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"You... don't come! I don't want it!" The guardian of the third floor ran like a whirlwind.

The Guardian of the second layer chased him up and said: "You wait for me! Eat a little and you won't lose a piece of meat!"

"There will be no piece of meat, but there will be one less life! I will not!" The guardian of the first floor.

"It's true that there won't be a piece of meat, but it will kill you!" The guardian of the third floor complained.

The abyss of the third layer of the infernal is a lot of danger. This time, Mu Qiang encountered a difficult deal.

Even if they are invincible, the three of them can join together, why not?

"Booming!" Mu Qianyi was bombarded again and again.

If it wasn't for her physical strength, she would have been killed by this force.

"Hey!" Invincible and Xiaohong, they are also hanging at this time.

It was more and more difficult to see the battle of Mu Qianxi in nine nights. He went out and said: "Hey, this Ben has started."

The dark power of terror broke out. The movements of these abyssal demons slowed down a lot under the pressure of nine nights. Then they faced a nine-night unilateral massacre.

After nine nights, the abyss of the abyss disappeared completely, and did not leave a living mouth to the third layer of guardians to catch up and close the cage.

All of a sudden, the surroundings became extremely clean.

Xiao Hongdao: "I don't want to be a nine-night adult, strong!"

Mu Qian said: "The guardians here have not directly killed the Abyss, but defeated them and then locked them up. In nine nights, we directly let these abyss demons disappear, there should be no problem!"

Nine nights back: "No problem! Even if there is a problem, that guardian does not dare to talk nonsense."

Next, if Mu Qiang faces the abyss of the abyss that she can't stand, she will start working in nine nights, and he will start the third layer of the abyss of the abyss without any help.

These abyssal demons have encountered a existence like nine nights, which is definitely a nightmare.

There are many abyss in the third layer, but it will take longer and longer as you stay here.

The number of shots in the nine nights is increasing. The soul of Mu Qian’s soul is strong and keen, and I always feel a strange feeling...

Mu Qiang pulled the nine-night road: "Nine nights, I always feel that someone is eyeing the general? But can't find the person's position, is the third-level guardian must follow us in the dark."

Nine nights back: "Yes, there is no murder!"

She did feel that there was no murderousness. Let me leave it for the first time and leave the third floor early.

The guardians of the third floor can still receive some of the abyssal demons that Mu Qiang seized, but when they get to the back, they will become less and less.

"This little girl is lucky! Every time I just touched a few abyss of the Devil, if it hits a little more, her strength can be dangerous." The third layer of the Guardian.

In fact, it is not the number of abyss in the abyss that every encounter is very rare. On the contrary, it can't be much more.

Only the three or three or two abyss demons that she defeated had a chance to survive. Those abyss who had fallen into the hands of nine nights were all unable to escape the annihilation.

As time passed, Mu Qiang felt that he had solved a lot, and he did not know how long it was from the target.

At this time, the guardian of the third layer was in danger. He was besieged by a group of strong abyss.

He stunned. "How did I get to the third floor? These are damn!"

"Booming!" There are at least a hundred, hundreds of...

The guardian of the second floor who is ready to watch the show sees that his partner can't stand it anymore. He has always been too lazy to act.

"Idiot! If I am you, run back to the second floor now! It is the safest, let's make fun of it." The third layer of the Guardian.

"I am happy! How can you do?"

"Hey!" After a fierce battle, they all hanged up.

The second layer of the Guardian swallowed a bottle of healing medicine: "Fortunately, I have brought a lot of healing agents wit, I am afraid that you will not be?"

The guardian of the third floor found that his injury recovered so quickly. He said: "What good things did you just drink? It was so quick to recover, give me a bottle!"

"There's not a lot of him there, I have a lot here! If you buy it with me! I first saw you..." The first layer of guardians who were the biggest winners came to the robbery.

"It's shameless!"

Shamelessly, he also recognized, handing over the money in one hand, and the third layer of guardian also saw the powerful effect of the potion.

The three guardians were caught in the siege. Even if there are potions that can help them a little, but these abyss are more powerful and more powerful, and they are in trouble.

Their guardians can't die, but once they are seriously injured, the first three layers fall, and the consequences are very serious.

"Hurry up to rescue the soldiers!" The guardian of the first floor.

"The rescuers! Their four people are too busy with their own sites. How can you help?" The third layer of the Guardian said.

The four layers below are more dangerous and they are definitely not available.

"Where do I mean to find them! I mean to find the two new ones..."

"Get it! It's all about letting them die!" The third layer guardian said.

"They are stronger than you think!" But the guardians of the first two layers told him.

At this time, Mu Qianxi was together with the nine nights. There was no way to find an abyssal demon. Mu Qianxiao smiled and said: "Nine nights, the abyss of the abyss here has been solved by us."

Nine nights replied: "There are still many! The rest are all in that position."

The nine nights are more clear to the evil abyss of the evil abyss than the ones, so know where the remaining abyss are?

"All of them are gathered in one place. Is it because they are scared by your strength for nine nights and want to hold us together to deal with us, let us go! If we solve them directly, we can go to the next level." Night road.

Nine nights nodded back and said: "Yeah!"

Why did Mu Qianxi not think that all the remaining abyss of the third layer were not gathered to deal with them, and their goal turned out to be the guardian of the first three layers.

The guardians who have already encountered in the first three layers are together at this time, dealing with a group of guys who are even stronger than the abyss of the abyss they met before, and Mu Qiang holding the sword of the soul: "kill!"

"Hey!" Countless pharmacy needles flew out.

The nine-night figure flashed and plunged into the sky, and the horrific pressure came, making these abyss demons feel shudder. The guardian of the third floor said: "How come you are here to die?"

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