Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2471: Strongest one

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The little blood has already pulled away Mu Qianji. The two figures are like a blast, and the horrible black killer has also caught up.

Mu Qianyi left, the other two people do not want to stay here for a long time, but also want to catch up, but purple and blood four they will release people!

"Don't think about the past!"

The ghost master of the hundred ghosts smiled and said to the floating life: "Your strength seems to be weakened, because that one is a avatar? Then, the loser is you."

"It's a little bit of power, and it's still going to die!" The cold and cold road.


The battle on this side is still in the process of intense progress. The speed of the black killer is not much slower than the blood and the millennium.

He did not give Mu Qianyi the opportunity to find helpers, and he has already approached Mu Qian.

The **** red thorns went to the black-black killer, and the black-handed killer also hardened with the little blood.


The horrible explosion came out, and the needles and hidden weapons in the hands of Mu Qianxi flew out.

To deal with such a killer without weakness, Mu Qianxi only used the poison in her hand.

Countless thorns shattered, and the black killer was also wounded by **** thorns.

The effect of Mu Qian’s poison on him was very small. Seeing that this black-handed killer was approaching Mu Qianyi and once again killing her, the blood rushed over again.

"My master, let's let go!"

"Boom!" After the little blood opened the door, the horrible explosion came and the dust rolled.

Life has blew up its own avatar, in order to reinvent this black killer.

These people are all hard-headed ones. This is the opportunity for the small blood to win for her. Mu Qianqi swept out at the fastest speed.

"Hey!" The self-destruction of the avatar is also very harmful to the body of the floating life, and the fighting power of the floating life is getting weaker and weaker.

In an instant, the floating life disappeared. He said: "We will withdraw first! The owner is temporarily safe."

Purple quiet nodded: "Well!"

They are all incredible, this arrogance of the gods! He actually ran away.

Mu Qianxi did not find a helper, but found a hidden space in a ruined city pool. This space contains some space power and was discovered by Mu Qian.

It is very difficult for the enemy to find it here, unless they also have the power of space, it is safe for the time being!

Mu Qianxi is worried about the situation of life, and the contract between them can be felt for him. After all, the distance is not too far.

According to the guidelines of Mu Qianxi, Fusheng found the place where Mu Qianxi was located and entered this space.

The hundred ghost monarchs chased them and chased after this ruined city, and found that the people they chased disappeared.

The black prison chief said: "Are they being sent away? Or are you looking for a place to hide?"

Hundred Ghosts: "Digging the ground, you have to find out the people, the woman of the nine-night monarch, his right arm, if we take this opportunity to solve them, then this prison war, we directly win Halfway."


"Rumble!" The remains of this city are more seriously damaged by them.

At this time, Mu Qianzhen was supervising the purple and floating life, and then she began to practice.

She was attacked by the black killer again and again, and she also went on the death line several times.

The fatal danger is the most detectable of her potential, and after a battle into the battle cage, she has to break through.

In this space, I don’t know how long time has passed, and Mu Qianyi successfully broke through the first order, the nine-order Lingzong.

The soul of the purple secluded was restored by the numerous medicinal herbs, but the floating life was not so easy to recover.

He blew his own avatar and let himself fall into a period of weakness. Even a potion full of vitality can't let him recover so quickly.

He now has no strength at the level of the monarch.

Purple confession: "It's time to clean up some of the grandchildren. This time you must kill them."

Floating life: "I want to kill that killer! I dare to assassinate my master."

Mu Qian said: "After going out, don't care if you recover."

Sure enough, when Mu Qiang went out, a black shadow shook, and the black killer had been lurking outside.

They seem to be sure they are nearby, so he has been lurking around and waiting for an opportunity to attack.

The life has also been compared with him once, and his reaction speed is fast enough!

"Hey!" The attack of the black killer was stopped.

"Purple Respected Lord, you really hide here." The three monarchs appeared again, and there was no trace of blood on the face of Yu Ji, but their overall momentum seemed to become stronger.

Purple is soft for the body, ready to crush them, and as a result, there are countless ghosts of death in the sky, even more than the previous one, the strength is stronger.

"Damn!" Purple whispered a curse.

The last time there was no defense, the road was made. This time, the number of them was more, and the purple quilt had already been prepared, and they would not be so easy.

It’s just that there are enemies in the dark, and they are all one-to-many. He is not so easy to solve these guys.

"This kid!" The cold eyes are cold, and the black killer is like a ghost, and the speed is very fast.

Mu Qianxi was very careful to deal with it. The black killer did not regard himself as a person, but regarded himself as a murderous murder.

If he is really the few knives that have been cultivated indefinitely, then this person is undoubtedly the most terrible of them!

The sound of the horrible explosion came, and the strength of the floating life was damaged. It was difficult for the two to fight against this black-handed killer.

Mu Qianxi made the invincible Xiaohong, and the three of them joined forces to help the black-handed killer. This side of the party has the upper hand.

However, after the target of killing once was hindered, the breath of this black killer became longer and terrible.

His murderous, violent retrograde, even let his ranks rise a lot.

He was a very good master of the master class. It is a monarch in the promotion of the first step. Although it is weaker than the real monarch, it is very dangerous for them.

Floating anger: "This guy!"

The red-red light shines, the life is not willing to admit defeat, and the tyrannical force erupts, and the double anti-war is together.


After a loud bang, several wolverine figures flew out.


The deadly key to the body of a black boy was pierced by **** thorns, and the blood was like a spring. He didn't react at all, staring at Mu Qian, and wanted to rush to kill Mu Qian.

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