Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Vol 3 Chapter 3042: Weird disappears

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Beigong’s brows were slightly stunned, and his eyes swept over this group of people.

Mu Qianxi did not kill people and killed them. They even let them appear in front of him.

Do not! They are poisonous, sure to admire the poison under the millennium, and they sleep that this group of people is her.

Does she really think that this group of waste can come in handy? Whimsical.

Mu Qian’s mouth was slightly pumped, saying: “It’s really interesting to have such a group of people in the North Palace. They think they are junk and they should be reasonable. The strong should be good to them. But he is good!”

The North Palace in front of the road said: "Our North Palace family has never taught the tribes to be a shackle. If you want to get treasures, you can rely on your own strength! If you want me to give, it is impossible."

"What do you want to do? Well, then let's do it! We are not stocking up." St. planted in front, they started, and now it looks very hard.

Prince Yang knows that he has eaten at Muqian, so this time he came to the North Palace, and he also got some of the royals together, which is more insurance.

"Booming!" A burst of loud noise came out, and a melee began naturally.

The strength of the North Palace is so strong that the strength of the party’s princes is not enough. At one time, all of their people have been beaten.

The face of Yunxiao showed a dignified color. He said: "The North Palace is very strong. Is it difficult for our people to be their opponents?"

Mu Qianxi whispered: "Our goal is to get the holy plant, not to fight with the North Palace. If we get the holy plant, we will run, run out of the North Spirit and run back to the Xilian Mountains. That is us. territory."

The North Palace dynasty was indeed very strong, but they entered the Western Hills with a mercenary group.

At that time, there were countless beasts in the Xilian Mountains to cover, and the North Palace dynasty had to kill and didn’t know how many masters would be damaged.

On the opposite side of them, there is also a gaze of the East Emperor dying with them, and it is necessary to pay a large price.

"Yeah!" Yunxiao nodded.

"Hey!" One guy was awkward, and they were ashamed.

Is the North Palace so powerful that it is impossible for them to compete? In front of him they are like ants, not reconciled!

Not reconciled and no way, they are too weak.

The North Palace never drove them away, did not kill them, but instead forced them to the place where the North Spirit nine days lily of the valley.

Even if they get closer and closer to Beiling, the day, no one stops them.

Prince Yang said: "Even if you are powerful, I am not your opponent. But this sacred plant I am ruined, I don't want you to get it, the North Palace is absolutely!"

One by one, they rushed toward the sacred sacred sect. They decided that the North Palace would not dare to kill them, which caused instability in the Beigong dynasty, so they came up with such a bad idea.

The clouds are also a little nervous, and the holy plants in front of them cannot be destroyed.

Ms. Qian’s eyes quickly caught the cloud and said: "You look at the North Palace."

It is obvious that some people are getting closer and closer to the holy plant, but the North Palace is very calm.

He looked at those people indifferently, just like watching the dead.

When the group of people was only ten meters away from the Beiling Lily of the North, the squatting land seemed to break into the abyss instantly, disappearing without a trace.

The reality that happened was too fast, and they finally had no time to scream.

Other people's faces have changed greatly. What is wrong with this?

Absolutely ghost!

They did not dare to approach, but they were eager for mercy with the North Palace.

"His Royal Highness, everything is forced by the Prince of the Sun. How dare we shoot against His Royal Highness?"

"We will leave immediately! Please also ask our Royal Highness to be angry with us."


The North Palace was indifferent and swept through them: "You are all the royals of the North Palace dynasty, but you always bother me with no effort. It is simply a locust of the North Palace dynasty. Usually you want to get rid of it. You will have some troubles. Now that you are dead yourself, come here, then I will let you go to death automatically, and you will have fewer annoying flies in the future."

"Hands! Let them go! They can disappear completely." The North Palace is absolutely cold.

"Yes! Your Highness!"

The North Palace has a lot of hands, and the North Palace is facing the next killer. These people are afraid.

No matter how humble the beggars are, the North Palace will never be ignored.

Their hearts were cold and their faces were horrified.

"Hey!" They were slammed into the ten-meter circle centered on the nine-day lily of the valley in the North, and disappeared without a trace, and none of them remained.

Mu Qiang’s low road: “The trap! It’s really a trap! A trap that cannot be broken.”

Yunxiao said: "The one holy plant, we can't take it. Millenium, we must find other ways."

"Mu Qianxi, you are here!" Yunxiao is trying to take Mu Qianxi away, but the North Palace has watched them in the direction of the past, and Mu Qian has moved.

Yunxiao wanted to hold her, but found that her hands and feet were trapped by blood-red thorns.

Not only him, but the rest of the Twilight Mercenary.

Mu Qian said: "You, the situation has changed, you can only make you wrong! I have to go, but that place is really dangerous, very strange, you do not move."

"You." This man of the moonlight looks at his eyes and looks at Muqian.

"I don't have any traps in the North Palace. I am enough to protect myself. You are on standby." Mu Qianxi whispered.

"Do you look at your master to die?" Yunxiao stared at the **** thorns.

"The master is very powerful!" broke the military.

"Yeah yeah! How can the urban master be afraid of the guy? A little confidence in the city owner." The **** thorny door also opened.

Other humanities: "Well! The city owner can do anything!"

That is the man who broke into a few prisons, even the dark magic prison can not be trapped, what trap can get the city owner.

For those who blindly admire the thousands of people, Yunxiao is helpless, hopefully as they say!

Mu Qiang went out and the North Palace had a flash of light.

He said: "It really is your handwriting, and thanks to you, I can smoothly let them disappear, and I don't have to be troubled by others."

Mu Qianqi asked: "The North Palace is absolutely straightforward. Let's talk about it! What do you want to do? That sacred north spirit nine days lily of the valley, I must get."

"You have also seen it. Anything that will disappear in the past will not be able to resist. But I can!" In the blink of an eye, the North Palace must appear next to the North Lingyun.

He did not disappear inexplicably and was intact.

He reached out and gently passed the pure white petals.

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