*Boom* *Boom*

The ship shook and rattled during the first explosion and then when the second came, Captain Dos was knocked off his feet.

He crashed to the deck and held onto the shaking vessel.  Once he heard the explosion, he knew that the worst had happened.

The rain began to fall as a dark storm cloud appeared overhead I.  Captain dos opened his eyes to see that there was a hole the size of a cannon ball in the deck, and it was only a few inches away from his face.

He breathed out a sigh of relief and got back up to his feet.  The wooden ship was creaking and groaning, the experienced captain could feel that it was slowly sinking as the vessel took on water. This didn't surprise him since the explosion was able to knock him off his feet.  He watched as only half of his men got back up.  Those who were able to stand were not in as good as condition as he was.  They were bleeding and wobbling around, some were even missing an arm or a hand.

He looked at the pirates who didn't get back to their feet.  A few of them were groaning while bleeding out on the deck, but the heavy rain that had just started was washing everything away. Most of the men who staid down were motionless.  As he watched, they turned gray and disappeared.

The front of the ship was starting to tilt up into the air while the back was taking on water and sinking.  Captain Dos thought about climbing towards the front and signaling Fleet Commander Richard, but he knew better than to expect that greedy man to come and save him.  That wasn't going to happen.

But he decided to climb anyway.  Not to ask for help, but to try and save himself and some of his men.  Even though Captain Uno wasn't doing well, maybe they could send a few rowboats to pick them up.  Both captains working together should certainly be able to deal with those pesky outsiders.

When he climbed to the bow of the ship that was starting to rise higher and higher, he used a hand to block out the harsh wind and rain from his eyes.  The sea below had turned pitch black and gave him an unnerving feeling.

His eyes darted between the two ships, hoping to find Captain Uno already sending help, but the man was nowhere to be seen.


Captain Dos heard a scream.  It sound like the man he was looking for.  He turned towards the water to see Captain Uno waving his arms and floundering in the water.  He seems to be fleeing something, but what was starange was that he wasn't running from the enemies ship.  He was swimming towards it.

"Toss a line.  Quickly toss a line."  Captain Uno yelled.  But he wasn't yelling towards Dos.  He was yelling towards the outsiders they were trying to kill.

The players moved towards the edge of the ship to see what was going on.  Some were considering tossing a line to the man.  It would be easier to get loot if he was killed on the ship after all.  But before they got a chance, a large tentacle stretched out of the water.  The tentacle itself stood over five meters out of the water before it slammed down and coiled around the pirate captain.

"HELP!!!!"  He yelled for a final time but wasn't able to say anymore because he was dragged under water.  Disappearing into the pitch black sea while a storm ragged above.

*Rumble* *Boom*

Thunder rolled and lightning struck towards the spot where the man had been dragged below.

The players were shocked to see a tentacle that they assumed belonged to a powerful creature.  They quickly backed away from the edge of the ship.

Captain dos wished he could retreat as well but his ship was becoming more and more submerged every second.  He didn't know what that tentacle belonged too, but he knew that it wasn't good.

*Creak* *Groan*

The sound of wood warping and being pushed to its limits resounded in the ears of the pirates on the sinking ship.

The fact that their ship had exploded was bad enough, but now a sever storm had come from nowhere and to top it off there was some sort of creature in the sea.  Captain Dos was certain things couldn't get any worse, but he didn't have the courage to say it out loud.

He used his hand to block the rain and looked out towards the horizon.  The fleet commander ship had already turned and was fleeing the area.  Captain dos knew that there would be no rescue party coming but it hurt to see his commander turning away and leaving him behind.

The ship began to sink faster, over half of the vessel was under water and the bow was starting to raise even higher.  The ship was turning vertical.

Captain Dos had sunken enough ships himself to know that once the rear filled with water and the ship turned completely vertical, they would start to go under fast.  What was worse was the fact that he had already missed his chance to escape.  There was no way for him to flee the area fast enough.  Once the ship went under it would cause a suction point where it went down, and the nearby water would be sucked down into the void that the ship created.  He would be taken underwater and there was nothing he could do about it.

Captain Dos's heart sank as he knew the end was near.  He took a deep breath and shut his eyes, hoping to say a final prayer.



He shook and opened his eyes.  He saw his men being pulled off the sinking ships as multiple tentacles began to shoot out of the water and wrapped around the pirates that were struggling to stay afloat.

"Captain! Help me!"

Captain Dos was powerless as the giant tentacles began to drag people into the water.  The captain closed his eyes and shut himself off from the world.  He had completely given up.  When he felt something coiling around him, he didn't resist.

He was pulled underwater as the tentacle wrapped tighter and tighter, he felt his bones crushing and his muscles being pulled apart.  The further he was dragged under water, the more he felt he was being dragged towards something.  Even though he was being whipped around violently, the silent ocean had given him a calm after he had been separated from the chaotic storm.

When he could bare it anymore, Captain Dos began thrashing about and sea water flooded into his lungs.  But he was helpless.  When the end was near and he was deep underwater, he saw it.  He saw his end.

The Kraken opened his mouth and Captain Dos didn't struggle as he was placed inside the beak. The kraken's mouth was shut and he never saw the light of day again. The captain who had severed with this fleet of pirates for over twenty year, the pirate who had raided countless ships, the man who feared no navy officer had finally met his end.  Captain Dos turned gray and disappeared.

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