Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2476: His Royal Highness

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The Shura monarch cold voice: "Kill! Kill them, one does not stay."


The **** thorny city led the team is silver purple, the prison world war, he actively participated as a member of the extreme southern restricted area.

After they entered the city of ruins, Silver Purple said: "There is a defensive array here, find it immediately, and then find a way to open it. Maybe it can block the people of Shura."


For many different plants, it is not difficult to cover the entire city. They found the place where the formation was opened, and the silver purple opened the array.

"Boom!" A force shrouded the city of ruins, and the team of the Shura monarchs hit the wall outside the city.

"Rumble!" The rifle of the Shura monarch could not break this barrier. He brows slightly and displeased: "This blood prisoner is not only timid as the mouse sees us, but now hides in the turtle shell. Let me break it!"


A burst of loud noise came out, this big ruin of the ruins of the city can not continue to persist.

Blood together: "Silver Purple!"

Silver Purple replied: "Once the defensive tactics are broken, then only to fight with them in the end, kill one more, we earned."

"That's right!" everyone nodded.

The power of a powerful monarchy has attracted the attention of many people in the Quartet.

Looking for nine nights, their envy of the Millennium also felt this power, purple secluded: "The power of this monarch level is certainly not the night, I feel a bit like the power of the Shura monarch."

"The monarch of Shura! There is only one power of the monarch, the other party spends so much effort, what team is it against?" Mu Qianyi.

Regardless of which team the opponent is dealing with, it must be the person who is in prison for blood.

A team without a monarch will be the last team with a monarch. What will be the end result? They are extremely clear.


Not only did Mu Qianjian notice it, but another team also noticed it.

This team is headed by a lower lord, but there are many powerful lords who follow him.

"There is a monarch-level war on that side. It’s been boring for so long, and finally I can meet an interesting war. Let’s go!”

"Yes, Your Highness!"


When Mu Qian’s team arrived, the seal of the ruins of the city was broken.

Just as they were prepared to gamble, when the blood was in the end, suddenly the sky was dark and an unusually powerful beast appeared.

"I said that the Shura monarch, you bully people, is not very good! The deity will come to you for a while."

"Purple lord, I did not expect you to come! You a lord wants to deal with me, a joke, phoenix nine nights are still almost the same." Shura monarch arrogant.

Purple quiet channel: "You can give it a try!"

"Boom!" The amazing power broke out in the air, the two monarchs fought, and the battles of others began.

Mu Qian said: "Fortunately, we arrived in time, kill!" Otherwise, most of her subordinates will be killed.

The two teams were attacked, and this group of people in Shurao Prison was not very good. Without the threat of the monarch-level powerhouse, the **** thorny city team killed the Quartet.

Mu Qianxi plucked to the side of Silver Purple. She said: "As a sacred plant, you don't have to look at the home to participate in the war!"

"Do you have the fighting power to discriminate against the Holy Ghost?" Silver Purple is somewhat angry.

"I am in love with rare and rare varieties. The refining pharmacists have this problem." Mu Qianxi smiled.

"The life of the floating body is self-inflicted, and the strength has been greatly affected. Do you have a way to let him recover quickly?" asked Mu Qian.

The cost of life is too great. If time is enough, she can use vitality and medicine to get him back.

However, this battle cage is too dangerous, the situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, and the early recovery of life is more secure for them.

Silver Purple Road: "You actually let me help to cure a god-like blood-staining thorn, which one will do this!"

The attributes of the two sides are almost antagonistic and are generally deadly enemies. However, he and the guy were peacefully coexisted because of the existence of Mu Qian.

"That is, there is a way!" Mu Qian's eyes flashed a bright light.

"First win this game and talk about it!"

"no problem!"

Their two teams joined forces, which can be described as a strong alliance, not to mention the fact that there are six people who are greedy.

Silver Purple also noticed the six metamorphosis of the teenager, his brows slightly stunned, "You have got three small perverts, and no one has even shot you."

Silver-violet is very clear, every time there is no end to the hand, you must have encountered a very dangerous crisis. After all, when she first encountered the crisis, he happened to be there, and the situation was extremely dangerous.

In the second crisis, she was forced into the **** purgatory and died for nine lives.

It’s nowhere to go, and it’s no wonder that one of the gods will be so badly hit.

Mu Qiang nodded and said: "Well! Not only that, I am afraid that there is no danger in this battle, but the situation is very bad."

The situation on the side of Shura’s prison is terrible, but their monarch is now dealing with the purple lord, innocent,

Shura Jun said: "It is a dog next to the nine-night monarch, but it is a bit tolerant."

Purple is completely angry, "You are a dog! Your family is a dog, go to hell!"

"Booming!" The sound of the earth shattered and the landslide broke.

This group of people in Shura prison ushered in a group of reinforcements.

"It seems that this temple is really time!" A mad voice came.

"It’s the ally of the imprisoned prison. See how you are arrogant!” These people in Shura’s prison could not be defeated, but the people who saw the dark prison came, and their faces showed excitement.

"It is the phoenix of the dark prison, and there are countless masters, and they are dead."

This team, in the encirclement of the blood prison army, tore a hole to support the army of Shura prison.

Mu Qianyi stunned, said: "It seems that there is a guy who can't help! Kill! No matter who you are today, you can only become a loser, and you will die."

"Booming!" The war between the two sides broke out completely. "Hey!" Huang Wuhai also noticed the purple figure in the battle. He flashed a bright light in his eyes. "It’s a woman who is a phoenix nine nights. She used to guard her in the phoenix nine nights. The care was very tight, and she didn’t see her face. Now, at such a close distance, this

A woman is so beautiful! ”

"It's not worse than the mother of the phoenix and the night!" "With the present, I have to grab the woman and grab the woman of the phoenix and nine nights. I don't know how angry the phoenix will be!" The way.

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