Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2502: In order to kill you

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Purple secluded: "Don't ask so much."

At this time, nine nights even closed up all of my own perceptions, because only in this way can the curse be sealed with all my heart.

The next moment, a hoarse voice came from the void. "Mu Qianzhen, I finally waited for this moment."

From the void, a white figure of a month is boundless. He can walk this time.

Purple eyes widened his eyes and looked at him with caution: "Boundless!"

"Mu Qianxi, I use mystery to let me walk, in order to go to you in person and kill you." The boundless eyes did not look at Mu Qianxi without a trace of affection.

For the emergence of the endless, Mu Qianxi is a little surprised.

"the host!"

The floating and purple secluded are ready to rush to stop the endless, and as a result, there is a formation at their feet, trapping them.

"Hey!" Because of this array of methods, Ziyou and Fusheng couldn't move half a step.

"Cough and cough!" The dark demon prisoner had no power at all, because he was poisoned, and he was like a stone.

"Boundless, do you count the calculations, just to wait for this step? You are really a terrible person." The dark demon prisoner.

For the dark demon prisoner, there is no way to give him a look.

He looked at Mu Qianxi indifferently. "Everything is as I expected to go this step. This time, you can't escape."

"If you care about His Royal Highness, then hand over the Mantra, and hand over the material to remove the curse. The blood of the dark phoenix, the keel of the bright dragon, and the heart of the **** of life." Slow way, he knows everything about the curse

Mu Qian said: "There is no end, Wan Man Daquan to you, can you use a spell like me?"

"Of course! You can learn spells easily with a little girl. Why can't I? It's just that I completely disdain the curse of the family." Nowhere back.

"You want to release the curse for nine nights. Do you think you can get the prison unicorn?" "Prison unicorn, why is it so troublesome! If it weren't for you, your Highness would not be far-reaching, dragging the curse for so long. Although the infernal unicorn is the strongest unicorn in the world today, but the situation is not urgent, but another unicorn, I have figured out where it is.

What? The Kirin family has only one remaining unicorn. "The road of indifference."

"You dare!" Mu Qian angered.

She naturally knows who is boundless and who is grandmother.

With the infinite ability, even if the grandmother and grandfather are hiding well, as long as he has prophecy, he can definitely find them.

"His Royal Highness is like you, but you are reluctant to sacrifice this. You really disappoint the feelings of Your Highness, and you will be married..."

"Hand over!"

The power of the stars is a force that is boundless.

This power is a thousand suffocating, painful, boundless face is still indifferent, "cross!"

Mu Qian said: "Boundless, do you think you won? Do you think you can really kill me?"

"The power of the eternal guardian has been used up. The power of the stars has hindered the connection between you and the eternal artifact. They are still asleep, and you can't wake them up! So no one can save you!"

Mu Qiang smiled, she said: "Boundless, your calculations are indeed a little scary!"

"After all, I have missed it so many times. Of course, I can't underestimate you. I can't underestimate the soul of the destiny that was taken care of by Heaven."

"If you don't pay, then after I kill you, I will take it for myself." The blind eyes flashed through the cold murderousness, and he did not mercilessly want to break the neck of Qian Qian.

At this time, a cold voice came out, "No one can save it? Then this is the king."

"Boom!" The horrible power of darkness broke the power of the endless stars, and the whole person was blasted out.

Nine nights took Mu Qianxi into his arms and passed the pale face. The ice-blue scorpion looked like a boundless abyss.

If other people, in the face of such an angry and powerful nine nights, they will be extremely fearful and afraid, but there is no smile at this time.

"His Royal Highness has become stronger, and it has become stronger when there is nowhere to know."

At a glance, you can see it without a word.

His lord has the power to devour even the strongest dark curse. If it is not something that is blocked, there is no need to lift the curse at that point.

Nothing to guess is right, who is it!

When Mu Qianxi was learning the ruins, he knew that his power had changed.

He and he did not neglect the existence of the behind-the-scenes person, step by step to the end.

He proposed to recruit soldiers to make a move, let him cooperate with her acting, and lead the snake out of the hole.

Mu Qianxi knows that when there is no protection for nine nights, he loses other cuddling, and there is no limit to kill her. He will definitely appear.

She happened to come to a plan to solve the problem of the endless.

Mu Qian said: "There is no end, you are always hiding in the dark to calculate me, how is the taste of yourself calculated?"

"About the nine nights and your future, I am lazy to predict the accuracy, this time is my mistake." Even if calculated, even if faced with failure, nowhere is still calm.

Nine nights cold channel: "Boundless, you can completely disappear."

Nowhere: "His Highness can now suppress the curse. Return to normal, but to kill me, my Highness can't do it."

"Then you can try!" Nine nights indifference to him.

"Booming!" A burst of loud noise came out and broke out in this void.

The power of the stars is bright and holy, and the endless is not a bright and upright person.

The power of darkness is like a storm, colliding with the power of the stars, confronting, and crushing him.

In the face of the nine-night overbearing attack, the boundless face is getting paler and paler.

Mu Qianxi even felt his legs tremble, and he was already strong.

At this time, the power of the stars outlined a line of law around the dark demon prisoner, and the dark demon prisoner disappeared into this broken void.

Purple gnashed his teeth and cut his teeth: "Damn! There is no end to let the dark demon prisoner give away, hateful!"

"Hey!" At this time, in the face of nine nights to save people, he also paid a very heavy price.

But it is not easy to kill him. He was trapped in nine nights and he was not allowed to move.

Purple secluded: "Little beauty, this time killed you to solve her." Mu Qian took out three medicine needles, she looked at the endless: "Boundless, your performance is so calm, equal to tell me This one is still not your body! I really don't know, where is your body hidden?"

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