Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2533: He is that person

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The pressure of the nine-night horror, it is almost necessary to scare the guardian of the third layer, he inexplicably feels that this pressure is somewhat familiar! very familiar!

He remembered it, remembered it, how did he not find it before?

"You... you are... you are..." The one who fought with the infernal unicorns and caused a sensation of infernal sensation.

Didn't he think that he would be that person?

Was seriously injured by the infernal Kirin adults, and recovered in such a short period of time, and re-entered the infernal, and not as high-profile as the last time, and so low-key discovery.

Before he dealt with the Abyssal Mozu, he didn't use too much power at all, so the third layer was the guardian who didn't think of it.

But the millennium was taken away, and nine nights were angry, naturally unable to control his power.

The guardians of the third floor will be scared away, but this is a horrible fellow who can compete with their infernal overlord and unicorn!

His brain is running fast, and then said: "Adult, I know! The one just was not the guardian of the fourth floor. The fourth layer of the abyss is very good at camouflage, they can even be perfect camouflage. Become any person who wants to disguise. So..."

"No wonder I think he is a little different from before. I thought that he had only changed for so many years, so there was some change. I didn't think it was a counterfeit goods! I was wrong, I didn't find that he was a fake..."

He is really scared! This powerful man can make the abyss of the abyss smog, so there is a guardian who can't die in this infernal, he can also wipe out.

Nine nights also remembered what the abyss of the abyss said, he whispered: "Where is the demon of the Abyss, where?"

"What? What? The Emperor ran out, it was awful! Ah!" The guardian of the third floor jumped up in shock, and this was a bigger thing.

However, the infernal troubles such a thing, the original leader is actually this person!

Nine nights cold channel said: "An answer to this question."

The guardian of the third floor said: "If the devil ran out! He must be the seventh!"

"The seventh floor!" The dawn of the nine nights sank.

Even if he went to the fifth floor, he was in trouble. He whispered: "First open the fifth channel."

"I am not the guardian of the fourth floor. I can't do it! I can't do it."

"Can't do it! Do you want to die?"

The pair of ice-blue scorpions are cold and cold, and the guardian of the third layer is sure that this one really wants to kill him.

"I...we can go to the real fourth-level guardian! If you find him, he will open the channel."

"Look! This will not give you too much time. If you don't find it, you and the layers of this prison can be destroyed."

The guardian of the third floor felt a very fierce breath, and he made all the stops to find someone, and finally he took out the guardian of the fourth floor in a graveyard.

However, this cargo is very seriously injured, and I don’t know when I can wake up. In this case, where can he dare to talk to the nine-night adult?

This man's mood is very bad, just like a beast that is violent, and it is possible to tear all the creatures in front of his eyes at any time.

"Hey!" Nine nights took out some potions from the space. This is some of the potions that were placed on him. Obviously he didn't use anything, and there was a lot of accumulation.

Seeing some of these potions, the nine-night cold eyes flashed a touch of tenderness.

Of course, it was only a moment. Soon his pair of ice-blue scorpions became even more scary, and the other side grabbed it, but the goal was him.

Just find the magic emperor and solve it, then you will know where you are?

Seeing these pharmacies, the third layer of guardians widened their eyes. These pharmacies are very different from them, and that is, the power of life is full of spilling pharmacy bottles.

The medicine that Mu Qian wants to give to his man is naturally different from that of others. This is cheaper for the fourth layer of guardians.

A few medicines and a few medicinal herbs were fed, and the miraculous effect, the guardian of the fourth layer woke up, and saw that the familiar person had not had time to ask what was going on, and he felt a horror that made him creepy. breath.

"What happened? The devil ran out, even if the emperor ran out."

He jumped up in shock and immediately felt that this breath was not a demon, but more like...

His eyes widened and he looked at the dark, slender figure in front of his eyes. "You...you..."

The third layer of guardian said: "Is it recognized?"

Nine nights look at the person in front of me, the appearance, the atmosphere is exactly the same as the previous one, I have to say that the Mozu with that special ability is indeed disguised as perfect.

He whispered: "Open the fourth floor of the passage, this king is going to the fifth floor."

"Yes! The small one will open it for you right away." The guardian of the fourth floor is very dog-legged.

Refuse! Give him 10,000 courage to dare!

When he proposed the conditions, he did not dare!

As long as he blames the obedience command, it is enough. However, this countless round with the infernal battle can safely return to the infernal metamorphosis once again!

The guardian of the fourth floor opened the passage, and he carefully guided the road to nine nights, and arrived at the fifth floor smoothly in nine nights.

The guardian of the fourth floor said: "Adult, you don't need me to find someone for you..."

The shadows disappeared in front of them instantly, and nine nights did not need him to lead the way, because knowing that this person was useless.

"Hey!" Wait until the breath of nine nights was completely gone, and they collapsed on the ground.

The guardian of the fourth floor said: "This... How did this metamorphosis come back? And he passed me on the fourth floor, God! Cellar! Heaven! Earth!"

"Don't be embarrassed, you are still alive and lucky. I was really afraid that the nine-night adult will tear you apart! I really admire the two guys who are on the top! They certainly don't know the identity of the nine-night adult. There is no need to be motivated like this to us." The third layer of the Guardian.

"What the **** is it?" he asked.

The abyss with special ability turned into his appearance and took away the sweetheart of the grown-up. For a time, the guardian of the fourth floor felt his neck cool.

Mu Qianxi was robbed by a deep abbot, and soon the abyss of the abyss revealed his original face. He is not the guardian of the fourth floor. His original appearance is not ugly, much better than the abyss of the abyss that they hunted before. Mu Qian said: "Hey! What do I do to catch me?"

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