Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2551: Rakshasa Purgatory

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Mu Qian said: "The next task is to find the Tower of Eternity. Find the Tower of Eternity. Maybe you can defeat the Infernal Unicorn in nine nights and get the unicorn of the infernal unicorn! You must speed up and bring the intelligence of each world. Send it to me, even if it is a hint of clue."

"Good!" Purple secluded.

Because the phoenix nine nights are trapped in the infernal, the masters of the city and the ghost doctors seem to be more professional than before. Many things are handled resolutely, but they can relax and relax.

Of course, life can be relaxed, taking over the nine-night treatment of the entire prison affairs, but it is super vomiting blood!

He is still very hard!

"Little beauty, I got an intelligence." Purple secluded.

"I also got an intelligence here." Mu Qian also said.

"The Dark Lord has appeared in the Eternal Tower!" The two men said in unison.

Purple secluded face showed a dignified color. "This news is no secret in the prison. Even most people know. Not only the prison, I also received the news, the other planes also got this Message."

Floating life: "It is useless to know this news. Who can go to the most horrible dark magic prison for a message that is still not sure whether it is true or not. I was trapped in the **** purgatory for so long, no one would feel This is an adventure."

It is very likely that the Dark Devils will go out forever, unless others have 100% confidence that the Tower of Eternity is in the Dark Lord, and they have the confidence to get the Aion. Maybe they can rely on the Aion to break through the Dark Devils. .

This chance is really too small.

Mu Qian said: "No one dares to take risks, but there are still people! For example, I may have to try even if it is a bit, and we have to deal with the Dark Demon Prison and solve the Dark Demon Prison."

"I think this is definitely a trap! You are familiar with this little beauty. Isn't it? I'm afraid this is another trap set by the endless." Purple thought deeply.

"Now the night is in prison, the little beauty is still not to act rashly. I am afraid that there is no danger in the end of the night and he will not give up."

Mu Qian said: "No matter what he wants to do? The dark magic prison must be dealt with. It is not easy to find the location of the dark magic prison unless they expose themselves."

"When you have finished dealing with this side, there is nothing else, and you are ready to go to the Rakshasa to see if you can find a clue about the Dark Lord."

"Little beauty, are you really doing it?" Purple. "Your night, your strange power in the body, I have seen similar, weird to completely do not know the way to go, looking for the Tower of Eternity can not be dragged! And I think if it is a conspiracy, this news It’s true that it’s true, because the last time we’ve been in the cage, we’re looking for it.

When I arrived at the Aion, this was what he had already said. Although he wants me to die, but also wants to lift the curse nine nights, our goal is the same. "Mu Qiandao said.

"But that is boundless!" Purple is worried.

"The soldiers will block the water and cover the earth. Even if there are no endless patterns, I am not so bullied." There is no means to use it, and her ability is not static.

Sure enough, there is no news of other Aion, there is only one way in front of Mu Qianxi, and Mu Qian said: "Floating, let's go to Rakshasa!"

"Little beauty, I have to go! I can stay with you to be assured." Purple.

"No! The prison community still needs a person to sit in the town, so I will live with the floating life. We have experience in cooperation, even if we can not use the spiritual Rakshasa Purgatory, we can also retreat." Mu Qiandao said.

"Right! Don't forget that I am the owner of the Scarlet Purgatory. It is very convenient to go to Rakshasa!"

Purple secluded can only stay in the blood prison, but he is full of sadness!

Mu Qianxi and Ziyou went to the **** purgatory, and then went straight from the **** purgatory to the passage of Rakshasa Purgatory and entered the Rakshasa Purgatory.

The purgatory here is a cage, but because he came from the blood purgatory, he was not locked in a cage, but stood outside these prisons.

This world is piled up by old buildings. The desire is that the space in the cage is bigger. The bottom layer can only accommodate one person, and the body is somewhat stretched.

Like a very large fortress, Mu Qian’s appearance did not attract the attention of some people at the bottom of the cage, because they were completely numb when they were locked here, and they didn’t care about the outside.

"This Rakshasa Purgatory is not the same as other purgatory!"

"Go directly to ask where is the owner of Rakshasa Purgatory?" Mu Qian said.

It’s too repressed here, and a person seems to have a soulless shell.

The floating life: "As far as this is concerned, the owner of the Rakshasa Purgatory should be on the top."

Floating life points to the top, countless cages towering into the clouds, rushing to the clouds, there seems to be a palace like a ghost castle above the clouds.

"Then we will go up!" Mu Qian said.

"it is good!"

But when they want to go one step further, they are blocked by a barrier.

Fushengsheng: "What is the inconvenience! I broke it directly."

"Boom!" Floating hands, even if you don't need to use the power, this barrier is very vulnerable!

"Scratch!" When this barrier was broken, it naturally alerted the prisoner.

"Hey!" Numerous figures flashed and the prison arrived.

"I didn't expect that there would be someone who escaped from the lower class. One man and one woman are still so beautiful?"

"How can such a good-looking person never be discovered by us! Is this impossible?" These prisons are looking at the Millennium and the life, and they are somewhat puzzled.

Mu Qian said: "Prison is coming! Just right! I want to see the master of your Rakshasa Purgatory, lead the way!"

"Ha ha ha! This little girl looks beautiful, the tone is not small, obviously ran out from the bottom, and even opened the mouth to see adults." After listening to the words of Mu Qian, they did not agree.

That adult is not to see you, not to mention the prisoners, even if they think it is not so easy to see.

"I don't want to lead the way? Then I can only do it." Mu Qianxi faint.

"Do you do it, do you have no spiritual power?" They disdain.

In prison, they have become accustomed to their spiritual power to be God, and those who have no spiritual power are ants in their eyes.

Mu Qian said: "Without spiritual power, it is very enough to abuse you!"

After that, Mu Qianxi and Fusheng attacked it!

"Boom!" A loud noise, they made a move, and the prisoner who gave off a powerful spiritual power to fly out!

"Hey!" All this makes these prisoners feel unbelievable, this... how is this possible! "Up! These two people are not normal, don't take it lightly!" One of the prisoners made a roar.

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