Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2474: Receive a gift

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Mu Qianxi knows that she should start.

She does not want these sinister death birds, which are fed by the souls of the monarch-level powers, to run away like this, which is undoubtedly a great scourge.

The horrible soul power broke out, and the Nethered Death Bird felt full of a sense of crisis before he had enough to drink.

They fled at the fastest speed, but were blocked by a powerful soul barrier.

Mu Qianshao said: "You can't run away."

Yu Ji saw this little girl who she thought was very weak, and it was easy to crush all the ghost birds that had put her to death.

How powerful is this to have this powerful soul?

"Hey!" Yu Ji did not listen to vomiting blood.

Now she can't move, even if she is a person who has no cultivation, she can kill her!

"Little beauty, the speed of your side is very fast, and it has already been solved." At this time, a voice of evil spirits came, and Ziyin presented a person in front of Mu Qianxi.

The person he was carrying was a hundred ghost monarchs. At this time, there was no trace of blood on the face of the white bones.

"There is still a breath, no death! Prepare to hand over to the little beauty you dispose of."

Mu Qianxi is on the purple sacred road: "Is it difficult for the soul to be hurt by the dead bird?"

"This is of course uncomfortable!"

"Then I will give you a chance to take revenge, and return your teeth!" Mu Qian took the blood of the ghost of the hundred ghosts, joined the potion, and then handed the potion to Ziyou.

"Spear him on the Lord of the Hundred Ghosts."

The ghost of the Hundred Ghosts felt creepy. He had a very bad feeling. He asked, "What is this?"

Mu Qian said: "This, you can let your allies tell you."

The ghost of the hundred ghosts discovered Yuji, and he found that Yuji was terrible, and he was a lot worse than his dying person.

Purple secluded the pharmacy on the body of the ghost of the hundred ghosts. It didn't take long for him to feel that there was something that made him very disgusted. He was ready to attack.

The Nether Bird of Death has come, and not one or two.

Only the targets of these Nethered Death Birds are not him, but the ghosts who are squirted by him.

"Ah!" The pain of the soul being torn, so that the ghosts of the hundred ghosts screamed, and his crazy rebellion still has no use.

Purple secluded road: "Little beauty, you get out of this enchantress is very powerful, can be used as a bait to attract the ghost of death."

"Also! But there are too many dead birds in the cage of this hundred battles. Even if you let the bait come out and kill a part, I am afraid it is just a cup of water, and it can't stop the Nethered Death Bird from unwrapping the seal." Mu Qianyi also replied.

"Also! Little Beauty, although strong in soul, can't help but rest, and the number of these birds is everywhere. As long as the birds don't die, they will never come out."

"Hey!" Seeing the soul of the ghosts of the ghosts disappeared, and Mu Qian’s shots packed up a group of ghosts of death.

Mu Qian said: "Send them on the road! Their final use is gone."

Purple secluded road: "Good!"

Yu Ji and Bai Guijun can only watch the purple singer, and at this time they have no power to fight back, they can only let the purple singer cut.

They regretted that in the end, what was the ecstasy of the soup was not good enough to follow the nine-night monarch, but they were betrayed and concealed by the imprisoned monarch.

The nine-night monarch is not only his own perverted metamorphosis, but his woman, his subordinates are all abnormal.

"Hey!" The monarch of the Prison, the ghost prison became the two prison monarchs. It has not fallen here for many years, and the soul flies.

They won, and the two monarchs of the six prisons were solved. Then, in this battle of the prison, they were considered to be one-third of the victory.

Purple secluded: "Unfortunately, the guy who was black prisoner ran."

Mu Qian said: "His body has been left with tracking powder. He can't escape the cage of this battle and will always be caught by us. No hurry."

At this time, a few figures passed over and they were greedy wolves. They came back. There is no doubt that the three of them won.

These three men will defeat the wolves and they will not kill them completely, because the master did not say to kill them.

Even if there is only one breath left in the serious injury, their eyes are still so firm, looking at her with full killing.

Purple smiled and said: "Little beauty, these three people are killing is to stay?"

"I have stayed three, so I will leave them well. Their strength is very strong. This is beyond doubt." Mu Qianhui replied.

She gave her a gift of boundlessness, and she smiled.

The white boy said: "I will never betray the infinite adult like the three of them. You are best to die! Kill us! We never fear death."

"I fell into my hands, it is life or death, can not be you." Mu Qianxi smiled faintly.

Several pharmacy needles flew out and hit the three of them. "Hey!" All three of them were in a coma.

Mu Qian said: "Put people away, find a clean place to repair first. This time, everyone has worked hard."

"It is worthwhile to get such a victory." Everyone laughed.

Mu Qian’s pharmacy has been successful in the three of them, so it is as effective as the three of them. The white boy first woke up, and the elegant way: “It’s the following song, I have seen the master.”

The gray-clothed boy also woke up, and he said: "It’s cheap, I have seen the master!"

The black boy also woke up, but he was going to salute, but he couldn’t climb up. Mu Qiang walked up to him and said, “No, tell me, your name.”

"The next seven kills!" A killing word spit out, with a cold murderous.

Determined that they have no problem, Mu Qianxi began to heal them, this one is not good, the starting is not light, this injury is very heavy.

After the whole team has been finished, it will continue to go. Mu Qian is not in a hurry to chase the ghosts of the ghosts. When the purple solitude is completely restored, it is guaranteed to be foolproof.

During the period, I cleaned up a lot of enemies. Their team is definitely the strongest team except the nine-night monarch. The enemy has run into them, and it is naturally a disastrous share.

The death of the hundred battle cages is getting stronger and stronger, and the purple secluded road: "Little beauty, I have completely recovered. We first destroyed the monarch of the black prison, then went to the night to meet, and then left the remaining three. The monarch gave it a solution. Then leave here..."

"All of them are ghosts of death in the Nether, which makes me uncomfortable and I don't want to wait for a moment."

Mu Qiang nodded: "Good!"

The black prison monarch was scared this time. The purple sorcerer chose to chase the ghosts of the ghosts instead of letting him breathe a sigh of relief, but he is still very embarrassed and must find other monarchs to join. He hasn't had time to meet with his allies, but he has collided with the team that has been very familiar with him. The black prisoner's face has changed greatly. "Purple lord, blood prisoner..."

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