Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Vol 3 Chapter 3051: Group of beasts to help

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Nine nights bowed in the face of Mu Qian’s ear: "When you want to rest, you will rest in peace. People who come, I will let them all disappear."

For the masters sent by the Eastern Emperor Dynasty, the nine nights are completely in the eyes, and it is not difficult to extinguish them in an instant.

Mu Qiang stood up and said: "I don't want this. It is too wasteful to use such a good resource directly into the ashes. I want them to be a tool to hone me, help me to become stronger, and have the power to destroy the East Emperor. Pusher."

The purple figure flashed and Mu Qian rushed out.

The elements of the wind work, and the whole person sneaked in the darkness like a ghost.

"Boom!" The amazing power directly shattered the entire temporary residence, but no one was killed or injured.

"Mu Qianxi ran!"

"Running is really fast enough! Find! Let the whole city find the land three feet to find out to the Emperor."

"Hey!" Numerous figures exploded in the city.

The treasurer of Linyueju stood on the ruins and said: "It is the emperor of the East Emperor. You can inform the president to compensate with the great emperor. We can't afford to live in the moon!"

The power of the undisguised power made the mercenaries of the entire city not fall asleep, and the Ghost Night Mercenary and the Twilight Mercenary Corps were ready to do so.

However, Mu Qiang only told one thing, that is, keeping the gate open.

A high-level spirit captured a purple figure, and he did not hesitate to send a message to the past: "Death!"

"Boom!" A loud noise came out, the entire street was broken, but the people he wanted to kill were gone.

The old man screamed: "Don't get away, it's really difficult!"

For Xiyuecheng, Mu Qianxi is more familiar than them.

With her powerful soul, she can perceive that they exist, borrowing environmental advantages and taking a group of people around.

Of course, the enemy was too intensive this time, and it was impossible for Mu Qiang to completely avoid it. She was discovered again.

"Booming!" The powerful spirits greeted Mu Qianquan without hesitation.

Mu Qianxi also did not hesitate to summon a three-headed beast to cope.

A thunderous sound like a smashing sky rang in the West Moon City, and it was full of momentum.

Many people also know that this is the head of the Ghost Night Mercenary, Mu Qiang, who was strangled by the emperor of the East Emperor.

Closer to the gate of the city!

"Hey!" When Mu Qianxi rushed out of the city, countless arrows hit.

The water element of Mu Qian’s erupted out of the cold channel: “Ice Spirit Shield!”

"Puff puff!"

A yellow figure flashed, blocking the way of the Millennium, the Emperor of the East.

He said: "I know that you will escape from the city. After all, whether it is your mercenary group or the Twilight Mercenary Group, you are not planning to help you. You have no choice but to escape from the city."

Mu Qian said: "Well! You guessed it right! But I want to go out of town, you can't stop me."

The words of Mu Qianxi have just fallen, and invincible, he shot a paw toward him.

"Invincible, I am the only one! My invincible claws. Specially shot flying people."

The emperor of the East Emperor felt great danger in the face of this behemoth, and the spiritual power was running fast and avoiding.

At the same time, there are also strong shots to kill Mu Qian.

Mu Qianxi quickly retreated, but the terrible killings used by the other party are not easy to deal with.

The dark elements broke out completely, and the Black Wing Shield blocked this terrible trick.


The whole city was shocked, and the emperor of the East Emperor said: "I know that you have a lot of good things for this woman, but there is no strength, and the foreign objects are stronger and you will die today."

As long as the father of the emperor admits to death, when other treasures will definitely fall into his hands, he will certainly make a big profit.

The four elements broke out, and invincible and Xiaohong made a strong deed to Mu Qian.

Between the lights and the fire, they have already played a lot of rounds.

At the moment when their attack was concentrated by the shield of the black, Mu Qian used the teleport to the outside of the city.

"Master! Come up!" The little ink ink opened the dark wings, and Mu Qian jumped up.

It instantly turned into a black spot in the air, and the East Emperor dynasty was naturally chasing after it.

The speed of the small ink is not slow, but the enemy has also quickly chased it with various abilities.

Before they are about to catch up, Mu Qian said: "Small ink, go down! There are still many familiar faces below, to say hello to them."

Xiyuecheng is familiar, and she is also familiar with the Xilian Mountains.

These people want to chase her, then she will play with them slowly.

"Little girl, you can't run away!" The first thing that appealed to Mu Qianxi was a seven-star spirit who was good at speed, and his hands were clawed toward Mu Qian’s throat.

Mu Qianyi evaded a moment, and then a fierce lion rushed toward the man.

"The beast!" he was alarmed.

"Hey!" Even if the encouragement was avoided, the body was drawn out of the blood of the lion's claws.

Mu Qiang grinned and said: "This guy will give you the food, remember to run but run! Don't kill yourself."

With a handful of it, a few bottles of medicine were thrown into its nest.

The dangerous pressure behind him followed, and Mu Qian jumped onto a big tree and flashed between the trees.

The lion has round eyes. Who wants to help her? It doesn't!

It just made it clear that she wanted to sneak a woman like this devil. How did she save her?

It is not enough for this woman to harm them once, and they have come to harm them.

If it can get out now. Be sure to tell other beasts to hurry and hide, can't afford it!

All the beasts that visited the area before the admiration of the millennium were alarmed. Mu Qianji was very friendly and assigned them to the enemy. By the way, he was given a healing medicine.

"Working hard for you?"

All the beasts vomit and vomit blood, this woman is too much.

They didn’t say that they had cleaned up before, but now they are still helping them to intercept her pursuers. They don’t want to be helpful at all!

“Hey!” The entire beast of the Western Mountain Range is squatting, and it’s just an appetizer.

Next, Mu Qianxi sacrificed the Tower of Eternity.

"Okay! You have enough in it, let me out now, block them for me!"

When I first searched for the 10,000-year-old fire grass, I put a lot of myths and beasts into the Aion.

Xuantian Beastmaster also feels that they have a chance to practice in the Aion. It is a good opportunity for her not to let go.

Now they need their help, and all of them are naturally released.

The number of these beasts was very impressive, and they cooperated with the group.

Soon, this group of people in the Eastern Empire faced a huge beast.

The emperor of the East Emperor was shocked: "What happened? Why are the beasts here helping the Millennium? When will the beasts help such a human being without any effort? It's weird!"

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