Evolution Begins with a Scarecrow

Chapter 143 E-level mid-grade

I said. Qin Xiaofeng coughed slightly and interrupted the girl who was reading.

Huh? Are you okay? The girl looked back at Qin Xiaofeng and asked with a smile.

At the same time, the bloody spine holding the book in front of her suddenly began to squirm, helping the girl turn the page of the book in front of her.

It's okay, the cold will heal quickly. Qin Xiaofeng stood up and walked towards the edge of the platform.

But you've been drinking this tea for so long, why is it still full?

After Ji heard Qin Xiaofeng's words, he couldn't help but frown. Looking at the scarecrow looking down the platform, he felt an urge to kick him down in his heart.

You guys, your words are too hateful. Ji said with an unhappy face, pointing at himself: No carbon-based creature would be able to ask such a question after seeing the scene just now.

Following Ji's words, the Xue Ji on the side also moved up and down, as if to express his agreement.

I should be considered a carbon-based creature. Qin Xiaofeng looked at the straw all over his body and returned casually.

Suddenly, Qin Xiaofeng discovered that although the beeps in his mind were still constant, the commotion among the rats under the stone wall seemed to be much smaller.

Hey, it doesn't seem that noisy down there anymore. How long has it been now?

Qin Xiaofeng asked again and again while opening his own system.

I had just resisted the feeling of relief wholeheartedly, and had no intention of paying attention to the changes in my system.

The moment after turning on the system, Qin Xiaofeng suddenly saw the changes on his panel and couldn't help but froze on the spot.

I don't know! Don't ask me! Ji Qi returned, but when he saw Qin Xiaofeng who was stagnant in the same place, he couldn't help but become curious again.

Hey! Why are you in such a daze? Hey! Ji frowned, a look of confusion appeared on his small face, and even the Blood Thorn beside him bent, like a big question mark.

Ah. Qin Xiaofeng came to his senses, suddenly raised his palm and slapped his face hard. There was also a strange expression on the straw-covered face, and he didn't know whether he was crying or laughing.

What's wrong with you? Upon seeing this, Ji was startled and asked complainingly.

Ignore me, I want to be quiet. Qin Xiaofeng walked to the stone wall again, squatted on the ground with his legs in his arms, his whole body full of grievances.

Don't ask me who Jingjing is, I don't know.

You must be sick. Ji rolled his eyes, ignored Qin Xiaofeng, and continued to read the book in front of him.

Now Qin Xiaofeng really couldn't laugh or cry, because when he just opened the panel, he saw that his level had been upgraded to E-level mid-level since unknown time, and even the current one had a growth value of 100 million points. The progress bar has also increased by more than half.

However, in the Rat Nest, everyone has the invincible debuff - the gaze of the Rat King. Even if the strength of promotion increases, Qin Xiaofeng cannot feel it at all.

I may be the most failed cultivator, and I don't even know how to advance... Qin Xiaofeng muttered quietly. His tone was full of melancholy.

However, when Qin Xiaofeng was sorting out his notification sounds, he was surprised to find that the growth value provided by fear is not just as simple as the amount it seems. So far, Qin Xiaofeng's growth value has increased by about 80 million. And a full 50 million of the growth value is provided by fear.

Hehe, after looking at it, choosing this evolutionary direction is really a wise decision, hehehe.

You cry sometimes and laugh sometimes. What are you freaking out about? Although Ji didn't hear clearly what Qin Xiaofeng said, he could still clearly feel Qin Xiaofeng's emotional changes.

No...nothing. Qin Xiaofeng scratched his head, tried to change the subject, and said, Aren't you going to drink tea?

...Do you want to fight?

Ji's hands holding the tea cup suddenly froze, a crisp sound came from the cup, and a small crack appeared on the surface of the tea cup.

Children, don't fight all day long, it's too bad. Qin Xiaofeng stood up and walked towards the edge of the platform.

Hmph! Ji sneered at Qin Xiaofeng's words, but when he saw Qin Xiaofeng walking towards the outside of the platform, he couldn't help but said, Why are you going?

Go down and have a look. After saying that, Qin Xiaofeng didn't wait for the girl to reply, stepped on the air, and fell towards the dark broken wall.

Huh, okay, it's almost time to finish. Ji snorted softly and stood up.

As the girl stood up, Xue Ji in front of her hurriedly closed the book, wrapped it around the book and handed it to Ji.

Ji took the book, put it into the storage necklace on his chest, and walked towards the edge of the platform.


When Ji walked to the edge of the platform, she jumped down. At the same time, several blood thorns suddenly grew out of her calves and hooked on the corners of her skirt to prevent them from being blown away by the airflow.


As his body landed, Qin Xiaofeng's speed became faster and faster. When he was less than ten meters away from the ground, the corners of Qin Xiaofeng's mouth cracked, he held his hand in mid-air, and the Death Sickle appeared out of thin air.

The red blood energy was mixed with the black energy, surrounding the Death Scythe. A stroke of evil moon red hit the ground. The huge impact instantly knocked away the surrounding strange rats, and at the same time, Qin Xiaofeng continued to fight. The falling figure stopped.

Qin Xiaofeng's figure flipped in mid-air, holding the death sickle and landing on the flattened ground.

Hey, growth value~growth value. Qin Xiaofeng walked forward while carrying a sickle and playing a tune.

The ground was covered with the corpses of strange rats. All the strange rats below F level were basically dead. There were originally millions of strange rat mutants, but now only tens of thousands of high-level strange rats with injuries were left, still biting each other. With.

The poison of this little devil is really terrible. Don't offend her. Oh, that's not right. I seem to be immune to the poison. Qin Xiaofeng muttered in a low voice while harvesting the remaining strange rats: These green eyes Those with red eyes are probably poisoned. These red eyes seem to be normal.

As he spoke, Qin Xiaofeng's scythe fell and chopped the strange rat that kept rushing towards him into two sections.

Forget it, forget it. Qin Xiaofeng raised his scythe, and his big mouth made of straw opened into an extremely terrifying smile.

It doesn't matter if he's poisoned, it's all about growth anyway, so just kill them together.

As he spoke, Qin Xiaofeng's figure rushed out like a bolt of black lightning. The scythe passed through and cut off several entangled alien species. The bright red liquid gushed out like spring water.

Hmm. It stinks. Ji pinched his nose, stepped on a few high-rising blood thorns with his little feet, and couldn't help retching.

But that guy is so powerful. His strength may not be worse than that of the Rat King. If he is allowed to grow up...

Ji stared at Qin Xiaofeng, who was killing all the rats, with an inexplicable smile on his lips.

I really don't know if it's good or bad.

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