Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2460: Former monarch

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Numerous figures rushed to Mu Qianxi, and other viewers felt that this little girl was miserable.

Their **** thorny city is not without people. Although her contractor is powerful, she must arrange several masters to protect her when she goes out!

In this way, let yourself be in danger.

The younger generations in the major restricted areas have reached the lower lords better, and the poorer ones are similar to the ones.

They are very embarrassed, why a person with such a low strength can become the owner of the **** thorny city in the southern part of the restricted area, and the contract is a god.

There is no strength at the level of a lord. There is no need to protect their superior lords. They can solve this problem.

At this time, they found that this woman actually laughed.

"It’s good to come, look at the enthusiasm of their abuse, I have some itching."

After listening to her words, these people are angry.

"It’s arrogant. Do you think that your strength is so powerful? Is it dare to speak out?”

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Of course I am not as powerful as him, but I am more than enough to abuse you."

The dragon sword of Yanlong was taken out by Mu Qian, and the flame of horror broke out completely.

Their faces are changing and dangerous!

"Jiu Yan Haotian!"


"Less city master, be careful!"

"Young Master..."

Mu Qianxi only used one trick, and the genius juniors of these major cities have no power to fight.

If not the upper lord jumped out to protect these people, they were already ashes by the flames of Mu Qiang?

Everyone is stunned. Does this girl really not reach the lord level? This is too strong.

Mu Qian said: "You guys and young masters can't do it! Are you going?"

"Little girl, hurry!" These top leaders took the initiative.

Mu Qianxi did not fight with spiritual power in the **** purgatory. After leaving, it seems that there is no chance to do it.

Today, for such a group of people, she can finally do a big job.

The three elements of spiritual power have been perfectly manipulated by the Millennium, and they have met the attacks of these people.

Numerous mysterious spirits have been smashed down, and some of these superior lords have been hit hard.

"This is a lie! It has not reached the lord level, but the upper lord can't deal with her."

"She has always been an active and violent attack, completely undefensive, when the attack of the upper lord is so weak, even a person without defense can not hurt."


These upper lords also secretly complained, but they made the strongest attacking skills, but the attack fell on this woman's body, they could not wipe her skin!

Is this the human body? These question marks of the top lord at this time.

With more and more people coming out, until they all came out, Mu Qian said: "Invincible, Xiaohong, little ink, come out!"

Mu Qianxi has no way to let them out to fight in the **** purgatory, they have been bored for a long time.

Now that Mu Qianxi finally summoned them, they began to kill the Quartet with Mu Qianxi!


No matter which side of the battlefield, the results are unilaterally crushed.

Losing their hearts, they still feel that a little girl is a burden, are these two people all perverted?

Nowadays, the strength of Mu Qianxi is not that the Lord does not want to hurt her. This world is estimated to have no such eight-order Lingzong metamorphosis.

"Adult, we admit defeat!"

"We admit defeat."


The three strongest people in the restricted area who survived can only accept the fate.

Mu Qian said: "From now on, who is the overlord of the four major restricted areas?"

"It's you!"

"From now on, which city is the strongest master of the four restricted areas?"

"It is a **** thorny city."

"So, once it is the command of the Scarlet City, you dare not violate it."

"Don't dare!"

One question and one answer, Mu Qianxi nodded with satisfaction.

"So in the future, no matter what I do in the Scarlet City, you just need to nod. It’s okay to nod, it’s gone!"

She did not let them promise anything, nor did they let them make a vow.

Mu Qian said: "I didn't want to use such a hegemonic means. I didn't want to scare you. But you made me unhappy, so I can only give you a warning?"

They cautiously asked: "We...we don't know where to offend the adults? Also ask the adults to express."

"I am the owner of the Scarlet City, and the landlord of the Ghost Medical Building, but my ghost medical building is not going well on your site! You said that I am not angry?"

They were cold and sweaty and hurriedly squatted on the ground: "We will not dare any more in the future."

"In the future, only a drug building in Ghost Medical Building will be allowed to exist in our city."


Mu Qian said: "You can understand it well, then it will be scattered today!"

After they had been abused, the two men went straight away.

The strongmen of the three restricted areas not only broke their ambitions, but even their self-confidence was crushed.

But the people who came to watch felt that they didn't have a white one. After all, they saw such an incredible battle.

The main road of Ximen City: "What should I do? Let them be stunned by the **** thorny city."

"In the future we will only be able to bow down to them." The eastern city owner is not reconciled.

The wind sighed: "The gods have always been few, and the **** thorns of the gods are even less. This guy is not ran out for no reason. I remember that the **** lord was a **** thorn, I doubt..."

"He is the disappearing predecessor of the blood prisoner!" "Yes, one mountain can not accommodate two tigers, a blood prison can not accommodate a monarch. That person now has ambition to unite the entire four restricted areas, sure to take the next blood prison We told this news to the nine-night monarch, and the nine-night monarch will solve him. As long as this person is dead,

Are we still afraid of the extreme south restricted zone? At that time, we will join forces to attack the far south restricted area and break through the **** thorny city. "The wind sighed in the eyes and flashed a cold light."

"It's still the wind city master, we will do this! Let the **** thorny city squat for a few more days! When the monarch killed the man nine nights, their last days will come."

They have not waited until the end of the Scarlet City, and their last days have arrived.

The Great Walls of the North, the Great East, and the Great West were all occupied. The occupiers were sent by the Scarlet City. Their masters of the city sent people to replace the original city owners.

After returning to the East City Master and the Simon City Lord, they found that their main city had changed hands. He didn't want to go to the other gods again, and he could only retreat to Fengxuecheng. Today, only the city of Fengxuecheng has not been won by the Scarlet City.

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