Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2526: More silly money

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The guardian of the second floor did not have a good spirit: "I didn't eat what I did, I ate him... he did it!"

He grievously pointed to the phoenix nine nights, and the first layer of guardians became even more schadenfreaked. He said: "Ha ha ha! I didn't think anyone was more poisonous than what you made, you are hitting an opponent."

The second layer of the Guardian's face became darker than the bottom of the pot, and he angered: "You shut me up."

Mu Qian said: "What you want us to do, we have done it, the guardian of the second layer of infernal, can you guide us to the third floor now?"

"When you go to the third floor, you can't find the guardian of the third floor. You can't do it. If you want to help me clean this second layer, I will personally lead you." The second layer of guardians proposed .

Mu Qian said: "No problem! But will you be so kind?"

"I also have a request. In addition to helping me to destroy the abyss, I want to follow me. The people who can make food so bad are rare in the world. I must save him!" Very excited.

Mu Qian’s mouth screamed and said, “Okay! But the taste you made yourself is so anti-human, can you definitely save it?”

"The good looks and fragrances are perfect, as for the taste, everything goes with it!" The tone of the second layer of guardians seems to have some vicissitudes.

The rich aroma attracted many abyss of the abyss, coveted, and nine nights because of the special training of the second layer of guardians can already be out.

The so-called accident is that the appearance and aroma are really good, even better than the second layer of guardians, but the taste...

After the taste of Mu Qian and the second layer of guardians, the face was slightly white, and the first layer of guardians curiously said: "Is it really bad? I will try it too!"

After he tasted it, he felt like a blue sky.

"God! Why should I have curiosity! Curiosity is going to kill me." The first layer guarded the mourning.

With the addition of nine nights, the aroma of the food is more attractive to the abyss of the abyss. When the abyss of the abyss is defeated, Mu Qian rushed out and confronted them...

"Rumble!" But this second layer of the abyss is not the general, even if this method of the second layer of guardians is particularly effective, but it is inevitable to encounter some crazy rebellious abyss.

"Hey!" The guardian of the second floor was injured and the injury was not light.

He waved his hand: "I am injured and need to find a place to sleep and heal, you have to withdraw, don't be besieged by these abyssal demons."

The first layer of guardians who watched the show all the time did not help his partner. He smiled and said: "Where is the injury required to rest for so long? I have a good thing here that will allow you to recover quickly. Do you want it? ?"

The second layer of guardians has a strange saying: "What good things do you have? How can I not know."

The first layer of guardian took out a bottle of pharmacy. When the scent of the medicine came out, the guardian of the second layer stunned. "This, this thing has the power of life, don't give it to me... ”

Can quickly recover, he naturally wants to recover quickly, and then resolutely clean up some of these abyssal demons.

"Give you!" He threw the bottle of medicine to him, and he couldn't bear the child's inability to cover the wolf.

After the second layer guardian drank the pharmacy, I felt that my injury was much better. This was too fast, so he rushed into the battle with excitement and once again strangled with some of the abyss. It’s up.

Mu Qianxi is also doing his best to fight against some of these abyss, and her contracted beasts have joined the battle team. They don’t need to retreat and win the battle. The second guardian put this Some of the defeated abyssal demons have all been arrested.

After the fight, he was wrapped around the first layer of the Guardian: "Where is the thing you are playing? Is there any? It is so good to give me some more, the effect is simply amazing."

The guardian of the first floor said: "There is nature, but it is not much. The bottle is urgent. As your brother, I will provide it to you free of charge. If you still want it, take it. Exchange with me!"

"This is good to say, did you not want my artifact before? Give you to you, don't know how to change a few bottles of medicine?" The second layer of guardians excited.

The guardians of the first floor opened their slaps, meaning five bottles. Even five bottles, the second layer of guardians seemed to have smashed a big half of the sky, for fear that he regretted it and said: "The deal!"

The artifact of the baby before was reluctant to give the guardian of the first layer, and now I can't wait to be sent to him quickly. The guardian of the first floor is also very dark.

At this time, the original owner of this medicine is not far away. She must know that she is losing money now, and she is embarrassed to look at Mu Qianxi.

Let the little girl take something from her by then! Even if the kid doesn't look up, he has a lot of good things.

Seeing them, Mu Qianxi only feels that these guardians of the infernal are separated from the world for too long, and they are completely stupid.

This kind of medicine is sold in the ghost medical building outside the infernal, and an artifact can buy not knowing how many such medicines,

The second layer of guardians changed to the excitement after the drug, he said: "Go! We change a place to do nothing, continue to attract prey hooks, and then solve!"

"Come on, I will be able to take you to the third floor."

Mu Qiang nodded: "Good!"

Although waiting for the two sides of the Abyss Mozu war to kill some of the beasts, but the second layer of the abyss is a lot stronger, if they are against the normal strength, she has been difficult to win, seriously injured they can have thousands of Sixty percent of the grasp defeated them.

"burning the sky!"

"Seven heavy blood!"


Every time the guardian of the second layer saw the figure of Mu Qian’s battle, he was a little surprised. At first glance, he felt that there were a lot of gimmicks, and there was no one in the prison to protect the day.

However, he did not think that he also had a look at his eyes. This little girl is very strong, and the road ahead is limitless, if she can go out of jail safely.

What made him even more stunned was that he took a very rare five bottles of rare pharmacy. The little **** was a bottle and a bottle after the fight, like drinking boiled water.

"This... this is too wasteful!" "I said it! It turns out that you got this thing from this little girl. I wondered that there has never been such a thing in the prison." He looked To the guardian of the first floor.

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