Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2544: Prison unicorn

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They stunned, yes, these abyssal demons are very embarrassing, at least in the nine nights and in front of Mu Qianxi.

The Abyssal Emperor came out at this time. After unlocking the seal, his power was very strong, not as embarrassing as before.

"Abyss of the Devil!" As soon as he saw these guardians, he was ready to be ready!

The abyss demon smiled and said: "You guys don't be so timid! I only listen to my master's orders. What do he do for me?"

"What? Master!" They looked at the Phoenix nine nights with a stunned look.

These abyssal demons were born in the infernal, born of dark power, and such a group of guys would never obey anyone's control.

Now they will be willing to recognize the Lord, it is absolutely incredible.

Even if Phoenix can unlock the seal, it will not let them do it. The Abyssal Emperor did not take the wrong medicine!

Nine nights: "They have chosen to surrender to me. I will take them out of the prison in the future. If you want to stop, you can stop it and try."

The hegemony of nine nights, they dare to stop it is a strange thing.

These abyssal demons have already recognized the Lord and cannot be separated from the control of nine nights.

Even if they go out, as long as the nine nights are not allowed, they can't make any big troubles in the prison.

They want to stop, but there is no such strength! Whether it is a nine-night adult or an abyss, they can't beat.

"Ha ha ha! Can we completely relax after that? It is good to eat and drink in the prison." The guardian of the first layer of heartless laughter.

"You still laughed!" The seventh layer of the Guardian's face is the most dignified.

"The old seven! Don't stretch your face, this is a good thing!" The second layer of the guardian said.

"Hey adults! Do you still have potent healing potions? You look at the old seven, how miserable he is, I can't stand it anymore, I buy some medicine from you."

Mu Qian said: "No problem, anyway, you can afford that price."

Mu Qianyi quickly healed the Guardian of the seventh floor, and the other wounded also treated it again, which made the guardian of the seventh floor somewhat strange.

The unbroken peaceful coexistence of the broken abyss and the guardians did not start!

The Abyssal Emperor said: "I said the hostess, have you treated our pharmacy! I have been sealed for so long, the strength is not very strong. As long as my strength becomes stronger, then I can help the nine-night adult to deal with the Yuan Prison unicorn!"

Mu Qianhui replied: "You are right, then I study and study."

"Great!" The Devil of the Abyss was excited.

As a result, staring at him coldly for nine nights, he did not dare to be too close to Mu Qian, and Mu Qianzhen was seriously studying pharmacy.

Although it can't be recovered immediately, it is a bit of strength to improve.

The risk of dealing with the infernal unicorn is too great. It is a bit of a plus.

The gods' refinement means made them very shocked, and the great guardians recovered almost. Mu Qian also took out a pot of pharmacy and handed it over to the abyss.

"Drink!" Mu Qian said.

"Okay!" The Abyss and the Emperor drank the potion, and for a time he felt a terrible pain.

"Ah! My hostess, I am really bent on surrendering to the nine-night adult, I have never thought of betrayal, you... how are you still poisoning me, hehe!" The painful abyss of the emperor mourned.

"I didn't poison you, but if you want this effect to work, this pain must be tolerated! Can you not endure such a pain in the abyss?" Mu Qian said.

"I... I can bear it..." The Abyssal Emperor bit his teeth.

After the pain of this battle, the Devil of the Abyss found that his strength really seemed to be a little stronger.

Just a little bit is enough to make him happy, because the hostess does not have a horse, but I don’t know how long it will take to improve it!

"It seems to be effective, I can see if it can be made stronger." Mu Qianxiao smiled faintly.

"Ah!" Then the Abyss and the Emperor sent out a more fierce cry.

The body of the guardians of each layer shook a little, but fortunately, fortunately they will not be so miserable, otherwise they will die.

Waiting for a certain limit, Muqian will stop, although Mu Qianxi helped the Abyss and the Emperor to restore their strength, but this guy now sees the instinct of Mu Qiang’s instinct, and the pharmacy is too torturous!

These two people are worthy of a pair, the same metamorphosis to the horrible.

Nine nights swept through this group of humanities: "Where is the infernal unicorn? Lead the way!" The guardian of the seventh floor glimpsed a little. "The last time you came is not the opponent of the infernal Kirin adults, I did not expect you to come again. The power of the infernal unicorn is not what we can imagine. I think that it is better for you to leave the prison for nine nights. The abyss has already recognized you as the main.

We will not stop you if you take him away. ”

Nine nights cold channel: "This monarch must defeat him!"

The guardian of the seventh floor said helplessly: "Come with me!"

At the deepest point of the seventh floor, there is an entrance to the unicorn space. "Don't dare to go in and disturb the infernal unicorn, so you can only send you here, and you must be careful."

"The temper of the infernal unicorn is not good. The last time you can leave safely. This time you will disturb it again, I am afraid that the infernal unicorn will annihilate you in anger." The guardian of the seventh floor is worried. Road.

Mu Qianxi and nine nights were not afraid. They walked into the space of the Kirin, and soon there was a unicorn fire.

This flame is different from the source of the black shadow, full of violent anger.

"Hey!" The power of nine nights blocked all these flames, and these flames were far away from them.

At this time a low voice came, "This is another strength, you are not annoying!"

This voice came, with a very strong pressure, to overwhelm the strength of the world, scared the abyss of the emperor shivering.

Although it can stir up the guardians of all levels in the infernal, but he is actually a small shrimp compared to the strongest hegemon of this infernal.

He hugged Mu Qianyu in nine nights, so that Mu Qianxi was not affected by this aggressive momentum.

In the blink of an eye, nine nights with Mu Qianzhen plundered to the place where the infernal unicorn was.

There is a very large throne in the flame, the kylin totem is engraved on the throne, and a man in a dark red robe sits on the throne and is extremely powerful.

He is very beautiful, and this kind of imposing appearance can no longer be depicted with any words.

He gives a wildness and a domineering temperament.

Standing in front of him, Mu Qianjian felt something unsettable, it is really strong! "This gentleman is still trying to borrow something from you! Unicorn, if you give it, then I don't want to fight with you." Nine nights faint.

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