Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Vol 3 Chapter 3023: Three-person maintenance

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The emperor of the East Emperor did not answer his words, but the smile of the skin did not laugh: "Wan Wan, the president, did not expect you to come."

The North Palace absolutely went to Mu Qianxi. After she disappeared from Xuantian, neither he nor the Eastern Emperor could find her trace, but no one would let her go.

Now she is in the middle of the city, without any concealment in front of everyone, the bottom is very full, not afraid of death without a place to die.

Later, the presidents of the two major trade unions also appeared, and they jointly discussed the final test rules of this mercenary king.

As a mercenary group, strength is the most important. It requires the combat strength of the team leader, the combat power of the mercenary group masters, and the team's combat effectiveness of the entire mercenary group.

Finally, it is the ability to perform tasks, divided into four.

The strength of the four five-star mercenary groups is obvious to all, so you can exempt a series of comparisons, as long as you participate in the final duel.

The Samsung Mercenary Corps is eligible to participate, but must qualify for the top three in the Samsung Mercenary, in order to compete with the four-star mercenary group.

The North Palace said: "Now all Samsung mercenary groups, if you want to sign up, you can sign up, you can also abstain."

No one present is willing to abstain, even if it is impossible to compete for the king of mercenaries.

It is also a very glorious thing for them to be able to emerge in the Samsung Mercenary Corps in such a grand trial.

The Ghost Night Mercenary Group naturally signed up. As the latest Samsung mercenary group, their strength is not weak.

Tomorrow's test began. Everyone returned to their homes. Mu Qian was stopped by halfway. This is the great emperor of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty.

He stared at Mu Qian’s face: "Who are you? Who allowed you to appear in this way?"

Mu Qian’s mouth evoked a mocking smile and said: “I am the head of the Millennium Mercenary. I grew up like this, why not? You are a bit ridiculous.”

"It turned out to be you!" It is no stranger to Mu Qiang's great emperor.

This is the person who her emperor hates, and the guy who provokes the emperor's imperial power.

If it wasn’t for her whereabouts, she wouldn’t know how many times she died?

"Very good, you dare to appear in front of the emperor in such a grandiose, just looking for death!" The great prince broke out of the murderous murder.

A golden figure flashed over, Wan Wan said: "I said that the big prince, the king of mercenaries began to compete, you are doing this to the head of a mercenary group, it is not appropriate!"

Yunxiao also came over and looked at the Great Emperor: "The Great Prince, the Millennium is my friend. I will take the test tomorrow. You are now working on him, not afraid of the fairness and justice of the test. This mercenary king The dispute is what you proposed. Do you want to destroy it before the test?"

"A Samsung mercenary group in the district, but also can not affect the situation. This woman is a sinner of my Eastern emperor dynasty, she is guilty of sin, unforgivable, can you stop me?" The big prince stared at the two men .

One is the richest man in Xuantian, and the other is the head of the strongest mercenary group on the side of this Xiyue City. Although their status is not low, he will not give up killing Mu Qian.

Mu Qiang cold channel: "This is you Xiyuecheng, not the Eastern Emperor Dynasty. The Great Emperor is determined to do it? Once I start, I will not be polite, is it the end of the four emperors and Mu Linyi who want to fall?"

"Hello, you dare to threaten me?" The big prince was cold.

Being tempted by the envy of the millennium, the atmosphere is even more arrogant. At this time, the North Palace wearing a silver robes has come.

The North Palace is dead: "The emperor of the East Emperor, the king of the mercenary is just around the corner, I don't want to go out of trouble. No matter what contradiction you have with the millennium? It is not appropriate to start now, after the trial, how?"

The big prince stared coldly at Mu Qiandao: "The first time I saw the Prince of the North Palace will maintain a woman like this? Is it because you have a woman who has retired from my emperor? How about it?" A fake wild donkey."

Clouds and Wan Hao have flashed a cold light, what? I even took a thousand miles to compare with Mu Lin.

If they were not afraid of any trouble, they had already violently smashed this guy.

"It is her own reason to retire with Princess Lynn. It has nothing to do with others." Referring to Mu Lin, the atmosphere of the North Palace is very dangerous.

Presumably after a long time, the green hat still made him angry.

He had to defend Mu Qian, and did not let the Emperor of the East Emperor to do it to her.

First, because of the influence of the cold, he not only refused to let him hurt Mu Qian, but others did not.

Second, because Mu Qianxi is his prey, he must not be allowed to rob the East Emperor.

She and all the treasures in her hands, he is determined to win.

The East Emperor Dynasty was extremely powerful. If it was in the site of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty, the Great Emperor could do everything in his desperation, but now it is the Xiyue City to which the Beigong Dynasty belongs.

The North Palace dynasty Prince North Palace, the morning plaque business president Wan Hao and the head of the Shuguang Mercenary Corps Yun Yun are defending this woman, it is only him who really wants to lose.

Anyway, Mu Qiang has already appeared, so she must not escape, no need to be eager for a moment, big things matter.

The great prince said coldly: "I didn't think that this woman is quite a means, and I have so much tempted so many men to protect you! Very good, this prince has let go of you for a while. You have to participate in the mercenary king battle! When you are careful, even if you don't want your life on the face of three, I will make people tear your face."

There is no such face as the emperor, see what she has to seduce the North Palace to them?

His relationship with Mu Lin is not very good. Mu Lin’s lofty status has envied the royal family’s princesses to the extreme, but this woman is incapable of provoking their Eastern emperor and will be removed.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Thank you for your help!"

The North Palace is absolutely cold: "You know that I won't let him want you to move you, you are so fearless? You are obviously very good."

"I am very happy to give you trouble! It is better to let you bite the dog with each other. I am better off to take advantage of the fisherman." Mu Qian's face has a faint smile, she is deliberate.

The North Palace is staring at the unscrupulous Mu Qianxi, and the cold cold is erupting. "Your wishful thinking is playing well."

He was very angry when he was used by him, but he did not do it. He knew that it would be a waste of effort to continue to work, and people would be optimistic about the show.

"Yeah! You have no choice but not? The North Palace is absolutely." Mu Qianyi looked indifferent.

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