Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2486: Use the knife to destroy the enemy

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Mu Qiang cold channel: "I am not so crisp!"

"It seems that the power was not enough, then..." The imprisoned monarch once again shot Mu Qian.

The space around Mu Qianxi was distorted by his power, and the imprisoned monarch was unceremoniously admiring the Millennium.

It was definitely a shame that he had not solved a small gimmick that had not arrived at the lord level before.

"Hey!" He did not make this move, but the back was pierced by sharp thorns, blood splashed out, and the prisoner's face changed greatly.

"Boom!" He broke out with a very powerful force, broke the **** thorns, a blood-red light flashed, and a blood-red thorn appeared in front of Mu Qian.

"The gods are different!" The imprisoned monarch is incredible.

The **** thorns turned into a very nice man in front of him, and Mu Qian said: "The prison lord, you also know that the city owner before the **** thorny city is a god-like plant, so this is the **** thorny city. Another city owner."

Another city owner, the secret prisoner's pupil suddenly squashed, but he knows that this person is still a **** prisoner.

"Looking at me, I am bullying my little master, and you are the monarch who is in charge of the prison. I will clean up and say it."

The **** red figure flashed, and the floating plundered the dark monarch.

On top of the devastated battlefield, the flamboyant robe is a special landscape on the battlefield.

The life-threatening offensive is very fierce. The secret prisoner said: "You and I are both monarchs. Even if you are a **** thorn, this gentleman will not be afraid of you. Don't think that if you attack me, you can beat me."

The body of the dark prison monarch rushed out like a cannonball, and the power of darkness smashed with the blood-red figure.


The three-party war was fierce and shocking.

Life has been restored before the war, but she has been letting him shoot, waiting for this moment, the enemy killed is caught off guard.

Mu Qianxi looked at the cursers: "Now no monarch is free to help you? Then we play slowly."

These curses have changed dramatically, just like a devil is approaching them. The power of the soul is so strong that the imprisoned monarchs can't rely on them. They still have little fighting for the thousands of people.

They said: "You are the same as us as a curse. Why do you want to kill us? Are you afraid of being chased by our cursers?"

Mu Qiang cold channel: "Do you think I will be afraid?"

"Hands! Take them." Mu Qiang ordered.

"Yes, the master!"

Their strongest refuge was not the time. These curses were completely paper tigers, and one by one was pressed in front of Mu Qian.

Mu Qiang volleyed and stood on the battlefield of this chaos. The blood prison side has not yet occupied many advantages because of the small number of people.

Blood and blood, they were injured, she had to find a way to change this situation.

With her alone, even if they are sold together by six people, it is impossible to change the situation of this war.

Mu Qiang has a plan in mind to make them plan to win the blood prison.

Mu Qiang fell in front of the cursed masters of these men, and said: "I want to catch me? I want to get some ancient curses that I know, I can teach you."

Some of these curses are stunned, what? Willing to teach them, they all suspect that they have got it wrong.

"I teach you, then you must learn immediately, and you should use it immediately!"

A curse appeared on their forehead, and a curse was printed on their minds.

In an instant, their faces changed dramatically. "No..."

"This spell, we won't! No use!"

"A very simple spell, you will not use it. It seems that the people of your cursing family are just like this." Mu Qian's voice is cold.

They are not not, but they are afraid to use it!

This is a very evil spell that costs a lot.

If they use it, they will sacrifice their lives and souls and display a group of spells.

If they could get this spell before, they would be happy even if they didn't dare to use them, but now...

"Hey!" Several needles were tied around their necks.

Mu Qianqi cold channel: "Use is not, you are not the final say."

Pharmacy, mantra, hypnosis, three-pronged approach, these people have become the shackles of Mu Qian.

Before the six prisons and the cursing family joined forces, counted nine nights, let the nine nights have such a terrible curse, then let the cursing family help, and the six prisons of the army to clean up.

Mu Qian said: "Go! Enter the camp of the six prisons, and then show me the magic of teaching! Use it!"


When they ran out, Mu Qian said: "Catch!"

Everyone in the six prisons is concentrating on the war. It is not clear what happened to Mu Qian’s side.

They probably think that these curses have lost their escape and are chased by the **** prisoner.

The cursers of the cursing family are their guests. Although they lost to Mu Qian, some of them felt that the name of the so-called cursor was not true, but they wanted to protect these nobles and not be killed by the blood prisoners.

When these people rushed into the camp of the place, Mu Qianxi and the greedy wolf no longer pursued them, but returned to the side of the blood prison.

"The Lord of the City!"


Mu Qian said: "Everyone, all listen to my command action! Now stop attacking, now you just have to defend."


The blood prison suddenly withdrew and made the six prisoners somewhat surprised.

They laughed: "Ha ha ha! Is the blood prison afraid?"

"But also, many of the superiors in the blood prison have been seriously injured, and there are many people on our side. They are afraid that not many people dare to use them, but they dare to defend."

"Looking at them back, morale is low, we killed a sentence, leaving the film they killed."

"The curse master, listening to the curse also has a strong auxiliary in the battle, but also ask the adults to help us, and then seize the **** Wang Hao, we must be sent to you, let you snow shame."

These curses are gloomy: "Well!"

They should be down, so that the six prisoners will be confident in the victory of this war.

The Lord of the Six Prisons leads the Lord: "Up!"

As he rushed forward, the curses floated into the air and cast spells.

The six prisoners thought that these curses were casting spells to deal with their enemies. After all, they didn't know much about the spells. They didn't think that the targets of these spells would be theirs. Mu Qiang ordered: "Let's hurry and retreat! I have a good show right away."

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