Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2524: Gourmet charm

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The guardian of the first floor was very refreshing to lead the way to Mu Qian, and smoothly entered the second floor. The second floor was even wider and full of charms.

Because there is a guardian, these things can only look far and wide, but they dare not approach them.

The first layer of guardian said: "The guy must be hunting everywhere in the abyss, it is a bit hard to find! And here is his territory, he is good at hiding, I can only find you with you."

"Look slowly!"

The soul of Mu Qianxi was also scattered, trying to find a living thing here. As a result, the guardian of the second layer was not found, but he ran into a group of abyss.

The first layer of guardian said: "Walk away! We detoured, how can we not help this guy to work for free."

It’s not that he doesn’t want to work for free. He’s already staring at them. At this point they rushed over at the fastest speed, and it’s too late to run.

Since you can't run, you can only fight one battle!

Mu Qianxi waved the dragon sword, the horrible flame broke out, but did not leave a trace on them. This second layer of the abyss is stronger.

"Don't fight! This level is too dangerous for you. I am coming!" The first layer of the Guardian.

He rushed forward to fight with some of these abyss, and opened a road. He said: "Run!"

It seems that he does not want to help his colleagues to eliminate the troublesome heart is very firm, but Mu Qianxi does not want to run, she said: "small ink, invincible, Xiaohong, hands-on!"


"Are you stupid! Not even running." The first layer of guardians and helplessness.

"War! Even if this time is tender, the next time you run into it, we can't get rid of it again and again! Let's get started with them, is it better to get familiar with them earlier?" Mu Qianhui replied.

"You have to do it yourself. Who told me to bet on you before you lost?" The guardian of the first floor was helpless.

"Hey!" For a moment, he and Mu Qianxi played with these abyss of the abyss, and spent a lot of time, they finally solved this abyss.

After the people did not find it, the abyss of the abyss can be met, invincible: "The same is the guardian, you do not know where the second layer of guardians? You are sure not to lie to my master." "I really do not Deceptive! Before the infernal stability was not a chaotic period, there was a fixed place for us, but now everyone is busy catching the Abyssal Demon, who will stay in a fixed place! It must be running everywhere, even if I am guarding Not a **** stick, where can I count where he is?

? ”

"But..." What did he suddenly think of?

"That little girl, you are a refining pharmacist! Do you have an medicinal remedy or a potion? With this, you might find where the guy is?" The first layer of guardians are all sorrowful.

"I don't have the medicine to enhance the sense of smell!" Mu Qianhui replied.

"No!" He was slightly disappointed.

"It's not just refining, as long as it's useful!" The medicinal herbs that enhance the sense of smell seem to be useless. She is naturally unprepared, but it is easy to refine this medicinal drug.

So the guardian of the first floor saw the effort of Mu Qian’s eyes to formulate a bottle of medicine. She said: "This is the strongest medicinal remedy that I am currently refining. Can you try it? ?"

The guardian of the first floor was stunned: "This pharmacy, you are so refined, it is faster than boiling water!"

Mu Qian said: "This is of course."

He drunk the potion, and after drinking it, the sense of smell improved a lot, but he felt that he was going to be smoked, and the whole person was dizzy.

The sense of smell became sensitive. This second layer is not a place with a particularly clean and fresh air. It is unpleasant and very unpleasant...

Among so many unpleasant smells, he caught a scent coming from the front, he thought: "Ha ha ha! Found, on the other side, the aroma came from that side."

"Cough and cough! But, can you let this enhanced sense of smell pause first? I will not stand it until it continues."

Mu Qiang nodded: "Good!"

As a result, in the blink of an eye, he saw Mu Qianjing refining another kind of medicinal medicine. After drinking it, the sense of smell returned to normal. He instantly felt that the whole world was beautiful.

"Uncle, take the road!" Mu Qiandao said.

"Good! Come with me!"

Mu Qianqi asked: "Does the special guardian of the second layer have any aroma? You can smell it so far."

He smiled and said: "Oh! This is it! You will know when you arrive."

He took Mu Qian’s head toward that direction, and when he was ready, he would raise his sense of smell and then determine the position...

After waiting for a while, I didn't need to improve my sense of smell and smelled the rich fragrance. This kind of fragrance gave the feeling of being a big meal in front of Mu Qianxi.

But in this ridiculous infernal, who will eat a big meal?

In the front, Mu Qianxi saw a group of blackbirds in the abyss, but the number was much more than she had seen before.

"Hey!" These abyssal demons fight for a piece of meat, and they are not generally fierce.

The first layer of guardian said: "Almost let me find this guy, he quickly cleaned up this group of abyss, we waited for the first time, do not have to join in the fun."

This abyss of the abyss was fierce, so they quickly gave them two losses, and then a black-skinned uncle took a cage and wounded some of them. All the abyss of the abyss have been collected.

"Hey!" He clap his hands and smiled.

"The charm of food is absolutely powerful. I have packed up so many times. It seems that the second layer of the abyss will be solved soon, hahaha! Maybe I am the fastest one."

When he had just finished speaking, he heard a voice. "The fastest is not you, because my first layer has been cleaned up."

"You actually came to my second floor, but it was also attracted by my food." He laughed.

"Someone wants me to bring them to you, they need to go to the third floor." The guardians of the first floor looked at them.

"Hey! Outsiders, except for the last monster, it seems that there have been no outsiders for hundreds of years! It can also let you let people go and find people with me. These two are definitely not simple. Ah!" The guardian of the second floor looked at the Millennium and the Nine Nights.

The combination of the two is a bit strange, completely two extremes.

A weak one can see through at a glance, so weak strength is not enough to live on the first floor. A strong man can not see through all his strength, has a terrible strength!

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