Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Vol 3 Chapter 3015: Ghost doctor

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Mu Qian said: "You have this strength enough! My mercenary group is just a star now, you can all rush five stars."

With them, Mu Qianxi has the confidence that the Ghost Night Mercenary Group can develop and grow quickly, helping Yunxiao to win the status of the king of the mercenary world, and to ruin the Qing Cang and Yuan.

"Head, you are so powerful, we found such a very powerful member in such a short period of time." When they introduced them to Lin Yuan, they were amazed.

A powerful member of the sky, a happy event.

"Arrange them! People continue to recruit." Mu Qian said.


"Silver Purple that escorted me?" After finishing the mercenary group, Mu Qianyi opened the silver-purple box.

There are nine silver-purple lotus seeds in the box, and Mu Qian is so ecstatic. "The silver-violet guy took the wrong medicine, and even sent so much to me."

She needs the sacred plant, and the silver-purple lotus seed is the best one.

"Since there are so many, I quickly sent him a pharmacy to help him. It is very helpful to him."

Mu Qianxi left Linyueju and went to the ghost medical building in Xiyuecheng.

It is normal for the business of the Ghost Medical Building to operate in Xuantian.

"Guest, it is not a place to sell medicines." The management of the Ghost Medical Building stopped Mu Qian.

He is also aware of the head of the local mercenary mercenary leader known as the mercenary community, but there is no money anywhere.

Mu Qianxi took out a token: "Can I go up now? After all, I am going to my own site."

When I saw the token, I was surprised. I hurriedly said: "I have seen the landlord! I have a blind eye and I have not recognized the landlord."

He did not think of it, the girl in front of her is the landlord of their ghost medical building, ghost doctor!

He finally knows why she is so wide-spread, because in the past few years, the Ghost Medical Building has the ability to accumulate wealth. No matter how the landlord squanders, can they make a profit?

"Please ask the landlord, your refining room is the highest configuration, I hope the landlord can use the habit."

The top of the Ghost Medical Building in each place has the exclusive refining room of Ghost Doctor. Even if their landlord does not go to every ghost medical building, preparation is a must. If the landlord needs to pass the refining?

After arriving upstairs, Mu Qianxi said with satisfaction: "Well! Very good."

"Next, I want to refine the new type of pharmacy. You inform the deputy head of the Ghost Night Mercenary Group and tell them that the number of people will be promoted to the second star after the number is enough. Samsung. If there is a place where you can't decide. Just listen to Ziwei's comments." Mu Qian said.

There are a few of them who are brooding, but they don’t need to be white.

Good use can make her worry a lot, and the Ghost Night Mercenary can also develop quickly.

"Yes! The landlord!"

Afterwards, Mu Qianyi plunged into the refining room. The silver-purple lotus seeds were so precious. She had to refine the most effective and effective medicine for his body.

The head of the family went to retreat at the Ghost Medical Building, and they were not surprised that their heads had a relationship with the ghost medical building.

Soon, they were promoted to the two-star power at the fastest speed under the strong foreign aid of these capable talents.

"Like a dream, I haven't advanced to the second star before I have been mixed for so long. Now I am already a mercenary of the two-star mercenary group."

Wuqudao: "The number is enough, and the task of upgrading to Samsung is started."

"it is good!"

The Ghost Night Mercenary Group’s incomparably strong rise is unstoppable, and they have become the fastest Samsung mercenary group.

Among them, the mercenary group, which is naturally sinister, wants to fight against the Ghost Night Mercenary. The end is not very good.

They were either killed by the greedy wolves or killed by the **** thorns.

The Ghost Night Mercenary is very strong. Don't look at the fact that their heads have been hiding for half a month. Their deputy heads are weak, but the mysterious masters in their group are incompetent.

Every day, the New Moon City has a new news of the Ghost Night Mercenary, and the new trend is also a faint scent of lotus blossoms in this time, which makes everyone surprised.

This lotus fragrance seems to wash all the pain, so that people who have encountered bottlenecks in cultivation will have a lot of wonders, and it is certain that this is the birth of Shen Dan.

"The aroma was from the ghost doctor building."

"The ghost medical building in Xiyuecheng does not seem to have any powerful refining pharmacists sitting in the town! How can someone refine this level of medicinal herbs? Do not ghost doctors retreat in the West Moon City."

Silver purple as a super strong sacred lotus seed refining the pharmacy really is extraordinary, even if you have tried every means to avoid its breath leaking, still spread throughout the city.

Nowadays, in this city, some people are surprised, some are worshipped, some are curious, some are greedy...

This is a city full of fish and dragons. The powerful treasure is in front of you. There are many people who want to move.

The martial arts martial arts they originally wanted to go out of town to continue to brush the task to brush the level of the mercenary group to four stars, five stars, they have felt that as the owner, when the head of a Samsung mercenary group is too wronged.

However, at this time, I found some problems in the ghost medical building. Ziwei said: "Go to the vicinity of the ghost medical building, who will dare to hinder the master, kill innocent!"


In the face of those who want to sneak into the ghost medical building, they sneer. "I really thought that my ghost medical building is something you can think of."

Once every ghost medical building is established, there will be no defensive equipment such as organs and poisons. Of course, the ghost medical building on the side of the Abyss is an exception.

"Hey!" Countless hidden weapons were touched by those who didn't know how to live. The poison that came out was sucked in a little bit, and it made people feel uncomfortable.

"Ah!" The new research pharmacy of the landlord also dared to think about it and lived up.

The temptation of Mu Qian refining is too strong, the ordinary spirit is trying to make an idea, and the spirit is playing an idea. It is not necessarily impossible to defend the true spirit of the ghost medical building itself.

The shops belonging to the major morning chambers of Xiyuecheng have already been acted upon. "The president has orders, no one is allowed to move people and medicines in the ghost medical building, and immediately inform the head of Yunxiao."


At this time, the management of the Ghost Medical Building has brought together the power of the West Yuecheng Ghost Medical Building. Each person is equipped with the strongest hidden weapon, and thousands of kinds of poisonous.

"Do your best to solve the small people who have come to the Ghost House, so that they can clearly understand that our ghosts are not something they can think about."

The landlord first came to their Xiyuecheng Ghost Medical Building to refine their medicines. They must not let the ghost doctors die!

"Yes!" They replied with enthusiasm, everyone is murderous, and those who are guilty of murder must be smashed!

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