Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Vol 3 Chapter 3030: Sharp blade

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After more than a dozen strokes, the tough guys of the Twilight Mercenary Corps also realized the terrible things of these teenagers.

They have a benign intuition, a powerful soul, and every stroke has no flaws. It is like a perfect impeccable weapon.

The other party does not release water, they can really not win.

Yunxiao said to Mu Qiang: "Let them try their best to win. There are still two games. My Twilight Mercenary can regain two games."

"I think it's better to let the water out, otherwise you will feel bad." Wan Haodao.

"The ghosts are right. All the purposes they existed before were just to kill one person. If they do their best, your people will die." Mu Qian said.

Such a slap in the face is not a greedy wolf they are good at, they are all killing stars, the best is to use all means to take life.

They let go of the water, and others don’t know that the mercenaries are known as opponents. Although they won, they won’t be happy.

"Little brother, amazing! After this competition of the mercenary king, we are playing a game, don't let the water!" A big man laughed.

"This requires the permission of the master." They replied.

The Twilight Mercenary Group won the first and third team battles in the Battle of the Strong.

The Twilight Mercenary Corps’s big outfit, which was invincible, swept all the opponents, and deservedly won the first.

Team Fighting Ghost Night This short-established mercenary group is still a little worse than a few big five stars, only retaining the third place.

The Twilight mercenary group is in the limelight, and it is definitely the most likely to win the first mercenary group. The appearance of the North Palace and the Emperor of the East is very bad.

"A bunch of waste!"

"His Royal Highness, we have no choice. The big squad of the Twilight Mercenary Corps is too strong and too strong. I don't know where they got it?"

"They are very tacit, and the cooperation is perfect. We can't find any breakthrough."

In the final match, this matchup is extremely difficult. What is the difficulty for the Twilight Mercenary Corps?

The other major mercenary groups also tried their best to complete the task, and the next moment they got the task, they rushed to Xiyuecheng at the fastest speed.

Only the style of the Ghost Night Mercenary was not right. They didn’t worry too much, and even invited all the members to go to the moon to eat and have a good meal.

Wan Hao distressed in the blood, this a defeated woman.

During this period, the great emperor also personally came to find the broken army. The great emperor said: "I see that some of your little brothers are extraordinary in strength, and that a woman who is a woman who completely uses you as a slave is really a succumb, as long as you follow. This prince, no matter the beauty or the status of wealth, will be indispensable to you."

Ziwei elegantly smiled: "You are wrong, the master has never been a slave to us, but..."

A cold light hit the big prince, which was a deadly attack.

Thanks to the treasures that the great emperor had on his hand, the person who secretly protected him was strong enough not to be killed.

A black ink hair was quickly and sharply cut, and a pair of gloomy scorpions staring at the emperor’s emperor said: "We are a sharp knife in the hands of the master."

"The knife only needs to kill the people who want to be destroyed. The things you said, we don't need it."

They looked at the eyes of these teenagers. It was not like the eyes of normal people. They were sharp, cold, and had no feelings. They simply regarded themselves as a sharp blade and made the East Emperor dynasty extremely shocked.

It is so unbelievable that a person who is so capable can actually have such a knife in the hands of a willing person.

"His Highness, let's go! This group of people is not so good to accept." An old man said.

The emperor of the East Emperor had no choice but to leave. The knife that was not his own was forcibly taken down, and only his hands were covered with wounds.

After eating, the Ghost Night Mercenary did not complete their mission, but was divided into small teams to keep around the city gate.

"Mu Qianxi, what do you mean by this?"

"Do you still can't see it? Anyway, my score has already been so much. The last round of my abstention is estimated to be enough to enter the top three. I am holding the gate of the city, if it is a mercenary group other than the Twilight Mercenary Corps. I tried my best to intercept it." Mu Qianhui replied.

"You don't want to be the king of mercenaries at all?"

"When the mercenary leader is just my sideline, I am not here. The king of mercenaries is naturally the best person to be. Yunxiao is the most suitable candidate! It is much better than some domestic dogs." Mu Qian’s mouth evoked a mocking smile.

"The North Palace is absolutely, she is obviously provoking us, you and I are sure not to deal with her?" The emperor of the East Emperor was mad.

The North Palace’s mouth is slightly smothered: “I can’t help her too! How can I deal with her outsiders?”

Wan Hao’s body shook and shook: “I said Prince of the North Palace, are you not used to being like this?”

The North Palace never puts the provocation of Wan Hao on the heart, but looks at Mu Qian’s words: "You are so confident in the head of Yunxiao? If you really want to help him, why not help him complete it together? Mission? You are waiting for him to come back here, maybe he is in danger on his mission."

"This mission must be completed independently. That is the pride of their first mercenary group. They will prove to all mercenaries that he is the king of mercenaries. It is worthy of the name." Mu Qiang looked up at them with a firm tone. , have confidence in the ally of allies.

She believes that Yunxiao is more convinced of their righteous father, so Yunxiao will definitely return to the beautifully completed mission.

The emperor of the East Emperor said: "You are too high to see the head of the mercenary, a five-star mercenary group, in front of the strong is only an ant."

Wan Hao fists clenched, he knows that the two dynasties will not give up, then what? The white tiger boss is not vegetarian.

The final mercenary mission was not so easy to accomplish, and they waited for three days without waiting for a mercenary group to return.

On the third day, when the light of the morning sun shone through the whole land, an iron-clad mercenary group appeared in the sight of everyone, and their faces came with sunshine with a triumphant smile.

Someone was pleasantly surprised: "It’s the Twilight mercenary group."

"They must have completed the task."

"The first three performances of the Twilight Mercenary Group are very good. If the fourth round of mercenary missions is also completed first, the head of the mercenary is not the head of the Shuguang Mercenary Corps."

Under the enthusiasm of many people, the two eyes of the Highness were filled with murderousness.

If the Twilight Mercenary Corps and the head of the team disappeared one by one, then the winner of this test is naturally to be replaced.

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