Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2513: Sleeping very hard

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These five kinds of medicinal herbs are all remedies that they have not seen. They also want to study well, and this is the best!

The best medicinal herbs, they can not refine a few in this life, and each one of this ghost medical refining system is.

They know that they are wrong. They bought this medicinal medicine at a high price. They also apologized to the ghost doctor. I hope that he will not remember the villain.

Real people can't be seen! A young and beautiful little girl, it would be the ghost doctor in the rumor.

It is too much for others to really want to drag some of these refining pharmacists out.

Do they want to remedy their own medicine? I have to grab them.

Fifteen bottles of medicinal herbs were quickly auctioned, and Mu Qian asked: "The next auction item, we must continue to refine! If you are impatient, you can leave."

"No trouble, no trouble!"

"Ghost doctors, you are slowly refining."

"Even if we waited for ten days and a half, we are willing to wait."

Before that, some people who did not know the status of the Millennium felt that some other people had dog legs. As a result, they now saw that some of the refining pharmacists became more dog-legged.

The alchemy of the ghost doctors for only half an hour, let these puppet masters of the prison world completely serve, and they admire the five-body cast of admiration.

Few refining pharmacists can refine their medicines in front of many people! And still such a powerful refining pharmacist, if they can look at a few more eyes, they may be able to see what the heart has come up with, and then break through.

It is necessary to know that many refining pharmacists have not broken through the bottleneck for hundreds of years.

Mu Qian said: "Next, I want to refine the pharmaceutical agent!"


Many people even have their eyes lighted out. It is necessary to know that the medicine is unique to the ghost medical building and the effect is super good.

Ghost doctors in the face of so many people to refine pharmaceutical agents, are not afraid of someone stealing a teacher?

The refining of pharmaceutical agents, Mu Qianqi's speed is faster, the method is simply dazzling, how much medicine is refining to have this speed?

Obviously this is just a little girl who is not even younger than 20 years old. Even if it is a big mother, it will start to refine the pharmaceutical agent, and it will not be so powerful!

They are very clear that the ghost doctor died a metamorphosis.

It is impossible to steal a teacher. Can you see the problem clearly? How to steal a teacher?

Less than half an hour, Mu Qiang and five kinds of pharmacy refining, she said: "Now, you can bid."

The pharmacy of the Ghost Medical Building is sold everywhere, and everyone has seen the pharmacy, so the auction of pharmacy is as hot as the auction of medicinal herbs.

However, most of the medicine was still taken away by some unscrupulous refining pharmacists.

Next, continue!

They found that the ghost doctor kept on refining the medicine continuously, but did her soul power seem to consume a lot? No, not at all?

It is very troublesome to know that refining medicines. If a refining pharmacist refines such a high-grade medicinal medicine, it must rest for at least ten days and a half.

And the ghost doctor, even if you don't rest, you can continue to practice alchemy.

The amount of alchemy in Mu Qian’s is absolutely massive. The income of today’s Ghost Medical Building is also very impressive. However, the guests here are enthusiastic, and many people have not grabbed the drug. They want to continue. .

However, some people think that the nine-night monarch does not want to be at all.

At this time, a horrible atmosphere appeared, and a black figure suddenly appeared on the test bench.

Everyone was shocked, shut up and dared not say a word, the entire lively auction scene became audible.

Nine nights! monarch!

Nine nights took Mu Qianxi into his arms and then swept the crowd: "Today's auction is over, tired."

After that, nine days, I hugged Mu Qianxi and disappeared out of thin air.

Nine nights with Mu Qianxi returned to the city's main government, others are still a while, the demon moon said: "Guests, guests who have not taken the medicinal herbs can go to the store of our ghost medical building to see, here is the ghost medical building The headquarters, whether it is medicinal herbs or pharmaceuticals, is the most complete."

"If you are bidding for a drug, please come with me and you can pick up your remedy."

When they heard the demon moon, they only came back to God and said, "Okay!"

Today, whether it is the magical and powerful refining technique of the ghost doctors, or the appearance of the nine-night monarch, they are all shocked.

After the auction was over, many people exchanged information and they learned something incredible.

The king of the nine-night monarch of the prison is equal to the lord of the **** thorny city, and then equals the ghost doctor of the ghost medical building.

This is going to scare everyone's eyes! Okay! No matter which identity is exceptionally scary.

The identity of the prison king, Wang Hao, needless to say, can make the nine-night lieutenant who has never been close to the female color so pampered, it is an incredible thing in itself.

The lord of the **** thorny city, the contract of the former **** lord of the gods of a different order, underneath a group of seven-star-small younger brothers to their fate.

If it weren't for the great love of the city owner and the nine-night monarch, it was already unmarried couples who were just unmarried. They did not doubt that the unguarded prisons would fall apart because of these two forces.

However, such a strong alliance, I am afraid that this prisoner will continue to unify as long as the nine-night monarch and Wang Hao have nothing to do.

As for the ghost doctors, they are at the auction today, but they have witnessed the ability of the ghost doctors, and they are too powerful!

The Scarlet City of Thorny City is very lively because of the arrival of some of the guests who came to the auction. The things about ghost doctors have also spread throughout the prison.

As for Mu Qianxi, at this time, he was pressed for rest for nine nights.

Mu Qian said: "Just refining a little remedy, not so tired."

It’s just a little bit, if some of the refiners are supposed to vomit blood.

In their lifetime, they are not expected to refine so many of the best gods, the result is only a little in this eyes, but!

Nine nights low road: "But this is tired, sleep!"

Mu Qianyi leaned on the nine-night arms: "Well! That's okay! Sleep, the rest of the things they should be able to handle."

The next day, when Muqian woke up, she was still asleep nine nights. She poked the long eyelashes for nine nights and found that nine nights really became a sleeping man.

Her dawn is slightly dark, is this not normal? When did you sleep so hard in nine nights?

Mu Qianxi buckled the wrist of nine nights and wanted to see what happened to him?

It was at this time that the scorpion was opened nine nights, and Mu Qiang only felt a whirlwind and then was banned for nine nights.

"Nine nights, you..."

"Hey!" Kissed up nine nights, blocking the lips of Mu Qian, so that Mu Qian can not say a word.

When I was separated, Mu Qian said: "Nine nights, I saw you sleeping so hard for the first time."

"Well! Because there are squatting around."

wrong! He will not be like this before. There is a bad feeling in Mu Qian’s heart. As a result, there was a burst of explosion outside the city!

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