they have a hard relationship between them!

Mu Qianxi looks at the floating life: "Do you mind if you say?"

Mu Qiang’s trust in life is safe and bold, and he is not afraid of any threat to her.

As for the reasons, they did not know, they were very curious, and Mu Qian also gave them no doubts.

Mainly to avoid the face of his life!

If you let people know that the former **** thorny city owner, the former **** monarch, the powerful god-like blood-stained thorns actually signed a contract with her, even if it is an equal contract, it will damage his majesty.

After all, life is arrogant and arrogant!

Fushengsheng: "What do I mind? I have any good intentions."

The arrogant look of the silver purple road: "This is my master, you do not need to stay in the **** thorn city like a thief to prevent me, to play the piano to your lotus city to play the piano!"

A blood-red light flashed, and he also showed his own contract mark, as if he had signed an equal contract with a human being.

Silver and purple are also a bit strange. He thought of countless reasons, but he never thought that Mu Qianyi had become the master of this **** thorn.

It is not an easy task to ask the Lord to recognize the Lord.

Mu Qian said: "In the **** purgatory, the situation is urgent, so I have to sign a contract with him to repair his soul, so..."

Silver Purple Road: "You can safely come back."

It is determined that there is no danger to the life of Mu Qiang. Mu Qian is the master of life. It seems that there is no difference between the city owner of the thorny city and the city.

He still likes the tranquility of the lotus city, and he goes back to Mu Qianxi and goes back.

Floating smile: "My master, this friend of yours has gone, is that..."

The words of my master made Mu Qianqi a bitter cold, and Mu Qian’s faceless expression: "Floating, since you are a city owner, you must have the responsibility of the master of the city! There are still many things to be dealt with in my ghost medical building. I am busy in the past."

Mu Qianxi sneaked very quickly, and she was vomiting blood.

I knew that now when a city owner is so troublesome, no less than he used to be a blood prisoner, he will not be so ill-intentioned that he wants to be a city owner.

But now that regret is too late, his bad-eyed master is going to let him go all the way.

The boss of the extreme north restricted area is an ambitious person. He wants to unify the four restricted areas and prepare for a grand meeting.

As the boss of the extremely restricted area, the **** thorny city naturally received an invitation.

"Competition! I am a little itchy, a group of people who don't know each other, even provoked to the head of this adult." Overtime added to the sputum test to vomit blood. The other big squatters in the four restricted areas felt the back chilly.

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