Evolution of Slime to Peak

Chapter 47 Sudden Encounter With Flame Snake

Running in the wild, Ren had a cloth wrapped around his waist that was full of cores. One cloth wrapped on his back was heavy and big.

In the eerie forest, the sight of wolves was normal. There were snakes, animals, and some low-level monsters. But since Ren's hands were full, he was lazy to fight with those wolves.


Suddenly, a warm wind blew toward Ren and a hot ball hit his face. The sudden hit startled Ren as his steps missed the branch and he fell to the ground.

Before he could land, his lands stretched and wrapped around the branches. Stretching his hands more, he slowly landed on the ground.

His face was burnt to a crisp and only black ashes lingered. The ashes were blown away and new skin instantly regenerated. Ren frowned as a snake crawled toward him. The snake was no ordinary snake, its head emitted red flame and its body burnt the grass. A trail of black grasses could be seen behind the snake. Not only that, its body was bigger than the earth's biggest snake. 10m, Ren could be sure that it was longer than 10m.

Its size was confusing, an illusion of it shrinking and expanding played, but that wasn't a problem for now.

The snake wasn't there for idling, it had locked Ren as its target. The flaming snake jumped at Ren, its mouth big enough to gobble him in one go.

Ren jumped back and used super strength. Stretching his hands and wrapping around the branches, he hanged. Swing back and forth, he got a steady motion.
The snake hissed angrily and again jumped at Ren. Its intelligence wasn't good as it didn't learn from its previous mistake.

Ren jumped, and the snake hit the tree. Blackfliping mid-air, Ren landed on the snake's body steadily. Forming a fist, he started hitting the snake's back.

Even with super-strength, the snake body was tough. How much he hit, the force was spread across its body, and the flame decrease the damage.

His hands and legs wobble, and blue liquid dripped. The melted part regenerated. The snake didn't let Ren hit it. The snake jumped and belted itself around the tree.

Ren couldn't help but jump from the snake's body. Before he could land, some fireballs fell down at him. He avoided them but the grassland didn't.

The fire didn't burn the grass except, the fire turned into liquid-like lava that started flowing around burning everything on touch. Even rock was melted down, that much dangerous the lava was.

Ren was scared a bit, the snake was a strong opponent for him as he had only fought with a wolf and bunny which were miles apart from his strength. In short, he had only bullied the weak and hadn't faced the strong.

The snake changed its mind and crawled on top of the tree. Nodding its head, a gust of wind blew around it. The wind lit in fire and the fire wind rotated generating warm air all around the place.

The flaming wind descended on the ground. The force attracted small plants as their root couldn't hold the soil tightly. The rating flaming wind moved toward Ren, but as it was not enough, the snake jumped on the tornado.

It sat on top of the tornado and threw a lava ball. The lava ball along with the tornado surrounded Ren.

He cast a homemade fireball at the lava ball. Both ball collided and exploded mid-air, the lava scattered around the place and melted anything it touched.

Plants burnt down so did the trees. Grasses burnt into ashes and barren land started to take form. Call it a miracle or the power of magic, but as the trees burn, they were reborn. The leaves grew again and covered the naked branches.

The burnt tree came back to life, and all the greenery that was being burnt gained its greenery again. The fire that was reading around extinguished. The wind that took the form of a tornado also scattered. Wind air blew and all the heat disappeared. A moderate temperature again filled the forest.

The snake hissed but didn't mind much like it was used to it. Ren was surprised as his eyes widen. The brows were raised and he couldn't help but look around in disbelief. Remembering, he was in a fantasy world, he took it as a common thing and faced the snake.

The snake was tough for sure, but Ren wasn't an easy opponent too. His regeneration was a pain in the ass for the snake while the snake's tough skin was a pain for Ren.

The snake strength was great too. Ren's fist collided with the flaming snake's tail, but except for the snake to be thrown back, Ren took ten steps back instead. He was also using super strength, so even with this, his strength evenly match the snake.

Ren was exhausted from all the fighting. The cloth back still was hanging, as the cloth was made from Ren's skin.

It was handy since it was like a bonus skill for him. He could turn his skin into any color which was another advantage of his transformation skill.

Both the snake and Ren were tired. The snake hissed softly and wobbled around. Ren also felt his body tired, his stamina and mana drained.

While he was much better in condition than the snake, he didn't have the will to continue fighting with the snake. Both of them had created a mess in the forest, but the mess was solved automatically and it returned to the way it was.

After a while, the snake lost its will to battle and crawled in the opposite direction. Ren looked at the fading shadow of the snake and returned to the city.

The city was thriving as always. The bustling of people on the market was a common sight while hunters and adventurers were normal too. Ren mixed with the crowd and headed to the adventure guild.

He sold the cores to the guild, the girl receptionist wasn't that surprised to see the piles of cores. Instead, she was used to it. She calmly processed the cores and gave Ren his money.

Ren headed back to the inn and ate a luxurious lunch. He returned to his room and jumped on the bed falling in a deep sleep.

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