A majestic and stocky polar bear ran forward quickly like a cheetah.


The howling of wolves in the distance still did not stop.

Bai Yang's eyes kept flashing.

In nature, there are endless incidents of top predators snatching food. Here, whoever has a bigger fist can plunder at will. After all, this is not in human society, and there are not so many moral constraints!

This is the law of nature!

The era of the weak and the strong!

Bai Yang galloped all the way and slowly came to a huge rock.

He glanced sideways at the snow wolf in the distance.


The prey in front of Snow Wolf turned out to be two humans.

The two of them were seen wearing heavy down jackets, and it could be seen through their hair that they were a man and a woman.

The man was holding a shotgun in his hand. The muzzle of the gun was pointed at the snow wolf. It could be vaguely seen that the gun in the man's hand was shaking.

And the woman was holding a damaged one in her arms... Is this a camera?

Bai Yang could see that this was the camera he had damaged a few days ago.

It has a very unique shape, with a small windmill behind its butt. Of course, the small windmill is still stuck in the snowdrift where Bai Yang sleeps.

"Could it be that these two people have been spying on me and Mother Bear?"

Bai Yang thought in his heart.


At this time, Snow Wolf roared again and pressed forward step by step towards the two people in front of him.


There was a gunshot.

Bai Yang stretched out his bear paw and patted his forehead.

What kind of shooting technique is this? You didn't even hit it from such a close distance?


Looking at the snow wolf with his head lowered and the bloodthirsty light in his eyes staring at him, Ivan dragged Arcata and kept retreating.

"Arcata... I'll drag it later, you run!"


After hearing this, Arcata exclaimed and looked at Ivan in front of him in disbelief.

"Why, shoot again!"

"The gun jammed..."

Arcata: "..."

The gun jammed at the critical moment?


At this time, the two of them were still not close to the cruise ship, and it was impossible for them to outrun the snow wolf on the snow.

Although the snow wolf in front of me did not attack, but...

Arcata knew that it was waiting for the wolves!

By the time……

Arcata didn't dare to think about it anymore.

"Ivan, I'm sorry, it's all my fault! If it weren't for me..."


Before he finished speaking, he heard a deafening roar not far away.

Immediately afterwards, they saw a huge polar bear, like a fast white lightning, rushing in front of the two people in an instant.


The polar bear in front of him slapped the snow wolf in front of him aside.


It quickly pounced forward and bit the snow wolf's throat in one bite.


Bai Yang roared, biting the snow wolf's body and throwing it aside. He slowly turned his head and looked at the two humans in front of him quietly.

Both of them have high noses and blue eyes, which all indicate that they are from the Bear Country.

He slowly approached the two of them and sniffed around them.

Bai Yang smelled a familiar smell.

This is...the taste of beef!

That’s right!

Bai Yang slowly turned to the two of them.


He yelled at the two of them.

He raised his palms and his whole body stood up.

The 7-month-old polar bear is no less tall than an adult human when it stands up. Not to mention that Bai Yang is a polar bear that has grown so quickly. At this time, its height is completely half a head taller than the two of them.

Looking at the polar bear standing upright in front of them, Ivan and Arcata stepped back and fell to the ground.

It’s really appalling!

"It's over..."


The sharp paw of the polar bear in front of him whizzed over and knocked the shotgun out of Ivan's hand.


Feel the heavy breathing coming from the polar bear's mouth.

Both of them were trembling slightly and pursed their lips tightly.

If you meet the Arctic Overlord here, let alone the gun in your hand, even if you have a shotgun in your hand, you will not be the opponent of the polar bear. You will only be...


The polar bear in front of me did not attack the two people, but smashed the camera to pieces with one palm.

This action is somewhat familiar!

Arcata looked at Bai Yang's skillful movements, and a figure suddenly flashed in his mind.

He stared carefully at the polar bear in front of him.

Arcata was finally sure that the polar bear in front of him was the one he wanted to record, and it was also the culprit that destroyed more than a dozen of his cameras.


After Bai Yang crushed the camera completely, he slowly turned the bear's head and got between the two of them.

At this time, there were still traces of Snow Wolf's blood on the hair at the corner of his mouth.

He bit down the backpack in front of the woman and pulled it over.

He stretched out a bear paw to hold down the backpack, and with a sharp tug of his mouth, he instantly tore the backpack open.


In a sealed bag in the backpack, a piece of cooked beef as big as a fist was wrapped inside.

Bai Yang lowered his head and bit out the cooked beef. He pressed it gently with his two bear paws, gently opened the packaging bag with his sharp teeth, rolled his tongue, and rolled the beef into his mouth.


Just one sentence!

It smells so good!

How long has it been since I tasted cooked food?

Bai Yang glanced at the panel in his mind.

No evolution value added!

It seems that this kind of processed cooked food cannot add evolution points.


After swallowing the beef in one mouthful, he pulled the backpack with his mouth and poured out all the contents. Looking at what fell out, Bai Yang was speechless for a moment.

Apart from a piece of beef, there were only a few compressed biscuits in the entire backpack!

After tearing apart several biscuits again, he swallowed them in one gulp.

Ignoring the two people, he slowly walked towards the snow wolf corpse in the distance.

Picking up the body in his mouth, Bai Yang glanced sideways at the two of them and slowly walked away.

Not a bad harvest today!

After catching a snow wolf carcass, the mother bear must be shocked when she goes back!

Moreover, after this time, these two people should not peek at themselves again!

Watching the polar bear in front of me slowly disappear into the snow.

Ivan and Arcata looked at each other with disbelief in each other's eyes.

"This...Arcata, the expression on this bear just now was contempt, right?"

Ivan said softly.

It simply subverted his three views!

A trace of contempt can be seen in the eyes of a polar bear?


"It should be so!"

At this time, Arcata looked at the beef seal bag that was torn open on the ground and took a deep breath.

I can't believe it!

Polar bears are not monkeys living in a zoo and do not have that much experience with humans!

How to open the sealed bag?

"No, this polar bear is very intelligent. I must go back and contact my mentor immediately..."

"Maybe this polar bear's brain has grown differently!"

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