Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Vol 3 Chapter 3006: The most dangerous battle

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"I have seen it!" The old man’s face sank.

"That woman!"

"Invincible, Xiaohong, you cope with him." Looking at the gloomy guy, Mu Qianji quickly assigned the task.

This Yang Daren is a seventh-order spirit, invincible, and it is difficult for him to separate him and make him messy, so that they can be safer together.

"Clouds, old rules, pick one each!" Mu Qiandao said.

There are three people in this team, and there is also a powerful leader. This is definitely a dangerous battle.

"Two beasts? Looks like a blow, but also wants to hold me back, get out!" Yang Boss instantly punches, the power is amazing.

Yin Sizhan picked one of the opponents, and the remaining one needed to be treated by one person.

"Lao Luo, take that little girl!"

"Yes! Small problem!" A middle-aged uncle jumped and plunged into the Millennium.

"Booming!" The little ink ink began to burst into flames in the air.

The four elements of spiritual power burst in an instant, which is a thing that shocks the enemy.

"What? Four elements of spiritual master? Even if our Prince Edward does not have the four elements of spiritual power, how can this little girl have the ability to possess?"

Invincible and Xiaohong angered, "How can our masters not have it? It is better than the talent of the dog, the North Palace Prince. I can't compare it with you. See if my invincible adult does not smash you!"

"How can the owner of this adult be a little prince, waiting to be burned to ash!"

"Rumble!" Even though the strength of this Yang boss is strong, there are some headaches caused by these two attacks.

They are not good at all. What kind of beast is this?

Mu Qianxi was in a state of rotation with Lao Luo, with the restraint of small ink and ink, coupled with her teleportation ability, successfully avoided the thrilling attack again and again.

Lao Luo’s face is extremely unsettled. The other party is a third-order spiritual sac. Even if there is a contractual beast to help, it will not let him clean up for so long.

This is the most sinister, fastest, and most defensive spirit of the spirit.

There are fewer invincible and little red, and it’s much harder to get on this.

To know that this is a fifth-order spirit, and she is only a third-order spiritual sanctuary.

They are using the array to deal with another enemy, and they have encountered problems at this time.

There were a lot of means for the other side, and they almost disrupted their formation, and they showed a dignified battle on Yin Sizhan’s face.

The victory of several previous battles has filled everyone with confidence, but this battle is serious.

After all, this time, the three strongest people in the North Palace dynasty gathered together, not as dispersed as others.

Even if it is tough, they will definitely do their best to defeat the opponent!


"Hey!" Faced with a strong enemy, Mu Qianxi was obviously suppressed.

"The spirit is stronger, the elements are more, the level is not cultivated, you want to deal with us, the little girl, you will be careful and low-key in the next life, so that you can live for a long time." Lao Luo's smile, more powerful attack Struck.

"Don't you say that you want to wear sin? You two!"

For a time, the dark mist with the gas of death permeated, and the general flame of the moon came from all directions.

His face sank. "This is... that sacred plant! How could he appear in love?"

He hurried to dodge, he found that he had to deal with the girl next to a gloomy black man and a red-haired teenager.

She did not have the invincible Xiaohong to help, but there are two foreign aids.

"You...what are you going to do here? Also help a human?" They wanted to take it before, and they were forced out of the Rift Valley by countless gods.

"That's not easy! She has got me, my master."

Lao Luo’s face was slightly condensed. They came to the Great Rift Valley to find the Xuantian Beastmaster. On the road, they saw that the sacred plant would not miss it.

These goals have not been achieved, even if their people are dead, and behind the scenes, the people who ultimately benefit are actually the spirit of the weak, can not enter their eyes.

He was burning in his heart. "How did you do it?"

"No matter what you are doing, as long as you take it, the holy plant will be ours."

"Hey!" The fierce attack once again struck, and there were two of them helping Mu Qiang with less pressure and a lot of magic seas to advance.

Mu Qianzhen is indeed a promotion. In these days, the high-intensity battle, and the people who fight with her are the elite of the five-star force Beigong Dynasty, she naturally benefits a lot.

Fourth-order spiritual holy!

After advancing to the fourth-order spiritual sanctuary, Lao Luo realized that Mu Qianji became more difficult to deal with.

On the other side of the battle, there was a crisis in the side of the Twilight Mercenary.

"Oh!" The formation was broken by an artifact that was sacrificed by the other party. One person was seriously injured. Others were injured and flew out.

Yunxiao and Yin Sizhan were also blasted out. Even if they swallowed the healing medicine of the murder of the Millennium at the fastest speed, they could barely stand up, but the powerful opponent was approaching!

"Hey!" Yun Yun pushed away Yin Sizhan, preparing for a person to resist the other side's attack.

"Clouds!" Mu Qianyan's face changed greatly.

In this case, they did not think about it. After all, where are the wet shoes on the river?

They hunted the masters of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty and the Northern Palace dynasty. The balance of their own convenience is huge, and it is normal to turn over in the gutter.

Yunxiao and Yin Sizhan have already prepared well, and Mu Qian is also the same, but she has a life-saving card to ensure their safety.

"Crystal Ying!" Mu Qianqi called in his heart.

"Hey, that side does not seem to need us to shoot." Crystal Ying gentle way.

"Little girl, you still worry about your safety! At this time, you still have the heart to remember others, find death!"

Mu Qianxi used the teleport to avoid the dangerous attack of the other side, and the side of the cloud...

"Hey!" A deafening whistling sound spread throughout the Xilian Mountains, and all the beasts were shocked by this domineering whistling sound.

Yunxiao’s opponent saw a huge thing, it was a big white snow-white tiger, and in front of it it was a small spirit.

"What?" His attack was easily blocked by the other side, and his face was extremely ugly, and it was definitely his invincible existence.

"Boss!" He trembled.

Yunxiao and Yin Sizhan breathed a sigh of relief, and their little life was saved.

"You two young people, still too weak! But the one gave me to you, let you take care of me, I will not let you be killed by others in front of me." Xuantian beast king.

That Yang boss was surprised to see the huge body of Xuantian Beastmaster, the amazing momentum: "Xuantian Beastmaster! This is the Xuantian Beastmaster we are looking for!"

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