Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Vol 3 Chapter 3048: Reminded early

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Mu Qiang, they stopped, and she looked ahead: "Is it necessary to start? I thought you had to wait until we arrived at the Xilian Mountains. At that time, I guess I can directly inform the North Palace, let him give you I have a corpse."

"You are the one that makes the Prince's Highness look stunned. This face is so beautiful. I put your face on my face. Maybe Prince Edward can see me more." One exposed The woman in the pink long skirt with a large group of spiritual masters blocked their way, and the pair of eyes stared at Mu Qian.

Mu Qianxi sings the road: "Auntie, the North Palace is so arrogant and arrogant that even Ms. Mu Lin can't see it. You still don't want to hit his idea unrealistically."

This woman looks like a double-year-old, and the real age must be at least zero.

After listening to the words of Mu Qianxi, the face of the charming woman became cold and terrible.

Some of the partners she was with were also shocked.

They looked at Mu Qianxi with a stunned look, and the dark road to the Millennium is simply daring!

Even such a terrible femme fatale dare to provoke, and the end will be very miserable.

Her silver teeth, which was soaring in anger, bite: "This is a **** gimmick, I will deal with it, and others will hand it over to you."

If it was before, with her pride, she would not bother to have a film with a little girl with a spiritual order.

However, this little girl is too ignorant to see her, and she still has a sigh of relief.

She will torture her to death in the quickest and most cruel way.

A gorgeous streamer glides through the air, and a charming woman instantly appears in front of Mu Qian.

Yunxiao said: "Millennium, you are careful!"

Mu Qianyi was a teleport, avoiding her attack.

"Booming!" The power of terror burst open.

She stood in the air and said indifferently: "Dayu, a sixth-order spirit, and strength is like this. Kill me, dream!"

The charming woman is ten fingers and one move: "The sixth-order spirits have not entered the high-level spiritual respect, but the aging mother has more powerful tricks."

Between the counts, the bright red mist shrouded toward Mu Qian.

Some of her partners saw a big change in their faces, and they could not hide far away.

She only has the strength of the sixth-order spirit, but she can command the high-level spirit, not only because she is beautiful, but because she is poisonous.

Was shrouded in a poisonous mist, and Mu Qiang smiled. "It seems that you are not a person from the North Palace! Because if he is acting, he will never send a poisonian."

On the poison, the North Palace never played with her.

The North Palace naturally knows that the poison singer is coming, and it is completely sent to the head, unless the poison lord is the 9th-level spirit or the peak spirit.

The charming woman said: "That is the gentleness of the North Palace Prince, pity and jealous jade, do not want to make you a hateful woman too painful, so do not use poison, or where can you be a little girl for so long?"

"Soon, you will be poisoned, you can't be yourself, become the disgusting sorrow of Your Royal Highness..."

Her words have not been finished, and the power of darkness of horror has exploded.

"Dark light blade!"

"Boom!" A loud bang came out, and the red mist of the rose blossomed like a fireworks, scattered on this chaotic battlefield.

"Take a detoxification remedy!" Mu Qianxi hurriedly reminded others.

The people of the two major mercenary groups took the detoxifying medicinal herbs refining Mu Qian's refining and continued to deal with the enemy seriously. However, their enemies were not very good.

"Mei Xian, we got your poison, there will be nothing!" They are very jealous of this woman called Mei Xian.

"Do not worry! I will **** you out of the poison on your body, there will be nothing, a group of cowardly ghosts who are afraid of death." Mei Xian scorned the road.

Her charming flatter swept over Muqian: "I really look down on you, what is your baby? Is my poison not working for you?"

Mu Qian’s mouth twitched a smile. “I am a refining pharmacist, a more powerful pharmacist than the North Palace. Your little trick is completely a piece of cake for me.”

Mei Xian’s face showed an angry color. “A good arrogant tone! It’s absolutely impossible for a refining pharmacist who is more powerful than the Prince of the North Palace! Let you see my true ability, wait for you to beg for mercy, I also I will never let you go."

She worships a noble and powerful man. No one can match him in identity, status, talent or refining, so she does not believe in the words of the thousand.

Mu Qiang’s eyes are cold and cold. She said that she didn’t believe it. When she was killed by the pit, she could not vomit blood.

"Rumble!" Mu Qian's spiritual power broke out, with the majestic pure four elements of spiritual skills and Mei Xian's turbid rose red spirit.

Her four-line spiritual skills have been cultivated to the point where the fire is pure, even if the other party has raised her to a higher level, the two are difficult to distinguish, and the two slender figures are staggered in the air.

Mei Xian’s power is not her spiritual skill, but her poison in her spiritual power.

The enemy played against her, and the roots could not stop her poison from entering the heart and lungs.

Mei Xian counts the time, even if Mu Qian is a small and capable refining pharmacist, it is estimated that the poison has already taken over her body.

Soon she will fall to the ground, letting...

"Mei Xian!" A roar in the distance scrambled his thoughts.

She turned her head and saw that the other people turned into a red body and the face was also.

"Poison! Hurry and help me **** the poison out."

"What happened to your woman? It’s been a long time since I’ve picked up a spiritual sanctuary. It’s still a collective poisoning.”

"Hurry! I can't stand it."

Mei Xian’s eyes flashed through the horror, and opened her mouth. “This is impossible! I... I’m obviously taking it back! Isn’t it possible?”

Looked at the painful partner, and the still windy and light, beautiful, so that she is awkward.

"You...they, what did you do?" Mei Xian was shocked.

"My means of refining pharmacists at this level is not something you can see through the incompetent poison. I have already reminded you that you still use poison! But it is just helping me solve other people." Mu Qianxi smiled.

"Less smug!" Mei Xian sucked back the poison from the poisoned people, and a trace of mist fell to her fingertips.

She is busy now, and Mu Qian naturally picks up the plane and attacks her.

"burning the sky!"

"The water dragon is coming!"


"You! Damn! The danger of swearing." Mei Xian eyes fire.

While she is going to detoxify other innocent poisoning partners, she has to evade the thousands of attacks.

Not long after, she became very embarrassed.

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