Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Vol 3 Chapter 3035: I am very rebellious

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"What can't go? There is a North Ling nine days lily of the valley, this thing is rare, only a little worse than silver and purple." Mu Qiandao said.

Yin Sizhan said: "The Prince of the North Palace is scheming, perhaps using a fake message to lie to me! North Spirit, only the righteous father said that we are not rare."

"Since the righteous father said this, listen to the righteous father, don't go!" Yunxiao actually wants to find this stranger for the righteous father, but he will not violate the orders of the righteous father.

Mu Qian said: "You still really lick your baby and your son, that is your father who wants you not to go, you will not go! Anyway, I am very rebellious and disobedient, I am going to settle in the North Spirit."

Yin Sizhan said: "There is danger, there are traps, even if you never go back, the righteous father will worry about you. He cares about you, even far more than us."

"I know very well about the North Palace. It is inevitable that the layers of traps are inevitable. The North Spirit will not be peaceful. I must go, it is not for him. As a refining pharmacist, how can you let go of the sacred plant? "Mu Qiang's firm road.

"If it is fake?" Yin Sizhan said.

"I think there is a possibility that 70% is true. For this possibility of 70%, there is a bait for sacred planting. I will naturally voluntarily get hooked. Don't worry! The North Palace is indeed a terrible calculation. Opponent, but I have encountered a deeper path before, nothing to do, he wants to count that I am not that simple." North Palace is a much lower position than the endless.

Yin Sizhan and Yunxiao were very upset, even if the military masters persuaded Mu Qiang who could not help himself.

She is for their righteous father, and for the insistence of being a refining pharmacist.

Yizi is very obedient, but my biological daughter is very rebellious. What can I do if I am rebellious? Can only be petty.

Mu Fengyun said: "Let Yunxiao also go to the North Lingjing, deploy masters, absolutely can not let the children encounter any danger in the North Palace Dynasty."


The order of the iron under the righteous father changed because of Mu Qian, and Yunxiao and Yin Sizhan were somewhat surprised.

He is very happy in their hearts, they also want to find the same plant for the righteous father, let the righteous father cure the body as soon as possible.

There are also a number of strong people sent, Yin Sizhan brows tightly: "You have all come, and the people who are protected by the righteous father are not less?"

"The Lord told us to protect Miss Qian and the White Tiger in any case."

Yin Sizhan has a feeling that the righteous father is more than all things in the care of the millennium, but the ghost doctor is the only person who can cure the righteous father, so it is correct to protect.

It’s just that the Millennium is too adventurous, and the righteous father is too worried.

The day when the North Spirit was opened is over, and the North Palace is as close as it is to the millennium.

"Millennium, let's go!"

"Yeah!" Mu Qianyi nodded.

She is now in a light-loaded battle, with the help of the seven divisions.

Others let them stay to continue to pick up the task and become a four-star mercenary group as soon as possible.

Lin Yuandao: "You can rest assured that the head of the mercenary! This time the mercenary king battles are so good in our ghost nights. Now many excellent mercenary groups have joined. The number is now enough. As long as the task is full, we are four. The Star Mercenary Corps."

"Well! Waiting for the head of the team to return from the North Spirit, our Ghost Night Mercenary Group will be able to become a four-star mercenary group." Others are fighting high spirits.

They looked at the Millennium, and secretly said in their hearts: So you must come back safely.

They are naturally very aware of the subtle relationship between their heads and the Prince of the North Palace, and they are by no means friendly.

This is a very risky one, so the head of the team only has a top master and no one else.

The head of the Tianfeng Mercenary Corps said: "The Prince of the Prince will come down to the head of the delegation. We will follow the Prince of the Crown and pass the road. I wonder if the Prince will not mind!"

The North Palace is absolutely gentle: "The head of the Tianfeng is very welcome."

At this time, Yunxiao also came over with people, and Yun said: "I want to go with the Millennium."

"Oh! The Twilight mercenary group is also here, and this is exactly the same, there is a companion on the road." The North Palace absolutely looked at the clouds, he could come outside his expectations.

He was a king in the place where the mercenaries of the two dynasty borders were active, but there was not much advantage in the boundaries of their northern palace dynasty.

Because it is the Lord of the Heavenly Beastmaster, is it so fearless?

That is to make them sinful of their Northern Palace dynasty, still dare to go so boldly to the secrets of their North Palace dynasty, then he together with Mu Qianxi to clean up, and then the Xuantian beast king in the bag.

Xuantian Beastmaster is not only powerful, but it has followed the Emperor Xuantian, got it, contracted it, absolutely found the tomb of Xuantian Emperor and got the inheritance of Xuantian Earth.

Yunxiao dared to go to the North Lingjing, and he is interested! The North Palace’s mouth is slightly raised.

From Xiyuecheng to the North Lingjing, because with the North Palace Prince and his party, the road is naturally calm, no danger.

The North Palace had already laid a dead end in the North Spirit, and he did not need to stir up the plan halfway.

The entrance to the North Spirit was located in a mysterious land at the southern end of the Northern Palace. When the North Palace was reached, many royal members of the North Palace Dynasty had arrived.

Some of the royal family members did not meet a few acquaintances before, and they were strangers. When the Prince of the North Palace arrived, they all bowed to the Prince of the North Palace.

"See His Royal Highness Prince!"

"I have seen His Royal Highness."

A dynasty that lasted for 10,000 years, the Beigong family is naturally very large.

With the royal blood, you are eligible to enter the North Spirit, regardless of whether the blood is pure or thin.

They are extremely respectful to the North Palace. After all, they know that the Northern Palace has controlled the entire North Palace dynasty even if it did not become the Northern Emperor. It is the existence of the North Palace Dynasty.

Of course, some of them look at the North Palace with a sly look. Most of these are brothers or cousins ​​who are close to the blood of the North Palace.

In front of this dazzling prince, these princes and grandfathers seem to be completely out of sight. No matter how hard they try, they can’t compete with the North Palace.

At this time someone said: "His Royal Highness, this is the power of the three major mercenary groups that you allowed outside the royal family before? You really invited them, and even personally greeted them."

"You don't know this. The Royal Highness is really the head of the admiral. Her Royal Highness is very appreciative of her. Her talent is also higher than that of the Princess of the East Dynasty. Seeing that her Highness is so concerned with her, I am afraid that she likes to be a prince?" Some people look at the sinister yin and yang.

"Prince! Many ministers inside the dynasty are busy to choose the prince of the Prince. This woman is just a mercenary leader. There is no proud family background and strong blood. Even if the Prince has seen the people in the DPRK, Will not agree, it is estimated that the sidelines are enough."

The North Palace’s mouth was smirked with a smile, and they did not swear to stop the rebuttal, let them talk nonsense.

The eyes of the clouds flashed a trace of anger, and this group of people dared to say this.

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