Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Vol 3 Chapter 3038: I really don’t listen

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How can North Palace tell them? Throughout the year, they estimated that they had no chance to say a word to the North Palace.

"Cousin, save me! Kill this woman, grab the antidote from her to detoxify me." The body is completely useless, and this guy can only panic for help.

A broken voice came, his help is still useful, some people deal with Mu Qian, and it is still a spiritual respect.

A thousand moments of a sudden move away from his attack, before she was in a depression, a large pit.

Being attacked by a spiritual sage in the district, this guy's face is a bit ugly.

His spiritual power broke out again, and the surrounding space was distorted to crush people.

Mu Qianxi did not seem to feel such a great pressure to force himself, the fire elemental spirit broke out, and the horrible fire dragon smashed toward him fiercely with the scent of destruction.


A loud bang came out, this kind of spiritual face showed a dull color, is this really just a spiritual holy?

"It seems that the North Palace is so unimportant that you are not unreasonable? You are indeed not ordinary, then how? I am not too difficult to destroy you?" This person's face showed a arrogant smile, amazing power toward Encourage thousands of attacks.

In the face of his murderous murderousness, Mu Qianqian smiled faintly. "Whoever destroys this can be said? You can't say too much?"

"Hey!" In an instant, they played dozens of rounds, and the other face was even more ugly.

He found that one thing, it is difficult to seriously hurt this woman without the high-level spiritual esteem, and her defense is so strong that it is incredible.

When Mu Qianxi and this person were circling, they broke the army and they solved this group of people very efficiently. At this time, the one child must faint.

He looked at the incomprehensible human being who still played with Mu Qianji: "Cousin, cousin, run quickly!"

"Run! We are a noble royal family. We have to run away from a group of mercenaries. This makes us the face of the royal palace of the North Palace. It is difficult to clean up some of these mercenaries." His words have just fallen, then I know. After the discovery, they found that this pedestrian was standing apart from him, and all the others fell down. There is no power to fight.

His arrogant face was frozen by ice and snow, and his face showed an incredible color.

The spiritual honors of the Twilight Mercenary Corps are extremely admired by the broken army. "The little brother is too great, and there is such an accomplishment at a young age."

The wolf asked: "The master, do we need our help?"

Staring at such a pair of wolf-like eyes, he only felt the creeps, he couldn't make a fight, run or run?

"A bunch of waste!" he yelled and shouted.

The pride of the noble royal blood does not allow him to be a deserter. He has tried his best to rush to Mu Qian, preparing to take Mu Qian as a hostage and save a little dignity.

Mu Qianyi once again avoided, the water element spiritual power broke out!

"The water dragon is coming!"

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "It is not easy to meet such a weak sixth-order spirit. I will continue to practice with him. When will you need to say it?"

The county king’s face was so angry that this woman even dared to humiliate him.

A variety of stunts can not be cleaned up a very sixth-order spiritual sanctuary, he is very tired, and the spiritual power is also consumed quickly.

Mu Qianxi also felt almost the same, and said: "Well, you are a greedy wolf."

The seven figures are as close as a ghost, and he is scared to fall into the snow.

In the end, the greedy wolf took him one step faster than others, and this guy was stunned by the greedy wolf.

This group of people was pale and they said: "If you dare to kill us in the site of our North Palace dynasty, don't want to live out of the North Spirit."

Mu Qianxi faintly said: "I know this! Don't worry! We don't kill people, but all the good things you get from the North Spirit are handed over! After all, we have been playing for so long, can't we harvest anything?"

"What? You are robbery!"

The water element condenses into an ice arrow and points to his eyes. "You have to pick things up first. If you are defeated, you shouldn’t break the money. If you don’t kill you, it doesn’t mean that the parts on you are perfect, or Do you want to be poisoned like the one over there? I have a lot of poison here."

A cold chill spread from the soles of the feet, facing the cold and hot woman, they only recognized.

"You have to do the elixir, the ice and snow inheritance tokens are completely useless for you guys who have ordinary blood. Why do you grab them?"

"I just want to grab, I am happy, I am happy! You will lose so much nonsense."

They can only hand over the blood and snow tokens that are hard to get. The two mercenary groups watched the ice and snow inheritance tokens and opened their eyes.

The head of the group said yes! Sure enough, someone came to give them tokens, which is much simpler than finding them.

After the search was finished, Mu Qian said: "I will warn you once again, see us go around, don't go with yourself! Don't think about revenge, save it! You think that you are not honored by our group of mercenaries."

These people in the Beigong royal family were indignant, and looked at the smiling girl with a smoldering element. She dared to insult them to the North Palace royal family.

When Mu Qian’s mouth twitched slightly, she knew that they didn’t listen to her words, so it’s better! At that time, there will be fat sheep slaughter.

"Solved! Let's go!"

It’s just a matter of convenience to harvest some of the leeks along the way. Doesn’t Mu Qianyi forget his ultimate goal? It is a holy plant.

When Mu Qianxi was on the road, he handled the snow and ice inheritance tokens. When they rested, they absorbed the power of the token by the way, and everyone benefited a lot.

For example, Yunxiao, he feels that he has touched the threshold of the second-order spirit, knowing that he has only recently broken through the spirit.

"This North Palace dynasty is really good!" After they used up, they were still unfinished.

Especially the spiritual respects in the bottleneck period of the breakthrough, maybe they can break through a few more pieces.

The five-star power, the Wannian dynasty naturally has a good foundation, otherwise how can it be dominant, the status has not wavered.

This North Spirit is estimated to be only one of the many treasures of the North Palace dynasty.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "We should still be able to get some, because I think that the IQ of the royal family of the Northern Palace dynasty has been given to the North Palace, and none of them are like the Lord who listens!"

"Ha ha ha! Yeah!" The others laughed.

Things are indeed as expected, this time they ushered in a group of rivals.

The number of opponents is about twice that of them, and there are many masters.

The situation doesn't look very good, but their mercenaries have always dared to challenge, first hit and say.

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