Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2505: Shura Purgatory

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Ms. Qian said: "I am the identity of a refining pharmacist. Naturally, I should use the strength of a refining pharmacist to make them convinced."

Nine nights nodded: "Well! If you want to do something, do it!"

"Then let me prepare them first." Mu Qiang walked into the ghost medical building, letting people send a message to the blood four.

Now that Blood IV has become a qualified deputy landlord, he can handle everything that he does not care about.

The whole ghost school building in the prison area, once heard the name of the blood four deputy landlord will tremble, because the blood four people are particularly terrible, although it seems that human and animal is harmless but extremely ferocious.

Mu Qian said: "Nine nights, arranged! Then we go to Shura Purgatory to walk around!"

"Good!" Nine nights stunned Mu Qian.

At the end of the Shura River, the road to Shura is purgatory.

The boatman was a little surprised. "Girl, son, you... you are going to the end of the Shura River!"

Mu Qian said: "I think the scenery there is good! So go and see."

It is not at the end that you can enter Shura Purgatory, but that place is a murderous place for most people, no one will be stupid to the side.

The boatman took a lot of money in the money paid by Mu Qian, and took over this task.

This is definitely two young ladies with a background and a background. I hope everything is safe.

The black river is like a thick ink, and it is full of mysterious colors. It stays quietly next to Mu Qianyu for nine nights.

His mouth is slightly raised, so it’s good to accompany you to the place you want to go!

At the end of the Shura River, a silver-blue light suddenly appeared, set off against the black ink-like river.

In this prison without a starry sky is very rare and very beautiful.

Ms. Qian’s surprise: “It’s beautiful! It’s beautiful!”


The boatman had to lower his sense of existence. Recently, the young people are really more and more romantic. In order to see the starlight at the end of the Shura River, they have ventured to spend so much money on such a place.

If he had this romantic cell when he was young, he wouldn’t be playing bachelor now!

This beautiful star appears only for a moment, just like a fireworks.

The boatman said: "Only once a night, this time two luck is good, I saw it once, when do we return? The river in the night is very cold and should not be treated for a long time."

Mu Qian said: "You are waiting for us here, we will come back soon! If you don't want to wait, you can leave directly!"

After that, the boatman saw the young lady pulling the son and rushing to the end of the Shura River.

Then the man directly tore the space and caught the girl who went in.

He widened his eyes. "That... that is Shura Purgatory! Shura Purgatory, they dare to enter Shura Purgatory, it is crazy! Crazy!"


He remembered, not prison, who can enter the prison!

This person is completely arrogant to tear open the space into it, I am afraid that only the monarch can have this strength!

But after the prison war, the six prisoners, including the monarchs who repaired the prisoners, all died. Only the nine nights were still there.

Think of the momentum of that son, the look of a girl, God! He seems to have found something unreasonable.

The one who is probably the nine-night monarch of the blood prison and her king.

When others came out to play, they went to accompany their sweethearts to swim in the mountains. The nine-night monarch and Wang Hao went out to play and went to jail.

It’s one of the most dangerous prisons in the prison, Shura Purgatory.

If other people enter Shura Purgatory, the boat owner feels that there is absolutely no way to live out, but the nine-night monarch is not the same, but he is a powerful man who makes the prison world unify the myth of prison.

Even if you enter Shura Purgatory, you can easily come out.

"This is Shura Purgatory!" This Shura Purgatory is almost barer than the **** purgatory. There are no trees and land, and some are bare stones.

In addition to black stones or stones, the heights and undulations are different, and the surrounding is uninhabited.

Nine nights: "I don't like it, then we leave."

There is really nothing to look at here, Mu Qian said: "Come on, come see it first! Such a Shura prison should also have a master, go find him to ask the whereabouts of the dark demon prisoner, or the dark magic prison whereabouts."

No one knows where the Dark Lords are hiding. Before they swept a few prisons, those prisoners asked each other.

The prisons of great danger are in a certain position, and only the jail of the imperial concubine that exists in all prisons like the emperor. No one knows the location.

Nine nights back: "The location of the dark demon prison will be hidden, only know that it exists in the prison, but the entrance is not fixed. The king will find it." Mu Qianxi shook his head: "There is no way to save the dark prison Lord, definitely not because of their special relationship with the alliance, but because the endless feel that the dark demon prisoner is still useful! The seven prisons are your territory, he wants to deal with me, then the camp used only has these prisons. Dark prison

It is their home base! But I don't want you to enter the Dark Demon prison for nine nights. ”

Nine nights low road: "Nothing, I am different from before!"

Nine nights were calm, and it seemed that he did not care about some of the sufferings that had happened before.

But he doesn't care, but Mu Qian is particularly concerned about it.

"I still don't want to, let's get it here first! If he really uses jail as a camp, then we will slowly break through each other. When a dark demon prison is isolated, the dark demon prisoner and the endless will not It’s better.” Mu Qian said.

There are no people around, so that Muqian feels that the people of Shura Purgatory are killing each other and all die.

After they had gone a long way, they suddenly heard a scream of screaming in front of them. "Oh! Not good, hurry up! Come and catch people, hurry up..."

There are at least a thousand shadows in front of them, and there are a group of people behind them who are chasing them. The weapons they hold in their hands are a rope.

The rope turned into a long whip to help the neck and feet of the person, and then the person who succeeded excitedly said: "I have hunt a person."

"Ha ha ha! Me too!"

The strength of the two sides is very different, one has spiritual power, and the other has no spiritual power.

Mu Qian said: "The group of people with ropes is a prisoner!"

"Since I saw the prisoner, then they must know where their boss is? I used to ask, anyway, the strength of these prisons is not strong." Mu Qiang swept out.

Everyone was moving forward, but one of the purple figures swept them in the opposite direction. The prisoners also noticed the purple figure, and they were shocked: "Hey! Is there a woman among this group of prisoners?"

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