Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2541: Go to nine nights

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The guardian of the fifth floor said: "I will not let you be taken away by them, let the abyss demon threaten the nine-night adults to open the seal of their abyssal demons! Otherwise the whole infernal will be chaotic, the entire prison will be confusion……"

Very serious consequences!

The guardian of the fifth floor walked out of this maze with the fastest speed with Mu Qian, and came up with a familiar face.

The guardian of the sixth floor said: "You brought one over and let me lead the way, this time again brought one!"

Mu Qiang cold channel: "Run! This one is definitely fake."

The guardian of the fifth floor was also shocked by a cold sweat. He hurried over and the guy sneered: "Run! You have no way to go."

He broke out with a strong magic, and the entire sixth layer of the Abyssal Demons all obeyed his command and attacked Mu Qian.

The face of the fifth layer of guardians is getting more and more ugly. "When did the sixth layer have been completed, it has become the world of the abyss."

"Not only the sixth floor, the seventh floor is also! The fifth floor can also be won, it is too ruin that a waste is useless, but it is enough to take two layers, the prey that our devil is eyeing. Absolutely can't run away." His gloomy eyes fell on Mu Qian's body.

The little blood rushed up, "prey! Dare to take my master as a prey, your one of the devils is very kind! Look at me to pack your mess."

"Booming!" Blood-red thorns danced, and small blood began to kill in this group of abyss.

"The fire is burning!"

"Black and white!"


Invincible Xiaohong, they also did their best to fight, and on the sixth floor, they launched a big battle with the Abyss. The steady stream of the abyss is really tricky. At this time, the guardian of the fifth floor said: "Hey, now it’s time for me to make up for it. I am the guardian, I can’t die, it’s my duty to guard the infernal, not Let these abyssal demons squat on the sixth floor. I will

Hold them, you go to the guardian on the sixth floor, let her send you to the seventh floor..."

In fact, the best plan is to go to the first floor, where there is no more than how safe it is than the seventh floor? But he knows that she is absolutely unacceptable!

However, I went to the seventh floor to meet the nine-night adults. These abyss of the abyss can not help him!

In this way, even if the fighting power on their side is not weak, she can't escape the end of the game they caught. This battle can't be hard.

Mu Qian said: "Okay! Then you are better, don't let your undead body be invalid, and die."

The guardian of the fifth floor said: "Don't say this! I will be afraid of it. After all, I have to face so many abyss!"

"Boom!" A loud noise came out, the guardian of the fifth floor did not want to clean up a jump to Mu Qianxi, he said: "Hurry!"

"Small blood, after the break!" Mu Qianzhen cold channel.

"it is good!"


With the help of the fifth-level guardian, Mu Qianqi continued to run away from the chaotic battlefield, and Mu Qian knows that this calm will not last long.

That pair of eyes is still staring at her.

The eyes of the Emperor, how can we escape the surveillance of the Eye of the Emperor?

Mu Qiang looked up at the sky, and the soul broke out completely, trying to erase the surveillance of the guy.

But no, this feeling is still there.

The other party is not in front of her. This kind of long-range attack has no effect at all. Mu Qian said: "Invincible, Xiaohong, Xiaomo, Xiaoxue, find me and find a place to hide."

"There is a place to cover, or it is best under the ground."

If the Eye of the Emperor can't see through it, hiding in a sheltered place, he will never see it!

"it is good!"

The little blood is different, and it is not difficult to find any space under the ground. They also found a maze under the ground.

"Good! Go on."

"Rumble!" She went straight to a sheltered place, opened a passage, then jumped into the labyrinth of the ground, and then blocked the entrance.

This labyrinth of the underground is very dark, but Mu Qianshao smells the blood in the distance, not the taste of the blood of the Mozu, but the human!

In all likelihood, this individual is the guardian of the sixth floor.

Following the smell of blood to find someone, this time came a burst of dense "嗡嗡嗡..." sound.

Poisonous bees, and still very poisonous!

"Hey!" Mu Qianyi waved his hand and countless medicine needles flew out.

Perceived by the soul in the darkness, it hits the target with accuracy.

However, there are more poison bees flying over, and Mu Qian said: "Are you bothered?"

"Hey!" Numerous medicinal herbs were scattered. These poisonous bees were all poisoned and fainted and fell to the ground.

When the next batch of poisonous bees came to attack, Mu Qiang speeded up and rushed forward. ,

Some of these poisonous bees are like who are protecting them. Layers hold this place.

The poisonous bee may be able to stop the abyss of the abyss, but it is impossible for her to be good at poisoning. Soon he found someone who was seriously injured and lost blood and fell into a coma.

The guardian of the sixth floor thought that it was the abyss of the abyss, and opened his eyes with difficulty. He found out that he was a woman. He widened his eyes and thought of a person!

Is this the person that the adult is looking for?

"You are the guardian of the sixth floor of infernal?" Mu Qian asked.

"Yes!" he replied.

"That's good! Then I will treat you first."

At this point, the guardian of the fifth floor has been seriously injured, unable to fight again, he can only slip back to the fifth floor, find a place to sleep, heal.

He took a cold breath and said: "Hey! The injury is really heavy. I hope that everything on the side of the adult is fine."

In the sixth floor, some of the abyss of the abyss received an order, that is, to find a person to dig three feet.

Although they can't determine the location of Mu Qian, but one thing is certain, that is, Mu Qian is under the ground.

Mu Qianxi quickly dealt with the injury of the sixth layer of the Guardian. He looked at Mu Qian and said: "You are the one who is looking for a thousand miles, the nine-night adult?"

"Yes!" Mu Qianxi nodded slightly.

She said to him: "So you hurry to recover, send me to the seventh to find nine nights!"

"The sixth floor is now occupied by some high-level abyss, and the seventh is more dangerous. Are you going?"

Mu Qianhui replied: "I know that the seventh floor is dangerous, but nine nights. As long as I have found nine nights, do you think that some dangers are dangerous?"

The guardian of the sixth floor thinks of a powerful unparalleled man. The horrible strength, even if it is the abyss, is not necessarily his opponent. "I understand!" he replied.

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