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Mu Qianyan's face changed greatly, and the infinite attack made her divert her attention. As a result, some of these ghostly death birds mutated.

I am afraid that I am not attacking her by her side, but using special means. What is his real purpose?

The number of death birds in the Nether is very large. Even if her soul is strong, she can't completely defend herself and protect the army of blood prisoners.


Already a lot of people have been recruited, and Mu Qian said: "Everyone is careful, condense the soul!"

Be careful, there will be sneak attacks and hunting by the Nethered Death Birds. Although they have eliminated the coalition of the six prisons, they have now attracted more powerful and intractable enemies.

I am afraid that I am waiting for this moment. If I don't want to deal with the current situation, waiting for them is a death of the Nether King.

The dead bird of death, can not finish, they will not work hard, then only, run!

The entire battle cage was blocked and they could not go out.

Any place in this battle cage is the site of the Nethered Death Bird. Where can they go?

What did Mu Qian suddenly think of? She said: "Looking for ways to lead the way to the ruins of the Flame Thunder Monarch at the fastest speed. That ruin is very special, the Nether Death Bird can't get in! Entering there, everyone should be safe."

The leader of the black armor led: "Yes, adults! We know the road, we will take the road to kill!"

"it is good!"

Mu Qianqi plundered the front of the blood prison army. She said: "Everyone, follow me! Follow me at the fastest speed! I heard no."


They shouted: "Kill!"

There are Mu Qianqian who opened the road in front, and some of the Nethered Death Birds are much stronger than before, but the roadblockers are still not crushed by the powerful soul of Mu Qian.

Mu Qianxi looked at the place where the nine nights were, and his face showed a dignified color. For nine nights, you must be good. I will take the blood prisoners to a safe place first.

"Ha ha ha! Run, the whole battle cage is a bird of death, I see where you are going to go? Your blood prison has killed my six prisons, now you have to be buried with my coalition! !"

"Ha ha ha!"

"Purple Respected Lord, he gave it to you, I will protect the little master!" The **** thorns slammed the dark prison monarch and directly directed him to the purple secluded.

Purple secluded: "Hurry to stay at the side of Xiaomeiren, don't let her go wrong."

There is a scarred enemy, the dark prison monarch, and there is no dissatisfaction with the purple secluded, but the starting hand is getting more and more embarrassed.

He looked at the black figure in the air, except for the power of the darkness of the nine nights and the power of the curse. The situation was really bad.

That **** **** stick, step by step to push the night to such a point.

Purple is very angry, and it is even more hot for these three prisoners to start. "Don't stop here, stop early and die early."


A burst of loud noise came from behind them. At this time, Mu Qiang led the army of blood prisons away from the battlefield of the final battle.

"Oh..." countless ghosts of the dead, still lingering around them.

Even if they are careful, many people's souls are hurt or swallowed by these ghosts of death.

"Accelerate the speed!" Mu Qianshao said coldly.

They tried their best to sprint forward as quickly as possible, and the sound of the battle in the distance was still so clear.

I don't know how long it took to catch up. Mu Qian has already seen the familiar city.

She said: "Just ahead, speed up! You rushed in with them, I will go after the break, we come."

"Wang Hao, we are not afraid of death! You can let you break!"

"The Lord of the City."

It is very dangerous after the break, they don't want to let Mu Qianyi go after the break.

Mu Qian said: "Reassured, they can't help me."

The purple figure flashed and Mu Qian plunged over the sky behind.

The sinister bird of death rushed over, and the soul of Mu Qian’s soul broke out completely.

"My lovely little master, I am with you after the break!" A red figure flashed, **** thorns in the air into a big net.

"Hey!" This big net trapped a large group of ghostly death birds.

After two such powerful people were broken, the blood prison army smoothly retreated into the ruins and entered the ground.

After everyone had retreated, Fusheng took Mu Qian’s words: "My master, we also go to rest, you are very tired."

At this time, Mu Qian’s face was a little white, and then the powerful soul could not be used forever. After all, before dealing with some of the curses, controlling those curses, it has consumed a lot of her soul.

They entered the ruins, and some of the Nethered Death Birds were not close to the outside, and everyone was relieved.


"The Lord of the City!" They saw that Mu Qian’s face was not good and he was worried.

Ms. Qian said: "It’s just that the soul is too much, just take a break. It’s relatively safe. Everyone has to recover.”


They don't lack medicines and remedies, and they don't save them.

Some of the Nether Birds can't get in, and once they come in, they will disappear, as if there is something here that can swallow them.

Mu Qianxi thought of the stone monument. The special thing inside is the thing.

Determine the safety here, even if she is worried about nine nights, she will calm down and restore her soul, because she feels that there is still a hard battle to fight, which is very dangerous.

Various medicinal herbs, medicinal herbs, and thousands of cockroaches kept pouring themselves, even if they were used to it, she felt that she had to vomit.

The worry of life is: "Don't worry! If you are worried about the nine-night monarch, I will go over it first."

"No, that person doesn't know where to hide. Maybe he will attack you when I am leaving. We still have to rest first, my master."

I don’t want to let go of life, and I don’t want to recover.

The passage of time, the sharp voice of the ghost bird of death outside has not stopped, Mu Qian said: "I have recovered, completely recovered. I have to go out and see."

It’s too dangerous outside. Going out is definitely not a correct decision. It’s a helpless way: “Well, go out, who makes you cute, who is my master?”

"Master!" Mu Qianxi wants to go out, **** greedy wolf he did not want to follow. Mu Qianxi refused. "Your mission has ended. There are not a few livelihoods in the Six Prisons. You have done a good job. Your task is to stay here and be a ghost." The dog food of the Death Bird enhances their strength, understand?"

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