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"Booming!" Next, it was another melee. This time is not as easy as before, but they will never lose!

Invincible and Xiaohong, they can attract a group of Mozu, and Mu Qianyi is alone on a deep abyss.

"Hey!" They screamed, revealing sharp fangs, and erupted fierce magic to attack Mu Qian.

Mu Qianxi clenched the sword of the dragon and the soul, and countless flames burst out. "Jiu Yan Haotian!"

"Hey!" The Abyss of the Abyss waved the huge arm and shattered the dragons. After all, there is still a gap between the two sides. The attack of Mu Qianyu is not enough for these abyss.

"Seven heavy blood!"

"Hey!" Mu Qian's figure passed by in the air, and Mu Qian was in a stalemate with this abyss.

That is to use the teleport to dodge, it is also very thrilling.

"Boom!" The devil's punch with a destructive force directly came to Mu Qian.

"Hey!" The abyss of the netted fish that ran here is not the strongest, and they have no way to break through the defenses of the Millennium.

Invincible, the three of them are each one at the moment, and the remaining half is the first layer of guardians to deal with, he is really a double fist and four hands!

"It's really troublesome! It's too much trouble. I am stunned by the sprinting of these errands. I just want to cry without tears." He is the weakest of every layer guardian of the infernal, the fourth guardian. The abyss of the head of the abyss and the devils joined hands and made a mess, it is abhorrent!

"Don't deceive people too much."

This is a protracted war. The endurance of the Abyssal Mozu is not comparable to human beings. They can be used for ten days and a half without rest.

Mu Qian is not afraid, there are many remedies and remedies to restore spiritual strength and physical strength, but the guardians of the first layer have to vomit blood.

"How do you fight this? Little girl, if we want to find a place to rest first, then come to catch them, I have to stand it, a lot of age is to be tossed like this, mad at me." Guardian Road.

Mu Qianxi lost a bottle of medicinal herbs to him: "Run! They will not necessarily let us go, it is better to continue to fight! This is the remedy to restore spiritual strength and physical strength, enough to hold for a while."

He ate the medicinal herbs, and he felt that he had recovered a lot and solved a deep abyss in one fell swoop.

A companion lost his fighting power, and the remaining Abyssal Mozu became extremely angry, and the attack on the first layer of guardians became more ferocious.

Mu Qianzhen’s confrontation with this abyss of the abyss also made all the stops. When dodging the abyss of the Abyss, he was waiting for the opportunity, but the trauma caused by it was not good!

Invincible, their battles are also exposed to fatigue, the enemy is strong and weak, so strong support is not a solution, there must be a solution to the resentment.

She is a ghost doctor, the spiritual skill is very lethal, and the poisonous lethality is also very strong. These abyssal demons are different from human beings, but they are also living bodies. Since it is a living body, it may be useful.

“Hey!” Mu Qian’s fingertips flew out countless pharmacy needles. These needles are scattered more and more, and it’s not worth mentioning for the huge body of the Abyssal Mozu.

"Hey!" But the defense power of these abyss demons is not weak. Their layer of skin is like a copper wall, and her needles can't penetrate their skin at all.

"Booming!" She smashed all the needles that attacked these abyssal demons.

Next, Mu Qiang ushered in its fierce counterattack, her clothes have become ragged, even if the flesh is strong, now it has been a blood mark by this abyss.

The light of the nine nights sank and he was hurt!

His power broke out from his body. For him, he wanted to destroy the abyss of the abyss only between his thoughts, but he did not do so. Such a small trouble can not be solved.

"Hey!" This is a hard battle, and in such a hard battle, Mu Qian finds an opportunity to approach this abyss.

The purple figure is like a lightning bolt approaching the abyss, and the two needles suddenly shot, directly hit the eyes of the abyss.

The weakness of the Abyssal Mozu is the eyes. It also knows that in the battle they will guard against the enemy's attack on its eyes. It takes a lot of effort to attack its eyes.

"Oh!" Lost the vision, this abyss of the Devil feels very angry, it wants to tear up the Millennium, but finds that it can not find the target.

Mu Qianxi hides the breath, it naturally can't find where she is, and then Mu Qianxu exposes her breath. This abyss of the abyss reveals a fierce color and directly attacks the past!

"Hey!" He hit, but it was a huge thing, not a thousand.

Mu Qiang glared at her blindness and went to support the already indifferent ink and ink. The attacking trajectory of the blind abyss who had misled the blindness happened to fall on the opponent of the ink.

Her calculations are accurate and successful!

In the face of this attack by an angry companion, the other abyss of the abyss was not hurt. The little ink ink broke out and the darkness did not die. Fengyan counterattacked, and the flame wrapped it up.

"Hey!" Under the burning of the flames, the two abyss of the abyss were in chaos.

"Hey!" Another sound broke out, and Mu Qianyi once again hit the eyes of the second abyss of the abyss.

Mu Qianzhen let the little ink and ink entangle the two abyss who have no vision, then go to help invincible and Xiaohong, hit their weaknesses, destroy their vision, and let the other side of the disadvantage Become a party with advantages.

"Hey!" Their solution on this side was over, and the third guardian on the other side had three problems.

One of them has been seriously injured by the guardian of the first floor. Mu Qiang caught the opportunity to attack. The guardian of the first floor said: "Good! Continue! It's worse."

As long as these fakes become blind, it is more than enough to destroy them.

"You first attract their attention!"

"it is good!"

The guardian of the first layer fights to hurt the attention of the abyss, and let Mu Qianyi once again hand twice, and you're done!

"Hahaha! It’s my turn to abuse you!" The guardian of the first layer of the infernal screamed.


His efficiency is very good, and he will be finished immediately. Just as the first layer of guardians was collecting some of the abyssal demons, nine nights walked along the side of Mu Qianxi to wipe the wounds and apply medicine...

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